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通用航空产业(以下简称“通航产业”)具有供应商数量众多且地理位置遍及 全球、采购零件种类繁多且批量较小等特征,因此,其供应商管理难度也相对较高。 目前,国内通航产业处于发展初期,整体缺乏供应商管理意识,存在明显的供应商 管理问题,不利于供应成本管理与风险控制,影响了通航企业竞争力的构建乃至整 个通航产业的发展。 本文基于供应链管理理论(分类管理、选择评价、绩效管理、集成管理),以 丰富的通航企业工作经验为依托,以国内通航产业的代表企业G通用航空公司(以 下及正文简称“G公司”)为研究对象,采用诊断研究法和文献研究法,总结G公 司的供应商管理现状,经理论与数据分析结果表明,G公司供应商管理存在供应商 分类管理缺失、选择评价管理不足、绩效管理不科学、集成管理不成熟以及独立的 供应商管理团队空缺的问题,在此基础上提出G公司供应商管理优化的可能方案, 具体包括健全供应商分类机制、完善供应商选择评价体系、优化供应商绩效管理体 系、探索供应商集成管理机制和构建供应商管理委员会五个方面。 本文研究结论有利于深化对供应商管理理论的认识,为G公司探索建立了一 套实践性较强的供应商管理方案,帮助其有效优化自身的供应商管理,对G公司 乃至同类型企业的供应商管理具有一定参考价值。 关键词:供应商管理;分类管理;选择评价;绩效管理;集成管理 VI Abstract The general aviation industry (hereinafter referred to as "GAI") has the characteristic that, multitudinous suppliers, which distributes all over the world, and wide variety of parts with small purchase batches. Therefore, its supplier management is relatively difficult. At present, the domestic general aviation industry is in the early stage of development. The overall lack of supplier management awareness, and obvious supplier management problems exist, which are not beneficial to cost and risk control, and affect the construction of general aviation enterprise competitiveness, and even the development of the entire general aviation industry. Based on the supply chain management theory (classification management, selection and evaluation, performance management, and integration management), this paper takes G General Aviation Company (hereinafter referred to as "G"), a representative enterprise of domestic aviation industry, as the research object and adopts the diagnostic research method to summarize the current situation of supplier management in G. Based on the theoretical and data analysis results, it is shown that the supplier management of Company G has the problems of missing supplier classification management, insufficient supplier selection and evaluation management, unscientific performance management, immature integrated management and vacant independent supplier management team. This paper proposes five possible solutions for supplier management optimization, including improving supplier classification mechanism, improving supplier selection and evaluation system, optimizing supplier performance management system, exploring integrated supplier management mechanism and building supplier management committee. The findings of this paper are conducive to deepening the understanding of supplier management theory, exploring and establishing a set of practical supplier management solutions for Company G, helping it to effectively optimize its own supplier management, and having certain reference value for the supplier management of Company G and even similar enterprises.