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随着中国社会长期的经济稳定发展和人民生活水平的日渐提高,餐饮服务业发展迅 猛,尤其是西餐发展速度最快,西式快餐业的发展环境和条件更趋成熟,发展前景更加 广阔。近年来,餐饮企业之间的的竞争形态发生了很大的变化,已经从单店的竞争、品 牌的竞争,发展到连锁店规模化的竞争。移动互联网的兴起也使得餐饮企业的营销方式 发生了很大的变化。餐饮企业从最原始的被动营销模式转向主动营销模式,从网络营销 模式转向基于移动互联终端的微信营销模式。 本商业计划书计划在二三线城市策划一个连锁餐饮品牌——HS 牛排连锁餐厅(暂定 名)。项目分三期共 15 年,2 年创业期、3 拓展期和 10 年发展期。计划用 5 年时间完成 在汕头 4 家门店的布局,并将成功的商业模式复制到其他城市,到第十五年,实现在 10 个城市拥有 50 家以上的门店。本文从 HS 牛排连锁餐厅的首家门店入手,全面介绍项目 概况,特别针对日渐普及的移动互联网分析阐述了微信营销的新策略。 此外还对项目的市场与竞争环境、外部的机会与威胁、内部的优势与劣势,进行了 综合的分析,并制定了相应的竞争策略和营销策略,进而对项目进行了详细的财务预算 与分析以及对整个项目的风险进行了综合的分析和阐述,提出相应的风险防范对策。 整个商业计划书是对 MBA 所学专业知识的综合运用,从实际情况出发,微信营销的 新思路有助于帮助投资者通过商业模式的创新赢得市场先机,详细的财务分析和风险分 析有助于帮助投资者判断项目的发展前景,市场竞争策略和营销策略的分析有助于帮助 投资者理清思路,搞明白企业应该做什么、怎么做、怎样才能做好的问题,将企业的发 展战略与企业的管理规程和任务结合起来,使之真正指导企业的经营管理。 关键字,牛排,餐饮连锁,商业计划书II ABSTRACT With a long-term social stable and economic development, the Chinese people's living standards is rising, the food service industry is developing rapidly, especially for the western-style fast food. The develop environment and conditions of western-style fast-food industry become more and more ripe. And the prospect is more and more brighter. In recent years, the competition form between catering business has undergone great changes, the competition has grown from single store competition brand competition, to chain and scale competition. The mobile Internet also causes great changes to the marketing method of catering business. Marketing of catering business is develop from the passive mode, which is most primitive, to the active mode, then the network marketing mode to the Wechat mode. The business plan is planning to manage chain restaurant brand in the middle cities --HS steak chain restaurant. The 15-year project includes 3 stage: 2 years for pioneering period, 3 years for expand period, 10 year for development period. We plans to use the first five years to setup 4 stores in Shantou, and then copy the successful business model to other cities, our goal is setup more than 50 stores in 10 cites. This business plan descript the project for the first store of HS steak chain restaurant in detail, especially discuss the wechat marketing strategy for the mobile Internet which is more and more popular. We also analyze the project in detail: the market and the competitive environment, the external opportunities and threats, internal strengths and weaknesses, then make a corresponding competitive strategy and marketing strategy, after that, we make project budget and financial analysis, at last, we analyze the risk of the project and propose appropriate risk countermeasures. This business plan utilizes the expertise of MBA courses. From the actual situation, the Wechat marketing ideas is helpful for the investors to gain market advantage through innovative business models; Detailed financial analysis and risk analysis is helpful for the investors to determine the project's prospects; Competitive strategy analysis and marketing strategy analysis is helpful for the investors to clarify the idea for company of what to do, how to do, how to make it well. After combine the development strategies and the management procedures together, which is really useful for the enterprise management. Keywords: steak, chain restaurant, business planIII 目录 目录 摘要.I ABSTRACT ... II 目录.....III 图表清单....V 第一章、绪论..1 1.1 研究的意义和方法... 1 1.2 主要研究内容..... 2 1.3 文献综述. 2 第二章、项目概况6 2.1 项目选址. 6 2.2 产品和服务... 7 2.3 目标客户. 8 2.4 场地规划. 8 2.5 组织架构. 9 2.6 激励机制. 9 2.7 本章小结..... 10 第三章、市场与竞争分析....11 3.1 市场分析..... 11 3.2 竞争环境分析... 12 3.2.1 直接竞争者... 12 3.2.2 替代者.... 12 3.2.3 消费者.... 13 3.2.4 供应商.... 13 3.2.5 潜在的进入者.... 14 3.3 本章小结..... 14 第四章、SWOT 分析与竞争战略选择...15 4.1 机会. 15IV 4.2 威胁. 15 4.3 优势. 16 4.4 劣势. 16 4.5 竞争战略选择... 17 4.6 本章小结..... 18 第五章、营销策略....19 5.1 移动互联网时代的营销..... 19 5.2 市场细分及目标市场选择. 21 5.3 市场定位和差异化. 21 5.4 产品定位与促销政策.... 22 5.5 微信营销的实施..... 23 5.5.1 建立微网站.. 23 5.5.2 培养粉丝团.. 24 5.5.3 培养顾客粘性.... 24 5.5.4 微信订座 24 5.5.5 自助下单 25 5.5.6 快速用餐 25 5.5.7 品牌维护 25 5.6 本章小结..... 26 第六章、财务预算与分析....27 6.1 财务预算..... 27 6.1.1 项目投资预算.... 27 6.1.2 项目营收预测.... 28 6.1.3 成本和费用估算 29 6.1.4 项目损益和现金流估算 30 6.2 财务分析..... 31 6.2.1 静态分析 31 6.2.2 动态分析 31 6.3 本章小结..... 32 第七章、风险防范....33V 7.1 风险的定量分析 33 7.1.1 单因素敏感性分析.. 33 7.1.2 多因素敏感性分析... 34 7.2 风险的定性分析..... 35 7.2.1 管理风险. 35 7.2.2 经营风险 36 7.2.3 财务风险 37 7.2.4 市场风险 37 7.3 本章小结..... 38 结论....39