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当下,发展农村电子商务已经成为国家精准扶贫战略下,为解决农业产业升 级、农产品进城、农民增收、农业增效、农村发展等问题的重要的新路径。农产 品电商市场也已经日益成为各大电商巨头抢滩的“新大陆”。在面对“智慧物流+ 电商金融”发展大潮的冲击中,有着百年品牌积淀和速递物流业务得天独厚优势 的“绿色巨人”——中国邮政,正经历着自身业务转型升级的机遇和挑战。 面对农产品电商近乎“红海”的市场格局,邮政集团着眼于破解县域乡镇地 区“工业品下乡”和“农产品进城”的实际难题,早在2010年起中国邮政便通过 合作、授权、加盟等多种方式,以小型便民超市为基础,搭建了线下农村电商服 务网点,并推出了以“邮乐网”为主的农产品电商平台。但中国邮政集团在发展 农产品电商的过程中仍存在着:平台销售的农产品标准化和品牌化程度低、电商 发展主题与运行机制之间存在矛盾、专业化运营人才缺乏、大数据手段挖掘应用 不足等诸多亟待解决问题。因此,能否跳出运行机制和管理体制的桎梏,最大限 度地激发农产品电商发展动力和市场活力,充分发挥出邮政集团资金雄厚、物流 成熟的优势是中国邮政集团是否能够实现跨越式发展的关键。 本文着眼于农产品电商可持续发展的角度,以中国邮政集团长久以来“服务三 农”的经历和传统优势作为切入点,对中国邮政农产品电商发展的现状进行概括, 并通过总结“邮乐网”项目的案例经验,对中国邮政集团农产品电商平台发展过程 中存在的痛点和病因进行分析。此外,本研究还依托农产品电商“6F”优化组合战 略理论,结合着对中国邮政内部管理体制和电子商务市场环境的探讨,同时融入本 人在实际工作中遇到的具体问题及相关观察思考,对农产品电商发展趋势和中国邮 政农产品电商发展策略开展分析和整理。旨在从分析总结出的困难点出发,为中国 邮政在农产品电商模块发展提出品牌、管理、人才、协同等多方面的应对策略和建 议,以期能够为推动中国邮政的农产品电商事业发展提供一些策略方面的参考。 关键词:农村;电子商务;中国邮政;农村电商 中国邮政发展农产品电商的对策研究 I Abstract At present, the development of rural e-commerce has become an important new path under the national precision poverty alleviation strategy to solve the problems of agricultural industry upgrading, agricultural products entering cities, increasing farmers' income, agricultural efficiency, and rural development. The agricultural e-commerce market has also increasingly become a "new continent" for major e-commerce giants to grab the beach. Facing the impact of the development trend of "smart logistics + e- commerce finance", China Post, a "green giant" with a century-old brand accumulation and speed logistics business, is experiencing the opportunities and challenges of its own business transformation and upgrading. Facing the market pattern of the "Red Sea" of e-commerce for agricultural products, the Post Group aims to solve the practical problems of "industrial products going to the countryside" and "agricultural products entering the city" in county and township areas. As early as 2010, China Post adopted cooperation, authorization, Various methods such as joining, based on small convenience supermarkets, set up offline rural e-commerce service outlets, and launched an agricultural e-commerce platform based on “ULE”. However, China Post Group still exists in the process of developing agricultural e-commerce: the standardization and branding of agricultural products sold on the platform is low, there are contradictions between the development theme of e- commerce and the operating mechanism, the lack of professional operation personnel, and the application of big data mining Many problems need to be solved urgently. Therefore, whether it is possible to step out of the shackles of the operating mechanism and management system, maximize the development momentum and market vitality of agricultural e-commerce, and give full play to the advantages of the Post Group's strong capital and mature logistics is the key to whether China Post Group can achieve leapfrog development. This article focuses on the sustainable development of agricultural e-commerce, and uses China Post Group ’s long-term experience of “serving agriculture, rural areas and farmers” and its traditional advantages as a starting point to summarize the current situation of the development of China ’s postal agricultural e-commerce. The case study of the “ULE” project analyzes the pain points and causes of the development of China Post Group ’s agricultural e-commerce platform. In addition, this research also relies on the "6F" optimized combination strategy theory of agricultural e-commerce, combined with the discussion of China Post's internal management system and the e- commerce market environment, and at the same time incorporates the specific problems Abstract II and related observations I encountered in actual work. Analyze and sort out the development trend of agricultural product e-commerce and China Post agricultural product e-commerce development strategy. The purpose is to start from the difficulties summarized by the analysis, and propose strategies, recommendations, and other aspects for China Post's agricultural product e-commerce module development in the aspects of branding, management, talents, collaboration, etc., with a view to providing China Post's agricultural product e-commerce business development some strategic references. Key words: rural areas; e-commerce; China Post; rural e-commerce 中国邮政发展农产品电商的对策研究 1 目录 导论 .............................................................................................................. 1 一、研究背景与研究意义 .............................................................................. 1 二、文献综述 ................................................................................................. 2 三、研究思路与方法 ..................................................................................... 6 四、研究内容及论文框架 .............................................................................. 7 五、本文可能的创新和不足之处 ................................................................... 9 第一章农产品电子商务概念界定及相关理论 .......................................... 10 第一节农产品电子商务相关概念........................................................................ 10 一、电子商务的概念 ................................................................................... 10 二、农产品电子商务的概念 ........................................................................ 10 第二节农产品电子商务平台 ............................................................................... 11 一、农产品电子商务平台分类 .................................................................... 11 二、农产品电子商务平台发展模式 ............................................................. 12 第三节农产品电商“6F”优化组合战略 ................................................................ 13 一、农产品电商“6F”优化组合战略的内涵 .................................................. 14 二、基于“6F”战略的农产品电商发展新思路 .............................................. 15 第二章中国邮政发展农产品电商的现状研究 .......................................... 18 第一节农产品电商产业发展现状........................................................................ 18 一、农村电子商务普及发展现状 ................................................................. 18 二、国家电商战略和“快递下乡” ................................................................. 20 第二节中国邮政集团业务发展现状 .................................................................... 21 一、中国邮政电商“一体两翼”的经营发展战略........................................... 22 二、“农村电子商务+普惠金融”的推进和深化 ............................................ 22 第三节中国邮政集团发展农产品电商的优势 ..................................................... 23 一、拥有自营的庞大速递物流网络 ............................................................. 23 二、金融服务“三农”多年的实践积累.......................................................... 25 三、民企电商难以企及的“跳远能力”.......................................................... 26 第三章邮政农产品电商发展的