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郑州地区的经济飞速发展,给郑州市场的企业带来了巨大的发展机遇。作为 九阳小家电郑州市场的唯一经销商,LZ公司曾经享受到了经济发展带来的红利。 但是近年来受到全球经济的负面影响,整个小家电行业的发展增速减缓,LZ公 司的经营也受到了一定的压力,加之经营成本增长,LZ公司的营销策略需要做 进一步的改善。 本文对相关文献进行了总结,根据国内外小家电营销现状,并通过访谈及问 卷调查的方式,从多维度采集到最真实的数据,根据数据所显示的问题,根据营 销相关理论对LZ公司目前的营销策略进行了研究。在分析LZ公司的营销问题 时,发现该公司存在产品更新迭代速度快,客户购买存在犹豫;销售渠道单一, 消费者陷入选择迷茫;产品推广不足,促销方案不系统;客户服务质量差,沟通 有待加强;产品迭代升级,样品积压,上新压力大;销售成本上升过快等问题, 在分析该公司产品的宏观、中观及微观环境后,确定了该公司经营所处的郑州市 场经济环境、小家电行业环境及竞争者情况,为该公司的营销策略改进方案奠定 了基础。本文利用STP战略及4P策略分析工具,对该公司的营销策略提出了具 体的改进意见,从产品组合、产品定价、产品营销渠道及产品促销方案4个方面 对该公司营销策略方案进行了优化升级。并根据LZ公司的实际情况,给出了4 条保证措施建议:以客户为中心,提升员工专业素质;完善营销组织架构;完善 创新激励制度;加强客户关系管理。 本文从经典营销理论汲取经验,深入分析LZ公司营销策略存在的问题,并 根据具体问题给出合理的改进建议,对于该公司营销策略的现状及存在问题具有 针对性,因此对该公司下一步的营销策略有具体的参考意义,同时对小家电行业 的发展也具有一定参考价值。 关键词:小家电;营销策略;郑州市场;营销管理 河南财经政法大学硕士学位论文 II Abstract The rapid economic development in Zhengzhou has brought tremendous development opportunities to enterprises in Zhengzhou market. LZ Company, as the only authorized dealer of Jiuyang Company in Zhengzhou market, has benefited hugely from the high-speed economic development. However, in recent years, due to the negative impact of the global economy, there is a low trend of the growth rate of the entire small home appliance industry. Besides, the operation of LZ has also suffered from a certain stress. In addition, the marketing strategy of LZ needs to be further improved due to increasing operating costs. This article summarized the relevant literature, and in this paper, according to the marketing status of small home appliances at home and abroada method of questionnaire survey was used to collect first-hand data. After we analyzed the data, with the help of marketing theories, the current marketing strategy of LZ Company was studied. When we analyzed the marketing problems of LZ Company, it was found that the company has a rapid product update iteration speed and customer hesitation; single sales channels, consumers are confused about choices; insufficient product promotion and unsystematic promotion schemes; poor customer service quality, and communication needs to be strengthened; iterative product upgrades, sample backlogs, and new pressures; sales costs rose too quickly. After analyzing the macro, meso, and micro environments of the company's products, the market and industry environments in which the company operates were determined. And competitors, laying the foundation for the company's marketing strategy improvement program. This article used STP strategy and 4P strategy analysis methods to propose specific improvements to the company's marketing strategy, and optimized the company's marketing strategy program from four aspects: product mix, product pricing, product marketing channels, and product promotion programs. At the same time, it also gave suggestions for related safeguard measures.According to the actual situation of LZ company, four assurance measures are proposed: customer-centered, 河南财经政法大学硕士学位论文 III improve the professional quality of employees;Improve the marketing organization structure;Improve the innovation incentive system;Strengthen customer relationship management. This article drew experience from classic marketing theories, analyzed deeply the existing problems in the marketing strategy of LZ Company, and gave some reasonable suggestions for improvement, which pointed out the existing problems of the company's marketing strategies. Therefore, it is meaningful for the company's marketing strategy. At the same time, it also has certain reference value to the development of small home appliance industry. Key words: Small Home Appliance; Marketing Planning; Zhengzhou Market; Marketing Management 河南财经政法大学硕士学位论文 IV 目 录 摘要 .......................................................... I ABSTRACT ....................................................... II 1 导论 ......................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 ............................................ 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ............................................. 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ............................................. 1 1.2 研究思路及方法 ............................................ 2 1.2.1 研究思路 ............................................. 2 1.2.2 研究方法 ............................................. 3 1.3 研究内容 .................................................. 4 2 理论基础及文献综述 ........................................... 4 2.1 理论基础 .................................................. 4 2.1.1 STP理论 ............................................. 5 2.1.2 4P理论 .............................................. 5 2.2 研究现状综述 ............................................. 6 2.2.1 国内研究现状 ......................................... 6 2.2.2 国外研究现状 ......................................... 7 2.2.3 文献综合评述 ......................................... 8 3 LZ公司营销现状调查及问题分析 ................................ 8 3.1 LZ公司简介 ............................................... 8 3.2 LZ公司九阳小家电营销现状 ................................. 9 3.2.1 LZ公司九阳小家电类型及特点 .......................... 10 3.2.2 LZ公司九阳小家电营销现状 ............................ 10 3.3 LZ公司九阳小家电营销现状调查 ............................ 12 3.3.1 访谈调查 ............................................ 12 3.3.2 问卷调查 ............................................ 16 3.3.3 资料与数据的收集与处理 .............................. 20 河南财经政法大学硕士学位论文 V 3.3.4 数据结果分析 ........................................ 29 3.4 LZ公司九阳小家电营销存在问题分析 ........................ 30 3.4.1 小家电更新换代速度快,客户购买存在犹豫 .............. 30 3.4.2 销售渠道单一,消费者陷入选择迷茫 .................... 31 3.4.3 产品推广不足,促销方案不系统 ........................ 31 3.4.4 客户服务质量差,沟通有待加强 ........................ 31 3.4.5 产品迭代升级,样品积压,上新压力大 .................. 32 3.4.6 销售成本上升过快,资金压力增大 ...................... 32 3.5 本章小结 ................................................. 33 4 LZ公司九阳小家电营销环境分析 ............................... 33 4.1 郑州市场环境分析 ......................................... 33 4.2 小家电行业环境分析 ....................................... 34 4.3 竞争对手分析 ............................................. 36 4.3.1 电商平台竞争者 ...................................... 36 4.3.2 其他品牌竞争者 ...................................... 37 4.4 本章小结 ................................................. 38 5 LZ公司九阳小家电营销策略优化设计 ........................... 39 5.1 STP战略分析 ............................................. 39 5.1.1 市场细分 ............................................ 39 5.1.2 目标市场的选择 ...................................... 42 5.1.3 市场定位 ............................................ 42 5.2 产品策略 ................................................. 44 5.2.1 产品组合策略 ........................................ 44 5.3 价格策略 ................................................. 46 5.3.1 定价方法 ............................................ 46 5.3.2 定价策略 ............................................ 47 5.4 渠道策略 ................................................. 48 5.4.1 营销渠道的选择 ......................................