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随着我国社会的发展,金融业也出现了很大的变化,客户群体对金融服务的需 求不断提升,不再局限于传统的“交易”上,也就不再只求单纯地购买金融产品, 而是希望得到周到细致的金融服务。因此,原先的柜面服务已经无法满足客户群体 的需求,银行开始开展网上银行、电话银行等多种金融服务,以便更好地提升客户 的金融服务体验。而且零售业务的利润较高,风险较小,可以降低银行的不良贷款 比率,因此,国内商业银行纷纷加强了对零售业务的开展,加强了对网点的建设, 数量众多的网点开始在地区广泛覆盖,极大地促进了客户服务便利性的提升,在给 客户提供人性化服务的同时,充分满足了不同年龄段客户的不同需求。虽然网点服 务的优势较为明显,但是商业银行在开展网点服务的过程中并不顺利,甚至存在一 定的阻碍,比如服务质量有待提升等,使得客户对银行的不满意度较高,进一步使 得银行形象受到了影响,不利于银行在当地的可持续发展。鉴于金融服务是银行的 重点服务项目,有必要对GJ支行网点服务质量的现状进行分析,找出存在的问题, 并在分析问题原因的基础上提出相应的改善对策。 本文的研究内容如下:第一部分是绪论,主要介绍研究背景及意义,国内外研 究现状及趋势、研究思路和研究方法,基本理论概述等。第二部分是相关概念与理 论基础,主要对商业银行服务的内涵进行界定,并明确其服务特征,阐述服务价值 理论、服务利润链理论等基础理论,为本研究奠定理论基础;第三部分是GJ支行 现状分析,介绍GJ支行的经营情况、人员素质、客户群体以及周边同业竞争情况; 第四部分是GJ支行网点服务中存在的主要问题及原因,问题包括网点的功能定位 不清晰、效率与排队问题仍然存在、员工“坐等靠”现象严重、客户管理流于形式 等,这些问题是由网点同质化现象严重、智能设备操作复杂、网点绩效考核体系不 健全、管户责任落实不到位等原因引起;第五部分是GJ支行网点服务质量提升的 对策,主要包括完善网点功能、提升网点服务效率、加强员工队伍建设、优化员工 绩效考核管理等几方面;最后一部分是结论,主要对本文的观点进行总结性概述, 并指出本文研究的不足之处,对未来的研究方向进行展望。希望本文的研究可以为 GJ支行网点服务质量提升提供一定的参考指导作用。 关键词:GJ支行 网点服务 服务质量 服务效率 II ABSTRACT With the development of our society, great changes have taken place in the financial industry. The demand of customer groups for financial services has been increasing. It is no longer confined to the traditional "transaction", and it is no longer just purchasing financial products, but hoping to get thoughtful and meticulous financial services. Therefore, the original counter service has been unable to meet the needs of customer groups, banks began to carry out online banking, telephone banking and other financial services, in order to better enhance the customer's financial service experience. Moreover, retail business has higher profits and lower risks, which can reduce the non-performing loan ratio of banks. Therefore, domestic commercial banks have strengthened the development of retail business, strengthened the construction of retail outlets, and a large number of outlets have begun to be widely covered in the region, greatly promoting the improvement of customer service convenience. While providing humanized service to customers, it fully meets the different needs of customers of different ages. Although the advantages of network services are obvious, commercial banks are not smooth in the process of developing network services, and there are even some obstacles, such as the quality of service to be improved, which makes customers dissatisfied with the bank higher, and further affects the image of the bank, which is not conducive to the sustainability of the bank in the local area. Further development. In view of the fact that financial service is the key service item of the bank, it is necessary to analyze the current situation of service quality of GJ subbranch network, find out the existing problems, and put forward corresponding improvement countermeasures on the basis of analyzing the causes of the problems. The research contents of this paper are as follows: The first part is an introduction, mainly introducing the research background and significance, research status and trends at home and abroad, research ideas and methods, basic theory overview, etc. The second part is the related concepts and theoretical basis, which mainly defines the connotation of commercial bank services, clarifies its service characteristics, elaborates the basic theories of service value theory, service profit chain theory and so on, lays the theoretical III foundation for this study; the third part is the analysis of the current situation of GJ subbranch, introducing the operation situation and personnel of GJ subbranch. The fourth part is the main problems and reasons of GJ subbranch network service, including unclear function positioning, efficiency and queuing problems still exist, serious staff "sit and wait" phenomenon, customer management in the form, and so on. These problems are caused by the same network. The fifth part is the countermeasures to improve the service quality of GJ subbranch network, including improving the function of network, improving the efficiency of network service, strengthening the construction of staff, optimizing staff performance appraisal. Management and other aspects; the last part is the conclusion, which mainly summarizes the views of this paper, points out the shortcomings of this study, and looks forward to future research directions. It is hoped that this study can provide some reference and guidance for the improvement of service quality of GJ subbranch network. Key Words: GJ subbranch Network Services Service quality Service efficiency IV 目 录 摘要 ............................................................................................................................ I ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................... II 绪论 ............................................................................................................................ 1 0.1 研究背景和研究意义 ................................................................................... 1 0.1.1 研究背景............................................................................................. 1 0.1.2 研究意义............................................................................................. 2 0.2 研究内容 ...................................................................................................... 2 0.3 研究思路和研究方法 ................................................................................... 2 0.3.1 研究思路............................................................................................. 2 0.3.2 研究方法............................................................................................. 3 1 相关概念与理论基础............................................................................................. 4 1.1 相关概念 ...................................................................................................... 4 1.1.1 商业银行服务的内涵 .......................................................................... 4 1.1.2 商业银行服务的相关特征 .................................................................. 4 1.1.3 服务质量的概念 ................................................................................. 5 1.2 相关理论 ...................................................................................................... 5 1.2.1 服务价值论 ......................................................................................... 5 1.2.2 服务利润链理论 ................................................................................. 6 2 GJ支行服务质量的现状分析 ................................................................................ 9 2.1 GJ支行简介 ................................................................................................. 9 2.2 GJ支行经营现状 ....................................................................................... 10 2.3 GJ支行客户群体 ....................................................................................... 11 2.4 GJ支行周边同业竞争情况 ....................................