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农业发展银行H市分行青年员工激励改进研究 研究生姓名:严小晶导师姓名:蒋团标 学科:工商管理研究方向:人力资源管理年级:2021级 摘要 作为我国唯一一家农业政策性银行,农业发展银行各经营机构不同程度地面临着人 力资源数量相对不足、领导班子年龄老化、高层次经营管理人才以及核心专业人才缺乏 等问题,随着在经济发展大环境下承担的社会责任和政治使命任务不断拓展,经营管理 的规范化、数字化、精细化等要求不断提高,农业发展银行的人力资源改革需求愈发迫 切┮捣⒄挂蠬市分行于2015年升格为地市级二级分行,当前40岁以下青年员工 占比超过四分之三,员工年龄结构“两极化”趋势突出,业务体量增长率远远高于人力 资源数量的增长率,近年来业绩突出、人才紧缺的特征明显,人少事多矛盾日益突出, 具有一定的典型性和代表性淙唤昀锤骷读斓肌⑾喙毓ぷ魅嗽痹谌绾蔚鞫⒒釉惫? 工作积极性,激励青年骨干干事创业、担当作为上进行了不少思考,也采取了一些有效 措施,但员工的激励约束不够,尤其是青年员工工作压力较大、激励动力不足等问题长 期显著存在,青年员工激励仍然是该行人力资源管理中较为突出的薄弱环节迫? 战略和经营目标,对青年员工激励进行研究并提出改进建议,从而丰富和推广激励理论 在政策性银行中的应用,对实现员工及企业的可持续性发展,具有较强的现实意义。 从农业发展银行H市分行的人力资源情况和青年员工激励现状出发,通过匿名问卷 与抽样个别访谈等方式开展调查,分析当前H市分行青年员工在薪酬福利、个人成长、 员工培训、精神激励、工作环境等五个维度的满意度水平。调查结果表明,H市分行青 年员工的激励满意度整体水平不高,在薪酬奖金、职业晋升、培训效果、荣誉激励上的 满意程度偏低,反映出H市分行在青年员工激励方面的多个问题:一是绩效管理不合理, “能者多劳”与员工“躺平”现象同时存在,员工评价体系建立缺失;二是奖金发放不 公平,没有真正实现绩效工资与员工贡献挂钩,做到“多劳多得”;三是“能岗匹配” 不到位,职业生涯规划方面存在一些限制青年员工个人成长的因素;四是培训效果不理 想,学工矛盾较为突出;五是工作环境中的不满意因素持续存在,企业文化聚合作用发 挥还不够明显。 I 产生这些问题的原因主要是:绩效管理机制不够健全,绩效评价的体系复杂与对象 缺失同时存在,绩效管理难以精细化开展,导致员工的权责利匹配不紧密,绩效评价结 果运用不充分;薪酬福利设计缺陷导致绩效奖金发放不够科学,出现绩效优但奖金少的 现象,薪酬影响因素作用弱,激励时效性不佳,政策延续性不强;职业生涯规划重视不 够,受到整体人力资源不足影响,在发展理念、方式方法、制度执行上均有所欠缺,员 工晋升存在“天花板”,容易引发职业倦怠现象;培训活动投入不足,组织不够到位, 缺乏效果跟踪与反馈,在时间安排、计划执行、活动形式等方面还没有达到青年员工预 期水平;业务高速发展需要等因素导致机构对员工权益盪狭Χ炔蛔愕任侍猓苍谝欢? 程度上削弱了青年员工的工作热情,导致当前激励效果不佳。 针对这些问题及原因,向农业发展银行H市分行提出具体的青年员工激励改进建 议皇且呕ㄐЧ芾硖逑担饕墙⒓ㄐе副晏逑担涫祷辜霸惫ぜㄐЧ芾硪? 求,并充分运用绩效考核结果;二是通过行员等级工资改革等优化员工薪酬结构,健全 工资总额与考核评价、绩效工资与业务效益同向联动的机制,使青年员工的工资收入与 岗位职能和业绩贡献紧密挂钩,通过规范政策依据、广泛征求意见等方式优化福利制度, 体现以人为本的理念,提高福利待遇水平;三是提高职业生涯规划的重视程度,加强对 青年员工的发展与培养,帮助和引导青年员工价值追求,开展胜任力评价,不断优化人 力资源使用,深化“选用察育管”一体化选人用人机制;四是在健全培训需求调研和组 织管理制度的基础上发挥培训激励作用,提高青年员工理论素养与实践水平;五是盪? 青年员工的权益,进一步营造公平开放的工作氛围,增强青年员工的文化认同,促进青 年队伍和谐。 青年员工激励将是农业发展银行特别是H市分行面临的长期课题,通过具体的管理 制度和政策基础形成良好的人文环境和精神体验,更具有激励效果的人力资源工作能够 进一步发挥青年员工的无限潜能,激活组织活力,创造新的价值。 关键词:政策性银行;青年员工;激励 II Abstract As the only agricultural policy bank in China,each operating institution of Agricultural Development Bank is facing the problems of relatively insufficient human resources,aging leadership teams,lack of high-level management talents and core professionals to varying degrees,etc.As the social responsibilities and political missions undertaken in the economic development environment continue to expand,and the requirements for standardization, digitalization and refinement of operation and management continue to increase,the need for human resources reform of Agricultural Development Bank becomes more and more urgent. The need for human resources reform of the Agricultural Development Bank has become more and more urgent.HBranch of Agricultural Development Bank of China was upgraded to a second-tier branch at the prefecture level in 2015,and the current proportion of young employees under 40years old is more than three-quarters,with a prominent trend of "polarization"in the age structure of employees.The contradiction of more and more people is becoming more and more prominent,which has a certain typicality and representativeness. Although in recent years,leaders at all levels and relevant staff have taken many measures in how to mobilize and play the enthusiasm of the staff and motivate the young employees to work and take charge,the incentive restraint of the staff is not enough,especially the problem of high work pressure and insufficient motivation of young staff has existed for a long time,and the incentive of young staff is still a prominent weak link in the human resource management of the bank.It is of great practical significance to study the motivation of young employees and propose improvement and optimization measures around the banks strategy and business goals to achieve the sustainable development of employees