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我国党中央提出的“乡村振兴”战略,针对农村经济发展又有了全新规划。 而银行作为合理分配资源的重磅武器,“乡村振兴”战略需银行业坚定不移地真 实执行。村镇银行的发起是以带动村镇经济为目的,然而在设立村镇银行的十多 年后,乡村经济中依然存在融资难、融资少等问题,村镇银行也随之出现涉农贷 款不良率占比高等困难。这些都是制约乡村经济以及村镇银行发展的直接因素。 目前涉农贷款在地域性、产业性、风险补偿、产业性统计等方面存在一定的 风险,分别为信用风险、市场风险、操作风险,这些主要由借款人因素、自然因 素、金融机构自身因素、政府与社会因素导致。 本文构建 Logit 模型,分别以本文选取农户户主的性别、年龄层次、文化程 度、农户类型、劳动力人数、家庭年收入、存款余额比例、距 YF 村镇银行网点 的距离、有无贷款记录等变量为基础,进行实证研究,为村镇银行今后涉农贷款 投放着重关注点研究打下基础。 YF 县地处山区, “三农”问题是当地政府无法逃避的难题之一,同时这也 严重牵制了当地发展。YF 村镇银行成立之后,始终坚持金支农支小,各项贷款 中涉农贷款占比较大,是村镇银行资产中的重中之重,同时也是村镇银行支持“三 农”重磅武器。所以说,进一步规划村镇银行信贷模型,提升涉农贷款投放水准, 使得村镇银行能够更实际地协助当地经济加速发展,带动农村经济快速提升,从 而真正做到振兴农村,这些都是对小康社会的建成添砖加瓦。 文章中以 YF 村镇银行涉农贷款为例,通过问卷调查研究:1、业务开展偏 离初衷,没有以支持村镇经济发展为主要经营目的;2、支农覆盖面小,主要发 展县城市场;3、资金来源缺乏,竞争处于弱势地位,存款市场份额不足;4、贷 款风险控制难度逐步加大,不良贷款率逐渐显露;5、金融服务缺乏创新,对农 户、农企特征创新的金融服务及产品贴合度有待提高。 因此,村镇银行若要扩大涉农贷款投放,需从以下几方面加强管理:1、加 大宣传,降低经营成本;2、完善管理,合理规划各类贷款比例;3、提升风险防范 能力;4、利润最大化前提下加强风险管理。 关键词:涉农贷款;问卷调查;YF 村镇银行;Logit 分析II Abstract The "village revitalization" strategy proposed by the Party Central Committee of China has a new plan for rural economic development. As a heavy weapon for the rational allocation of resources, the "village revitalization" strategy requires the firm's unwavering implementation. The launch of village and township banks was aimed at driving the village and town economy. However, more than ten years after the establishment of village and town banks, problems such as difficulty in financing and insufficient financing still existed in the rural economy, and rural banks also suffered from high non-performing loan ratios. difficult. These are the direct factors restricting the development of rural economy and rural banks. At present, agricultural-related loans have certain risks in terms of regional, industrial, risk compensation, and industrial statistics. They are credit risk, market risk, and operational risk. These are mainly caused by borrower factors, natural factors, financial institutions' own factors, Government and social factors. This article builds a Logit model, which is based on the variables such as gender, agelevel,educationlevel,typeoffarmer,laborforce,annualhouseholdincome,deposit balance ratio, distance from YF village and township bank branches, and loan history. , Carry out empirical research, and lay the foundation for the research on the focus of agricultural bank loans in the future. YF County is located in a mountainous area. The problem of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" is one of the problems that the local government cannot escape, and it also seriously hinders local development.After the establishment ofYF Rural Banks, it has always insisted that the gold and agricultural branches are small. Agricultural loans account for a large proportion of various loans, which is the most important asset of rural banks, and it is also a heavy weapon for rural banks to support the "three rural" issues. Therefore, further planning the credit model of village and township banks and raising the level of agricultural-related loans, so that village and township banks can more practically assist the accelerated development of the local economy, drive the rapid improvement of the rural economy, and truly rejuvenate the countryside. These are all for the well-off society.Add bricks and tiles. The article uses YF's rural bank-related loans as an example. Through questionnaire surveys: 1. Business development deviates from its original intention andIII does not focus on supporting the economic development of villages and towns. 