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作者签名: 签字日期: 2016 年 月 日DEED OF DECLARATION
I, Zhang Dongyi hereby submit my MBA dissertation for oral defense, entitled
Research on the Brand Building Strategy of Foshan Television Station and truthfully
declare that the above-titled case analysis is a product of my original research
I further declare that, should the school eventually discover that a substantial portion
of my dissertation is lifted, into to, from original sources, using exactly the words of
the author in more than 20 % of the whole content, I reserve the right to Guangdong
University of Foreign Studies to recall my MBA Diploma and cancel the degree
granted to me.
Signed this day of April 30, 2016 at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies,
Guangzhou, China.
MBA CandidateIII
Three years of postgraduate life are about to come to an end. I feel kind of relieved
when thinking of traveling between two cities at weekends and also reluctant to leave
at the thought of what I have learned in classes and care from my supervisor and those
people who I have made friends with.
My thanks first go to my experience of taking all the classes that I have signed up for
at my postgraduate life. Over the past three years, I have not only acquired new
knowledge, got the opportunity to think deeply and promoted my dialectical thinking,
but also I have improved myself a lot, which have exerted favorable effects on my
current work, life and friendship and enabled me to get positive energy in the future
and help and influence other people. My sense of identity and pride of my alma mater
is increasing every day and its prestigious brand makes me feel very proud.
I must thank my luck to have Professor Yang Xiaoyan as my supervisor. Professor
Yang is not only a good teacher but also a kind friend who has both high morality and
professionalism. Her kind, patient and considerate guidance on our study and
psychology have made it a happy thing to get along with her. She has influenced me
to follow in her footsteps, spreading kindness and helping other people.
I would also thank my classmates. With similar interests, we have enjoyed every class,
actively discussed our group work, cared for each other and made good friends for the
last three years. I feel really happy for having such sincere friendship.IV
I must express my gratitude to my family members for their support, which is the
foundation for me to enjoy study. They have freed me from other worries, stood by
my study and often encouraged me.
I would also like to acknowledge my leaders for giving me the chance to further my
study and to my colleagues for their encouragement. With their help, I managed to
strike a balance between study and work.
In conclusion, I would like to take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude
to all the people mentioned above.V
In recent years, Chinese TV stations at all levels are faced with problems and
challenges including their adherence to outdated practices, rigid mechanisms,
repetition of the same type of TV shows and competition between old and new media.
Therefore, they are struggling to survive.
Prefecture-level TV stations, due to their special features such as limited coverage and
discordant needs of their audience and clients, are confronted with even more
Moreover, it’s proved that brand building is of great significance to all levels of TV
media and successful stations in this regard such as CCTV, Phoenix TV and Hunan
TV exert a positive effect on prefecture-level TV stations in their way to survive the
severe situation and better develop themselves through brand building.
This thesis studies FSTV by starting with the analysis of its problems about brand
building, exploring its strategy in this regard and focusing on its feasible practices in
using new media to integrate marketing resources in the New Media Age.
The main body of this thesis is composed of six parts. The first part introduces the
backgrounds, objectives, significance and methods of the research and the logical
relations among different parts. The second part is the literature review, in which basic
concepts mentioned in the article and findings in related literature are summarized and
shown. The third part is the case description of FSTV and introduction to its
development history, course of brand building, brand image and problems of brand
building. The case analysis in the fourth part shows the status quo of China’s
prefecture-level TV stations as well as the target audience and competition of FSTV.
The fifth part comes up with basic suggestions on FSTV’s brand positioning as well
as the marketing and communication strategy employed to build a powerful brand
image. The sixth part arrives at the conclusion and enlightenment of the thesis. The
author believes that the customer-based brand equity (CBBE) theory systematically
guides the building of a powerful brand image and FSTV can make efforts to build
such brand image from six respects with the help of new media in integrating
marketing resources for TV media.
