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F集团是专业从事计算机、通讯、消费性电子等 6C产品研发制造,广泛覆盖数位
转型迫在眉睫。作为劳动密集型企业的 F集团,为加快转型升级步伐,F集团董事长亲
战略,亟需一批数字化人才作为支撑,于是将集团培训领头羊 F学院升级为 F企业大
然而,升级后的 F企业大学的组织战略和结构并未跟随集团战略进行相应地调整与
尽完善,不能很好地匹配集团战略发展对数字化人才的需求。同时,由于 F企业大学在
本文便以 F企业大学面临 F集团数字化战略转型为背景,以 F企业大学在开展培训
深入地剖析,从而提出建议和对策。论文首先通过 F企业大学培训组织管理案例的介绍
题分析,找出 F企业大学的根本问题所在,主要包括:战略目标与角色定位未进行优化
制定了相关对策和建议,帮助 F企业大学找到在集团数字化转型背景战略下,组织结构
优化设计的办法,使 F企业大学的角色定位、战略目标、部门结构及职能设计能更好地
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数字化转型下 F企业大学组织结构设计案例研究
A Case Study on Organizational Structure Design of F Enterprise
University under the Digital Transformation
F Group is a comprehensive high-tech enterprise specializing in the R & D and
manufacturing of 6C products such as computers, communications and consumer electronics,
and widely involved in digital content, automotive components, channels, cloud computing
services, and the development and application of new energy and new materials. Under the
impact of informatization and digitization, the international and domestic market competition
is increasingly fierce, and the digital transformation of traditional enterprises is imminent. As a
labor-intensive enterprise, F Group, in order to accelerate the pace of transformation and
upgrading, the chairman of F Group personally laid out the digital transformation strategy,
which is divided into three steps: F1.0 (Current situation optimization), F2.0 (Digital
transformation), and finally F3.0 (Transformation and upgrading). The Group urgently needs a
group of digital talents as support for its digital transformation, therefore, F College, the training
leader of the Group, was upgraded to F Enterprise University, which is regarded as the general
base of the group's digital talent development and innovation training.
However, the organizational strategy and structure of the upgraded F Enterprise
University have not been adjusted and upgraded according to the group's strategy. The existing
organizational structure lacks a department connected with the group's strategy, and there is no
full-time department responsible for training needs development, resulting in the lack of
strategy and business orientation of training, the lack of pertinence of training design, and the
imperfect function of organizational structure, which can not well match the needs of the
group's strategic development for digital talents. At the same time, the role and function
orientation of F Enterprise University in the digital transformation strategy have not been
changed accordingly with the group strategy, so it can not fully play the roles and functions of
employee development consultants, business partners, affairs experts and change promoters,
and can not effectively provide talent support for the group's digital transformation strategy. So,
it is urgent to redesign the organizational structure.
Based on the background that F Enterprise University is facing the digital transformation
of F Group, taking the typical case that the organizational structure reflected by F Enterprise
University can not meet the needs of Group digital transformation in the process of training as
the research object. This thesis makes an in-depth analysis of the problem by using strategic
human resource management theory, ADDIE training system model and organizational
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structure design theory, So as to put forward suggestions and countermeasures. Firstly, this
thesis introduces the training organization management case of F Enterprise University, which
leads to the research focus of this thesis, and then combs a large number of literature reviews
at home and abroad, uses these theories to analyze the problems, and finds out the fundamental
problems of F Enterprise University. It mainly includes: the strategic objectives and role
positioning are not optimized and upgraded, the lack of demand orientation of organizational
business leads to insufficient pertinence, the lack of overall coordination and cooperation
between departments leads to poor organizational business operation effect, and the lack of
effective resource support leads to low organizational business development efficiency. Finally,
the thesis formulates relevant countermeasures and suggestions to help F Enterprise University
find ways to optimize the design of organizational structure in the context of the group's digital
transformation strategy. By optimizing the organizational structure design, the role orientation,
strategic objectives, department structure, and functional design of F Enterprise University can
better support the targeted development of training business and the improvement of training
value, so as to cultivate and reserve talents for the realization of the digital strategic objectives
of the enterprise.
Key Words: Enterprise University; Organizational structure design; Digitization;
Strategic human resource management
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