2. The coverage of agricultural support is small and the county markets are mainly developed; 3. Funds Lack of sources, competition is in a weak position, and the market share of deposits is inadequate; 4. The difficulty of loan risk control has gradually increased, and the rate of non-performing loans has gradually emerged; 5. The lack of innovation in financial services, financial services and products that are innovative to the characteristics of farmers and agricultural enterprises Degree needs to be improved. Therefore, if village and township banks want to expand the introduction of agricultural-related loans, they need to strengthen management in the following aspects: 1. Increase publicity and reduce operating costs; 2. Improve management and rationally plan the proportion of various types of loans; 3. Improve risk prevention capabilities; 4 Strengthen risk management under the premise of maximizing profits. Key words: Agriculture-related loan; Questionnaire survey; YF Rural Bank; Logit analysis;IV 目 录 中文摘要 .......................................................... I 英文摘要 ......................................................... II 目 录 ......................................................... Ⅳ 第 1 章 导论 ....................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 ................................................ 1 1.1.1 研究背景...................................................1 1.1.2 研究意义...................................................2 1.2 国内外涉农贷款研究状况及述评 .................................. 2 1.2.1 国外研究现状...............................................2 1.2.2 国内研究现状...............................................3 1.2.3 文献述评...................................................4 1.3 研究方法及创新 ................................................ 4 1.3.1 研究方法...................................................4 1.3.2 创新之处...................................................5 1.4 研究内容 ...................................................... 5 第 2 章 村镇银行涉农贷款相关理论 ................................... 6 2.1 涉农贷款理论 .................................................. 6 2.1.1 金融发展理论 ..............................................6 2.1.2 农村金融理论 ..............................................7 2.1.3 金融效率理论 ..............................................8 2.2 村镇银行定义 .................................................. 8 2.2.1 村镇银行的发展历程 ........................................8 2.2.2 村镇银行的特点 ............................................9 2.3 相关概念界定 ................................................. 10 第 3 章 涉农贷款现状、问题及村镇银行影响因素分析................... 12 3.1 涉农贷款现状 ................................................. 12 3.2 涉农贷款存在问题 ............................................. 13 3.3 村镇银行涉农贷款影响因素 ..................................... 15 3.3.1 村镇银行存款成本高于银行平均成本 .........................15 3.3.2 成本涉农贷款较其他贷款种类收益率低 .......................16 3.3.3 涉农贷款风险问题 .........................................16 3.3.4 银行经营追求利润最大化 ...................................16 第 4 章 基于 Logit 模型 YF 村镇银行涉农贷款影响因素分析.............. 17 4.1 YF 村镇银行概况 .............................................. 17 4.2 YF 县涉农贷款现状 ............................................ 18 4.3 YF 村镇银行涉农贷款情况 ...................................... 18 4.3.1 完善制度建设,着力提高普惠金融工作水平....................18 4.3.2 加大产品创新,着力提升涉农贷款工作服务....................19 4.3.3 深化作风问题,着力提高涉农贷款工作效力 ...................19V 4.4 涉农贷款 Logit 模型构建 ....................................... 19 4.4.1 数据来源与调查方法........................................20 4.4.2 变量选择..................................................20 4.4.3 实证模型设计..............................................21 4.5 Logit 模型测试分析 ........................................... 22 4.5.1 村镇银行贷款决策各自变量的描述性统计......................22 4.5.2 模型估计的结果及讨论......................................23 4.6 结论 ......................................................... 26 第 5 章 基于我国村镇银行涉农贷款效率对策建议 ...................... 27 5.1 加大宣传,降低经营成本 ........................................ 27 5.2 完善管理,合理规划各类贷款比例 ................................ 27 5.3 提升风险防范能力 ............................................. 27 5.4 利润最大化前提下加强风险管理 ................................. 28 5.5 创新业务 ..................................................... 28