Keywords: prefecture-level TV stations, brand equity, brand positioning, brand image,
new mediaVI
摘 要





FSTV: Foshan TV Station
CPC: the Communist Party of China
CCTV: China Central Television
CSM: CSM Media Research
CBBE: customer-based brand equity
NPC: the National People’s Congress
CPPCC: Chinese People’s Political Consultative ConferenceVIII
目 录.........X
表 目 录.........XIII
图 目 录..........XV
Chapter I Introduction.........1
1.1 Research Backgrounds.......1
1.2 Research Objectives...........2
1.3 Significance of the Research.........3
1.4 Research Methods..3
1.5 Main Contents and Logic Structure..........3
Chapter II Literature Review..........4
2.1 Customer-based Brand Equity Theory.....4
2.2 Brand Positioning and Marketing Strategy..........5
2.3 Brand Strategy of Mass Media......6
2.4 Influence of New Media Tools on Traditional Media.....6
Chapter III Case Description.......... 8
3.1 General Introduction to FSTV...... 8
3.1.1 Historical Development Stages......8
3.1.2 Major Channels, Columns and Projects...10
3.1.3 Host Team of FSTV...........15
3.1.4 Documentary Studio of FSTV......17
3.2. Brand Image Building Process of FSTV...........18
3.2.1 Initial Stage of FSTV Brand Building.....18
3.2.2 Awakening Stage of FSTV Brand building.........19
3.2.3 Rapid Development Stage of FSTV Brand Building..... 20
3.3 Problems of the Brand Building of FSTV......... 21
3.3.1 Adverse Effects after Integration..21
3.3.2 Cognitive Bias and Lack of Overall Thinking....21
3.3.3 Insufficient Emphasis on Brand Positioning.......22
3.3.4 Old-Fashioned Modes and Channels of Brand Promotion.........22
Chapter IV Case Analysis.24
4.1 The Status Quo of China’s Prefecture-level TV Stations......... 24IX
4.1.1 Dilemmas Facing China’s Prefecture-level TV Stations24
4.1.2 Competitive Landscape of Prefecture-level TV Stations...........25
4.1.3 Profit-generating Conditions of Prefecture-level TV Stations...27
4.2Analysis of Target Groups of FSTV (Audiences)..........28
4.3Analysis of Competition of FSTV..........29
4.3.1 Competition with TV Stations at Other Levels...29
4.3.2 Competition against Other Local Media..31
4.3.3 Competition against New Media..32
4.4 Evaluations of Brand Image of FSTV....32
4.4.1 Brand Awareness of FSTV33
4.4.2 Social Image of FSTV.......35
4.4.3 Brand Loyalty of FSTV....35
4.4.4 FSTV’s Self-assessment on Its Brand Image......36
4.5 Analysis on Brand Positioning of FSTV37
4.5.1 Highlight Down-to-Earth Local Culture..37
4.5.2 Promote Public Service and Undertake Social Responsibilities37
4.5.3 Build a Bridge to Deliver the Voice of the Party and Government.......37
4.5.4 AMedia Platform for Promoting Brands.38
4.5.5 Innovate the Platform and Build Omnimedia..... 39
Chapter V Suggestions......40
5.1Foster Brand Awareness of the Staff.......40
5.2 Dynamic Brand Positioning of the FSTV..........40
5.3 Build an Authoritative and Responsible Image.42
5.4 Establish Comprehensive System...........43
5.5 Highlight Distinctive Projects.....44
5.5.1 Foshan 50-KM Hiking......45
5.5.2 Miss Zhujiang Pageant and Environmental Protection Tour.....46
5.6 Build the Image of Broadcasters, Hosts and Hostesses Elaborately....48
5.7 Make Use of New Media to Strengthen Brand Image..48
