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虚拟企业作为一种新型企业模式,是由掌握供应链上不同环节核心能力的多 个企业组成的动态联合体,掌握核心环节的“盟主”企业与掌握非核心环节的“盟 员”企业共同构成了整个联合体。由于虚拟企业这一模式以供应链上不同环节的 相互合作为主要运营方式,故其合作稳定性成为虚拟企业关注的重点。已有研究 表明虚拟企业为保证其供应链稳定性会针对供应链上的不同环节如信息、渠道、 质量、成本、技术、时间等采取相应控制措施,不过与此同时,越来越多虚拟企 业中的“盟主企业”已经开始意识到为了保证合作稳定性,除了对供应链上相关 环节进行有效控制之外,关注企业中“人”这一因素似乎更为重要,并且虚拟企 业最终要达到的目的是让盟员企业能够顺应其发展管理理念进而达到更好的合 作。因此一些盟主企业开始进行企业文化建设并向虚拟企业组织成员渗透,通过 对其进行文化影响来保证组织成员对虚拟企业理念的认同。基于此,盟主企业会 通过采取文化建设相关措施致力于在整个联盟范围内形成基于自身企业文化特 色的影响力,从而提高整个联盟合作关系的稳定性。 本次研究针对于这一已经在企业实践中存在的现象,选择TS公司、MD公 司和ZY公司三家典型企业作为研究案例,采用扎根范式对虚拟企业文化影响力 的形成和运作机制进行研究。通过收集大量一手和二手数据并进行开放性编码、 选择性编码之后,研究者得出了“文化引导力”、“文化归属感”、“文化建设力” 和“文化践行度”四个核心范畴及其各自的子范畴,探索出了虚拟企业文化影响 力的形成过程,同时探索并构建出虚拟企业文化影响机理模型。在以上扎根研究 结论的基础上,研究者又以核心范畴及其子范畴为指标体系,采用多指标综合评 价方法对三家企业的文化影响力进行了综合评价并进行了分析。 关键词:虚拟企业,文化影响力,扎根范式 II RESEARCH ON THE VIRTUAL ENTERPRISES’ CULTURAL INFLUENCE BASED ON THE GROUNDED PARADIGM Abstract As a new type of enterprise model, Virtual Enterprise (VE) is a dynamic alliance composed of multiple enterprises that own the core competences of different parts in the supply chain, the VE leader hold the core parts, and the VE member hold the non-core parts, together they form the entire alliance. Since the VE model is based on the cooperation of different links in the supply chain, its cooperation stability has become the focus of all virtual enterprises. Research has shown that in order to ensure their supply chain stability, VE will take corresponding control measures for different parts in the supply chain, such as information, channel, quality, cost, technique, time, etc. However, we found in the field investigation that many VE leaders have begun to realize that in order to ensure the stability of cooperation, except focusing on the control of some parts in the supply chain, it seems more important that paying attention to the “human” factor in enterprises, as the ultimate goal of the VE is to enable the members to comply with their development belief to cooperate better, therefore, the VE leaders begin to build corporate culture and infiltrate into the members of the VE, and form the cultural influence on them to ensure that the members agree with the belief of the VE. In summary, the VE leaders are committed to forming culture influence based on their own corporate culture characteristics through the adoption of cultural construction measures, thereby improving the stability of the entire alliance. This research aims phenomenon which has already existed in the practice of enterprises, chose three typical enterprises of TS, MD and ZY as research cases, applied Grounded Paradigm to research the formation and operation mechanism of the VE culture Influence. We collected number of data including first-hand and second-hand and then obtained the four core categories of “cultural guidance”, “cultural belonging”, “cultural construction” and “cultural practice” by performing III open coding and selective coding, and explored the formation process of VE culture influence, and constructed the VE Culture Influence Mechanism Model. On the basis of the above research conclusions, we used the core categories and its sub-categories as the index system to evaluate and analyze the Cultural Influence of the three enterprises through the multi-index comprehensive evaluation method. Keywords: virtual enterprises, culture influence, the grounded paradigm IV 目 录 中文摘要 .................................................. I Abstract .................................................. II 第一章 绪论 ............................................... 1 1.1 研究背景及研究意义 .......................................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ................................................ 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ................................................ 2 1.2 研究思路与研究方法 .......................................... 3 1.2.1 研究思路 ................................................ 3 1.2.2 研究方法 ................................................ 6 1.3 论文创新点 .................................................. 6 1.3.1 选题创新 ................................................ 6 1.3.2 研究方法创新 ............................................ 7 第二章 文献综述 ........................................... 8 2.1 虚拟企业 .................................................... 8 2.1.1 虚拟企业概念及内涵的界定 ................................ 8 2.1.2 虚拟企业运营实践研究 .................................... 9 2.1.3 虚拟企业研究前沿 ........................................ 9 2.2 企业文化 ................................................... 10 2.2.1 企业文化基本理论的研究 ................................. 10 2.2.2 企业文化理论的实践和应用研究 ........................... 10 2.2.3 企业文化测评研究 ....................................... 11 2.3 虚拟企业文化 ............................................... 11 2.3.1 虚拟企业特点与其文化之间的联系 ......................... 12 2.3.2 虚拟企业文化建设 ....................................... 12 V 2.3.3 虚拟企业文化与企业环境 ................................. 12 2.3.4 虚拟企业文化的创新研究 ................................. 12 2.4 文献综述小结 ............................................... 13 第三章 对虚拟企业文化影响力的扎根研究 ................... 14 3.1 研究方法概述 ............................................... 14 3.1.1 问题涌现 ............................................... 14 3.1.2 数据收集 ............................................... 14 3.1.3 数据处理 ............................................... 16 3.1.4 理论模型构建 ........................................... 16 3.2 虚拟企业对文化的探索 ....................................... 17 3.3 虚拟企业文化的“内化” ..................................... 18 3.3.1 文化引导力 ............................................. 19 3.3.2 文化归属感 ............................................. 20 3.4 虚拟企业文化的“外显” ..................................... 22 3.4.1 文化建设力 ............................................. 22 3.4.2 文化践行度 ............................................. 24 3.5 理论模型构建 ............................................... 27 3.5.1 虚拟企业文化影响力的形成过程模型 ....................... 27 3.5.2 虚拟企业文化影响机理模型 ............................... 29 第四章 虚拟企业文化影响力测评模型的构建 ................. 31 4.1 基于多指标综合评价方法的模型设计 ........................... 31 4.1.1 确定评价指标和评价指标体系 ............................. 31 4.1.2 确定各个指标权重 ....................................... 32 4.1.3 确定综合评价方法及评价结果 ............................. 33 4.2 基于主观、客观、主客观结合的指标权重计算 ................... 36 4.2.1 基于层次分析法的主观赋权法 ............................. 36 VI 4.2.2 基于文本分析的客观赋权法 ............................... 39 4.2.3 基于主客观结合的指标权重确定 ........................... 40 4.3 多级模糊综合评价 ........................................... 41 4.3.1 确定指标隶属度 ......................................... 41 4.3.2 一级模糊综合评价(基础层指标到中间层指标) ............. 42 4.3.3 二级模糊综合评价(中间层指标到核心概念) ............... 46 4.3.4 综合评价结果分析 ....................................... 47 第五章 研究结论、不足与展望 ............................. 49 5.1 研究结论 ................................................... 49 5.2 研究不