and the enterprise. The survey was conducted by means of anonymous questionnaires and individual interviews to analyze the satisfaction level of young employees of Hbranch in five dimensions,including salary and benefits,personal growth,staff training,spiritual motivation and working environment.The survey results show that the overall satisfaction level of young employees of Hbranch is not high,and the satisfaction level of salary and bonus,career promotion,training effect and honor incentive is low,which reflects the problems of young employeesincentive in Hbranch:the performance management is unreasonable,and the phenomenon of "more work for those who can"and "laying flat"for employees is not reasonable.First,the performance management is unreasonable,the phenomenon of "those IIIwho can work more"and the phenomenon of "laying flat"exist at the same time,and the staff evaluation system is not established.Second,the bonus payment is unfair,and performance is not really linked to achieving "more work,more pay".Third,the "ability to match posts"is not in place,and there are factors limiting the personal growth of young employees in career planning.Fourth,the training effect is not satisfactory,and the contradiction between students and workers is more prominent.Fifth,the unsatisfactory factors of the working environment persist,and the cooperation of corporate culture is not obvious enough. The main reasons for these problems are:the performance management mechanism is not sound enough,the system of performance evaluation is complicated and the object is missing at the same time,it is difficult to carry out performance management in a fine way, the matching of power,responsibility and benefit is not close,and the application of performance evaluation results is not sufficient;the defective design of salary and benefits leads to the distribution of performance bonus,excellent performance but little bonus,weak influence of salary factors,poor timeliness of incentive,and weak policy continuity.Career planning is not enough attention,affected by the overall lack of human resources,lack of development concept,methods and system implementation,"ceiling"for staff promotion, burnout;insufficient investment in training activities,not enough organization,lack of effect tracking and feedback,in time arrangement,plan implementation,activity Insufficient investment in training activities,insufficient organization,lack of effect tracking and feedback, and not reaching the expected level of young employees in terms of time arrangement,plan execution,and form of activities;insufficient protection of employeesrights and interests due to business development needs also weaken the enthusiasm of young employees to a certain extent,resulting in bad motivation effect of young employees. In view of these problems and reasons,we propose specific measures to improve the incentive of young employees to HBranch of Agricultural Development Bank of China.First, the performance management system should be optimized,mainly by establishing a performance index system,implementing institutional and employee performance management requirements,and making full use of performance appraisal results.Second,the salary structure of employees should be optimized through the reform of the ranking salary of bank employees,etc.,and the mechanism of linking the total salary with appraisal and evaluation,performance salary with business efficiency should be improved,so that the salary income of employees is closely linked with their job performance and actual contribution,and the salary structure of employees should be optimized by standardizing the policy.Third,to IV 。。。以下略