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随着政府提出“大众创业、万众创新”的口号,我国小微企业的生长环境在 不断优化,小微企业对社会的反哺效果也逐渐显现。它发挥着稳社会、促民生的 积极作用,已成为社会主义市场经济不可或缺的重要组成部分。随着小微经济的 快速发展,小微企业在我国企业中也占据了较高比例,但受我国经济发展方式调 整等客观因素的影响,其在未来发展及经营上受到了巨大挑战。由此集中凸显了 一批问题,如:融资难、融资贵、税负高、开支大等,这也引起了党中央的高度 重视。因为在经济由“数量优先”向“质量优先”转变的过程中,特别需要小微 企业在其中发挥的作用。他们可以为国家经济输入新鲜血液,带来增长的活力, 以促进经营量质齐优的增长,因此国家提出支持小微企业发展的决策对国内经济 发展具有深远意义。 在我国,小微企业的融资方式主要为间接融资,即银行贷款,直接融资的占 比很小。而对于商业银行来说,小微企业因具有规模小、抗风险能力弱等“先天 不足”,导致银行的放贷意愿不强,进而造成了小微企业融资难的局面。 H银行S分行银行要进一步做好小微企业金融服务工作,助力小微企业快速、 健康发展。但是,现阶段推进小微企业信贷业务依然面临着收益低、风险大、成 本高等诸多困难。因此,对小微企业信贷风险管理进行精细化、有效率的管控, 已成为S分行拓展小微企业信贷金融服务的必然要求。发展小微企业业务和加强 S分行风险管控能力的关键在于提高风险管理水平,降低信用风险。 本文以H银行S分行小微企业贷款风险管控为研究对象,从该行小微贷款 业务实际经营情况入手,结合业务实操过程中对于风险管理控制措施的需求,通 过实地走访、发放调查问卷进行调查,分析其在业务经营中存在的主要问题以及 产生问题的主要原因,提出具有实际操作性的风控建议,在提高风险管控能力的 基础上更好的开展小微企业贷款业务。 关键词:H银行S分行;小微企业贷款;风险管控 ABSTRACT As an important part of the main body of the socialist market economy, small and micro businesses play an important role in prospering the market, promoting employment, improving people's livelihood and maintaining social stability. , micro, small and medium enterprises in our country enterprise and the proportion of high, but our country to speed up the transformation of the pattern of economic development, adjust the objective factors, the influence of micro, small and medium enterprises in our country in recent years the immense pressure facing the survival and development, a few small micro enterprise management difficult, higher costs in production and management, financing difficulties, labor shortages and tax burden overweight problem is outstanding, has caused the central attaches great importance to. In the context of "ensuring growth, adjusting structure, promoting reform and benefiting people's livelihood", we need to vigorously develop small and micro businesses, use their rapid response and innovation capabilities to transform traditional industries and give birth to new industries, inject vitality into the economies of countries with economies in transition, stimulate economic development, and release the dividends of reform. Therefore, the decision made by the state to support the development of small and micro enterprises has far-reaching significance for domestic economic development. At present, the financing channels of small and micro enterprises in China are relatively narrow. Enterprise development funds are generally through indirect financing, the vast majority of financing is through the bank. However, due to the inherent problems of small and micro enterprises, such as small scale, low credit rating, irregular financial management and insufficient mortgage guarantee, it is difficult for them to obtain bank financing smoothly, thus leading to capital shortage. In addition, due to the small micro enterprise anti-risk ability is weak, the commercial bank's support for small micro enterprise also is relatively limited, in addition to their own needs in the credit risk management and improve the small micro enterprise financing approval threshold, further restrictions on the size of the small micro enterprise financing, exacerbating the small micro enterprise financing difficulties, make small micro enterprises are facing increasingly distress of money shortage. H Bank S Branch should further improve its financial services for small and micro H银行S分行小微企业贷款风险管控硏究 3 businesses to help them develop rapidly and healthily. This is a social responsibility that must be undertaken by banks and also a key link in the development of inclusive finance. However, at the present stage, small and micro enterprises still face many difficulties in promoting credit business, such as low profit, high risk and high cost. Therefore, it has become an inevitable requirement for S Branch to develop credit and financial services for small and micro enterprises to carry out refined and efficient control of credit risks of small and micro enterprises. How to reduce credit risks, improve the level of credit management, and enhance the profit space is the fundamental place to develop the loan business of small and micro enterprises, and also the key to the credit risk control of S branch. Based on the bank of H, S small micro enterprise loan risk control measures as the research object, from the running situation of the small loan business, combining with the field of business process in the demand for risk management control measure, through field visits, questionnaires investigation, analysis of the main problems of its in the business. To solve these problems, analyze the root cause, and on this basis, a targeted discussion and analysis of the optimization of risk control measures, designed to improve credit risk management level of the bank of H, S, promote its small micro enterprise credit service ability, and at the same time of strengthening the safety management in their own money to the vast number of small micro enterprises to provide more perfect financial service system, fully meet the financing needs of small enterprises. KEYWORDS:S Branch of H Bank; Small and micro enterprise Loans; Risk control 目录 摘要 .................... I ABSTRACT ....... II 目录 ................. IV 第一章 绪论 1 第一节 研究背景 ....................... 1 第二节 研究意义 ....................... 2 第三节 国内外研究现状 ......... 2 一、国外研究现状 ................ 2 二、国内研究现状 ................ 4 三、研究现状述评 ................ 6 第四节 研究的内容与方法 ..... 6 一、研究内容 ......................... 7 二、研究方法 ......................... 8 第五节 研究的创新之处 ......... 9 第二章 理论基础 .................... 10 第一节 贷款风险及类型 ....... 10 一、信用风险 ....................... 10 H银行S分行小微企业贷款风险管控硏究 3 二、操作风险 ....................... 12 三、法律风险 ....................... 13 第二节 贷款风险相关理论 ... 12 一、信用理论 ....................... 12 二、篮子理论 ....................... 13 三、信息不对称理论 .......... 14 第三章 H银行S分行小微企业贷款业务概况 . 16 第一节H银行S分行简介 ... 16 第二节 H银行S分行小微企业贷款现状 ....... 16 一、H银行S分行小微企业贷款规模 ......... 16 二、H银行S分行小微企业贷款的行业分布 .......................... 17 三、H银行S分行小微企业贷款的业务流程 .......................... 18 第三节 H银行S分行小微企业贷款业务存在的风险 ............... 16 一、H银行S分行小微企业不良贷款余额逐年增加 ............. 16 二、H银行S分行小微企业贷款不良率逐年提高 ................. 20 三、H银行S分行小微企业贷款质量下迁 21 四、H银行S分行小微企业贷款担保条件弱化 ...................... 22 第四章 H银行S分行小微企业贷款风险管理存在的问题 ........... 24 第一节 访谈 .............................. 24 目录 4 一、访谈样本 ....................... 24 二、访谈提纲 ....................... 24 三、访谈结果 ....................... 24 第二节 问卷调查 ..................... 25 一、问卷设计 ....................... 26 二、样本选择与调查实施 26 三、调查结果分析 .............. 26 第三节 风险管理存在问题的成因分析 ........... 30 一、对非财务信息的敏感性弱 ...................... 30 二、信息不对称 ................... 32 三、对现金流量数据的调查流于形式 ......... 33 四、集中度管理不完善 ..... 34 五、审查仅在调查完成后进行 ...................... 34 第五章 H银行S分行小微企业贷款风险管控优化建议 ......