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摘要 随着我国经济金融体制改革的深化,商业银行建立了绩效挂钩机制,同 时也面临着来自各国的商业银行的激烈竞争。自中国加入世贸组织之后,我 国的改革开放发展进入了一个全新的阶段,经济朝着市场经济体制方向发展, 更加与国际接轨。另一方面,中国的银行业由于实行对外开放,国民待遇, 外资银行的市场准入,国内市场与国际金融市场的融合等,也遭受着入世带 来的强烈冲击。随着商业银行的竞争迅速加剧,绩效管理的重要性也日益凸 现,作为人力资源管理的核心,现代人力资源管理的重要组成部分,绩效管 理的目的在于促进实现企业的经营管理的目标。当前绩效管理已为银行经营 管理提供重要基础和保障,与商业银行的发展经营至息息相关。本文拟从H 银行J支行实际出发,在对传统绩效管理制度及效果进行评析反思的基础上, 为H银行J支行员工设计出高效的绩效管理体系和绩效考核运作方案,以进 一步改善人力资源管理,最大限度去激励并提升员工工作的积极性、主动性 和创造性。 本文共分为五个部分,第一和第二部分介绍关于绩效管理的理论,并且 特别重点的突出了平衡积分卡的理论,平衡积分卡的理论在后续内容中作为 理论研究基础,为后文提供理论基础。文章的第三部分是通过对H银行J支 行人力资源概况及员工绩效管理现状的梳理,分析银行现有绩效管理中存在 的问题及原因。第四部分是H银行J支行新的绩效管理体系及方案设计。在 对该银行原有绩效管理体系问题分析的基础上,根据银行的实际情况,确定 指标评价标准,形成新的科学合理的绩效管理体系。第五部分是对H银行J 支行新的绩效管理体系运作可能产生的效果和问题的预测。通过对H银行J 支行绩效管理实施中的应该规范的几个误区和影响绩效管理实施的因素的讨 论,分析了绩效管理成功实施的环境保障条件和应注意的问题。通过归纳总 H银行J支行员工绩效管理体系研究与方案设计 结,得出文章的结论。 关键词:绩效管理 优化设计 H银行 2 Abstract Abstract As the deepen of Chinese economic and financial reform system, as well as the mechanism of the rewards connected to results which is initially established by the commercial bank, the Chinese banks are facing the fierce competition from commercial banks of different countries. Being a member of WTO symbolizes the reform and opening up of China has entered into a new stage, and the pace towards market economy and international standard is speeding up. But in the meanwhile, the Chinese banking will be opening to the outside world along with the entry to WTO. The market access of foreign banks,national treatment, integration of domestic market and international market, are facing the huge impact since the entry of WTO. Performance management is the essence of human resources management, and as important part of modern human resources management system, the purpose is to connect the work of staff and section to the strategic goal, enhance the realization of the purpose of management. As the rapid acceleration of competition among commercial banks, the importance of performance management of bank has been gradually highlighted. The performance management oriented to bank development strategy has become the important foundation and guarantee of bank management, and it's vital for the operation and development of bank development strategy. This paper is based on the perspective of the H bank itself, using systematical analysis metiiod, case analysis metiiod, comparative analysis method,and hierarchy process analysis method, combining the realistic situation of bank, to set up a scientific, effective performance system and the technique operating project as the purpose of research, discussing the ways of improving current performance management system, establish more reasonable and feasible performance management system, to realize the rational allocation of human resource, stimulate motivation, initiative and creativity of staff. This paper is divided into the following five sections. Sections 1 and 2 lay the theoretical foundation for successive research through introducing relevant The Study and Designed Plan for the Performance Management System of the H bank J sub-branch theories, especially the Balance Score Card theory, about the performance management. Section 3 discusses problems of current bank performance management and their causes through introducing the H bank and its performance management. Section 4 presents a designed plan for the performance management system of the H bank J sub-branch. Based on the analysis of tie original performance management system,an index evaluation standard is determined according to the company's actual situation and a new scientific and rational performance management system is formed Section 5 implements and assesses the performance management system of the H bank J sub-branch. Conditions ensuring the successfiil implementation of tiie performance management and matters needing attention are analyzed through discussing some misunderstandings that need to be specified during the implementation and factors that affect the implementation of the performance management. Conclusions are drawn by summarizing. Key words: Performance management; Optimal design; H bankJ sub-branch 2 目录 目录 1.绪论 1 1.1研究背景与意义 1 1.1.1研究背景 1 1.1.2研究意义 1 1.2.研究内容与方法 2 1.2.1研究内容 2 1.2.2研究方法 2 2.绩效管理相关理论 3 2.1.绩效的相关概念 3 2.1.1 绩效 : 3 2.1.2绩效管理 5 2.1.3绩效考核 6 2.1.4平衡计分卡 7 2.2绩效管理的作用 8 2.3.绩效管理流程 9 2.4.绩效管理体系 11 2.4.1绩效管理体系的意义 11 2.4.2有效的绩效管理体系的设计 12 3.H银行J支行简介及绩效管理现状与问题分析 16 3.1.H银行J支行简介 16 3.1.1 H银行J支行概况 16 3.1.2 H银行J支行组织结构 18 1 H银行J支行员工绩效管理体系研究与方案设计 3.2.H银行J支行绩效管理现状 21 3.2.1员工的基本职责 21 3.2.2行员等级管理 22 3.2.3员工的晋级 22 3.2.4员工的降级 22 3.2.5员工薪酬和福利 23 3.3.现有的绩效管理向题及原因分析 23 3.3.1 H银行J支行现有的绩效管理问题 23 3.3.2绩效管理问题的原因分析 26 4.H银行J支行新的绩效管理体系设计 28 4.1. H银行J支行绩效管理的基本思路与目标 28 4.1.1绩效管理的基本思路 28 4.1.2绩效目标和设置 29 4.1.3绩效管理流程 31 4.2.新的绩效管理体系设计的相关准备 : 32 4.2.1 H银行J支行的目标分解 32 4.2.2制定岗位说明书 33 4.2.3制定绩效指标 34 4.2.4 H银行J支行绩效指标的分解 35 4.2.5绩效管理培训 38 4.3.新的绩效管理系统设计 38 4.3.1绩效计划 39 4.3.2绩效实施与管理 42 4.3.3绩效考核 43 4.3.4绩效反馈 48 4.3.5绩效改进 50 4.3.6绩效考核结果的运用 51 5.H银行J支行新绩效管瑪体系的评价 55 目 录 5.1.新的绩效管理体系的优点 55 5.2.新绩效管理体系有待进一步研究的间题 56 5.2.1绩效计划如何彻底落实 56 5.2.2团体绩效薪酬的制定存在疑惑 56 5.2.3绩效考核中存在对比效应 57 5.2.4 360°绩效评估的争议性 57 结束语 58