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Marketing Strategy Research of Corporate Deposit
of XY Bank Dalian Branch
Since the impact of the global new crown epidemic, people’s lives and habits have
changed, and the real economy and financial market have been strongly impacted. Economic
growth has slowed down, monetary policy has been relaxed, the central bank has continuously
cut interest rates, and the state has continuously promoted the recovery of production, life and
economy through macro-control and market regulation. Faced with such a grim and complex
financial situation, how the banking business through marketing strategies and tools to enhance
the development of public deposit business, in the new competitive environment to stand out
has become particularly important.
This paper first introduces the research purpose, research significance, research ideas
and research methods, and then inquires the relevant theories and literature review as well as
the development status of domestic and foreign banking marketing to understand the current
development status of banking marketing and marketing strategies. Secondly, the Industrial
Bank of Dalian branch behavior research object, in-depth analysis of the overall situation of
public deposits and public deposits marketing present situation and existing problems are
analyzed, found that the existing problems and understand the reasons for the existence of the
problem, and then through PEST analysis, SWOT analysis tools, from the external
environment and internal environment two dimensions, through the analysis of policy,
economy, society and science and technology and the analysis of public organization structure,
product structure, customers and business personnel, understand the current situation,
combined with their own advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats analysis, as the
basis to develop market development strategy. Again, through the customer types of target
market segmentation, it is worth mentioning that the government institutions because of its
political and particularity is no longer within the scope of this study, mainly to analyze the
enterprise customers, determine the target customers suitable for the development of Industrial
Bank Dalian Branch at this stage. Then, the marketing strategy of public deposits is
formulated through the four dimensions of product strategy, price strategy, channel strategy
and promotion strategy. Finally, several corresponding safeguard measures are put forward to
ensure that the marketing strategy can be successfully implemented.
In the era of rapid changes in the financial market reform, the competition in the
banking market is more intense, the homogenization of products is serious, customers have
higher requirements for banking services, and the economic development in Dalian is
depressed. At the same time, the frequent outbreak of non-performing assets and other factors
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have put forward a test for the development of commercial banks. The Dalian Branch of XY
Bank is a late-established joint-stock bank in Dalian, with relatively weak customer base and
shallow qualifications compared with other banks. Therefore, the marketing of public deposit
business in Dalian Branch of XY Bank is full of more challenges. It is hoped that through the
research of this paper, the problems existing in the marketing of public deposits in Dalian
Branch of XY Bank can be found out, and the theoretical analysis method is used for in-depth
analysis. Finally, combined with the 4P marketing theory, the personalized and characteristic
marketing strategy scheme can be put forward for the market in Dalian, which can provide an
important reference for the marketing of public deposits in Dalian Branch of XY Bank.
Key words: Industrial Bank Dalian Branch; Public deposits; Marketing strategy
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摘 要............................................................................................................................I
Abstract .............................................................................................................................II
1 绪论............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 本文的研究背景.............................................................................................. 1
1.2 本文的研究意义.............................................................................................. 2
1.3 本文的研究思路与方法.................................................................................. 2
2 相关理论与文献综述................................................................................................. 5
2.1 市场营销相关理论.......................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 STP理论............................................................................................... 5
2.1.2 4P营销理论.......................................................................................... 6
2.1.3 SWOT分析........................................................................................... 8
2.1.4 PEST分析模型理论............................................................................. 9
2.2 文献综述........................................................................................................ 10
2.2.1 国外市场营销概述............................................................................. 10
2.2.1 国内市场营销概述............................................................................. 11
3 XY银行大连分行对公存款营销存在的问题和原因............................................ 14
3.1 XY银行大连分行概况和发展现状............................................................. 14
3.2 对公存款业务的发展和营销现状................................................................ 15
3.3 对公存款营销存在的问题............................................................................ 16
3.3.1 产品支持薄弱..................................................................................... 16
3.3.2 价格没有优势..................................................................................... 16
3.3.3 渠道开发能力弱................................................................................. 17
3.3.4 基本没有促销行为............................................................................. 17
3.4 对公存款营销问题的原因分析.................................................................... 17
3.4.1 产品目标市场定位不准确................................................................. 17
3.4.2 定价部门间协同能力差..................................................................... 18
3.4.3 考核激励及业务指引不完善............................................................. 18
3.4.4 营销人员素质及能力欠缺................................................................. 20
4 XY银行大连分行对公存款营销环境分析............................................................ 22
4.1 对公存款营销的外部环境分析.................................................................... 22
4.1.1 政治环境分析..................................................................................... 22
4.1.2 经济环境分析..................................................................................... 23
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