Chapter VI Conclusions and Enlightenments......50
6.1 Main Conclusions of the Thesis..50
6.2 Management Enlightenments......51
6.3 Deficiencies and Future Research Directions of the Thesis.....51
目 录
摘 要.........V
目 录.........X
表 目 录.........XIII
图 目 录..........XV
1 引言..........1
1.1 选题背景.... 1
1.2 研究目的.... 2
1.3 研究意义.... 3
1.4 研究方法.... 3
1.5 主要内容和逻辑结构.......3
2 文献综述..4
2.1 基于顾客的品牌资产理论...........4
2.2 品牌定位与营销策略.......5
2.3 大众媒体品牌战略6
2.4 新媒体工具对传统媒体的影响...6
3 案例描述..8
3.1 佛山电视台简介....8
3.1.1 历史发展阶段......... 8
3.1.2 主要栏目和项目...10
3.1.3 播音主持团队.......15
3.1.4 纪录片工作室团队...........17
3.2. 佛山电视台品牌形象建设历程..........18
3.2.1 佛山电视台品牌建设的“朦胧”阶段......18
3.2.2 佛山电视台品牌建设的“觉醒”阶段......19
3.2.3 佛山电视台品牌建设的“高速”阶段......20
3.3 佛山电视台品牌建设存在问题...........21
3.3.1 整合后各频道品牌建设发展水平参差造成不良影响21
3.3.2 品牌理念认知偏差和整体品牌建设思维缺乏.21
3.3.3 品牌定位重视不足导致差异化优势不明显.....22
3.3.4 品牌推广模式和渠道陈旧..........22
4 案例分析24
4.1 我国地级市电视台生存和发展现状...24
4.1.1 地级市电视台的困境.......24
4.1.2 地级市电视台的竞争格局..........25
4.1.3 地级市电视台的经营创收情况.27XI
4.2 佛山电视台目标受众(收视群体)分析........28
4.3 佛山电视台竞争分析.....29
4.3.1 其他级别的电视媒体竞争..........29
4.3.2 本地其他媒体竞争...........31
4.3.3 新媒体竞争32
4.4 佛山电视台品牌形象评价........32
4.4.1 佛山电视台的品牌知名度.........33
4.4.2 佛山电视台的社会形象. 35
4.4.3 佛山电视台的品牌忠诚度.........35
4.4.4 佛山电视台对品牌形象的自我认知....36
4.5 佛山电视台的品牌定位分析.....37
4.5.1 贴地气诉佛山情怀...........37
4.5.2 弘扬公益坚守社会责任...37
4.5.3 搭桥梁传播党政声音.......37
4.5.4 传播品牌形象的媒体平台..........38
4.5.5 创新平台建“全媒体”.......39
5 基本建议40
5.1 树立全员品牌意识......... 40
5.2 做好电视台的动态品牌定位.....40
5.3 树立权威和负责任的电视台整体形象42
5.4 建立品牌有机体系......... 43
5.5 突出特色项目品牌......... 44
5.5.1 佛山五十公里徒步...........45
5.5.2 珠江形象大使竞选及公益环保行..........46
5.6 精心打造播音主持形象.48
5.7 充分利用新媒体手段树立品牌形象....48
6 结论与启示.........50
6.1 论文的主要结论.50
6.2 管理启示.51
6.3 论文的不足与未来研究方向....51
Table 5-1 List of Ratings and Market Share of Miss Zhujiang Pageant Final in the
Past Decade
Table A-1 List of FSTV’s Major Awards in 2015XIII
表 目 录
表 5-1 珠江形象大使精选总决赛晚会十年收视及市场份额一览表
表 A-1 佛山电视台 2015 年获得主要奖项一览表XIV
Figure 3-1 FSTV Program Coverage
Figure 3-2 He Xiaowei, Hostess of News at 6:30 P.M., Fatty (Zhang Yumin), Host and
Endorser of Fatty Liquor, a Business Partner of FSTV, and Yao Weiqiang, Host of
Xiaoqiang’s Hotline
Figure 4-1 Characteristics of Target Audiences in Foshan (2015)
Figure 4-2 Rankings of Major Evening TV Programs in Foshan (2013)
Figure 4-3 Rankings of Market Share of all TV Channels in Foshan (2014)
Figure 4-4 Trends in Ratings of Competitive Rivals of FSTV (2015)
Figure 4-5Analysis onAudience Ratings of FSTV Public Channel (2014)
Figure 5-1 Characteristics ofAll-day Audience in Foshan (2015)
Figure 5-2 Utilization of All-day Programs of FSTV (2015)
Figure 5-3 Relations among FSTV Brands, Channel Brands, Program Brands, Project
Brands and Well-known Hosts
FigureA-1 Screenshot of CCTV’s Coverage of FSTV’s 50-km Hiking
FigureA-2 Screenshot of WeChat Moments Offered by Some Participants
FigureA-3 Screenshot of Xingtongji Lantern Festival Live Gala on WeChatXV
图 目 录
图 3-1 佛山电视台节目覆盖区域图
图 3-2 《630 新闻》主播何小薇、为佛山电视台合作品牌“肥佬酒”代言的主持人
图 4-1 佛山地区受众特点(2015)
图4-2 佛山地区晚间主要节目类别频道排名(2013)
图4-3 佛山地区所有频道市场份额排名(2014)
图4-4 佛山电视台实力上升对手收视走势(2015)
图4-5 佛山电视台公共频道收视分析
图 5-1 佛山地区全天观众特点(2015)
图 5-2 佛山电视台全天节目资源利用情况(2015)
图 5-3 佛山电视台品牌、频道品牌、栏目品牌、项目品牌和主持人品牌间关系图
图 A-1 中央电视台报道佛山电视台五十公里徒步活动行视频截图
图 A-2 部分参与者向佛山电视台微信公众号提交的朋友圈截图
图 A-3 佛山电视台“行通济”元宵节晚会暨直播项目微信直播界面截图1