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自推行改革开放政策以来,金融改革也成为改革的方向之一。80 年代末,一


S 农商行作为 S 省内最大的金融服务机构,经历了数十年的发展壮大,员工
总数超过 6 万人,庞大的员工数量在在管理过程中暴露出一些问题。因此,本文
以 S 农商行为研究对象,文章首先梳理了人力资源配置以及讲述地方性商业银行
的起源、特性的相关文献,明确研究对象及理论工具,然后深入分析了 S 农商行
SWOT-层次分析法分析 S 农商行面临的外部机遇和威胁,以及自身的优势和劣势,
提出 S 农商行在人力资源配置优化方面存在 SO 组合、WO 组合、ST 组合和 WT
在地域性方面的优势的同时积极利用外部发展机遇,最后,又明确了 S 农商行的
S 农商行在未来人力资源配置的优化过程中提供借鉴与参考

A Research on the Optimization of Human Resource
Allocation of S Local Banks
Specialty:Business administration
Name:Dong Huajuan
Instructor:Associate Professor Song Qi
Since the implementation of the policy of reform and opening up, the financial
reform has also become one of the direction of reform. At the end of 80s, some cities
began on the basis of the original city credit cooperatives, and named the commercial
banks of the city became a trend, which is the predecessor of most of the local
commercial banks. The position of local commercial banks in the domestic financial
market is increasingly important. However, the local commercial banks are not only
in the face of development opportunities, but also faced with some challenges. As a
talent intensive industry, the financial industry is far more dependent on human
resources than other industries, and the competition for talent is more intense. The
characteristics of the commercial banks in the area of human resources are determined
by the inherent problems of human resources allocation. On the other hand, compared
to the five major banks and foreign banks, local commercial banks have a great gap in
the attractiveness of talents and the training of talents. Under the background, the local
commercial bank unifies own characteristic, grasps the good future development
tendency, the reasonable disposition existing human resources which is more urgent,
positive. This requires local commercial banks to grasp all aspects of human resource
allocation, and timely discovery of human resource allocation problems, optimize the
allocation of resources. From the allocation of human resources to improve the use of
human resources, to play a talent advantage in reducing labor costs while achieving its
own high-speed development.
The rural commercial bank of S Province as S province&39;s largest financial services
organization, has experienced several decades of development and growth, the total西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文
number of employees more than 60 thousand people. And the large number of
employees exposed some problems in the management process. Therefore, the rural
commercial bank of S Province as the research object, this paper firstly reviews the
relevant literature about human resource allocation and local commercial banks of the
origin, characteristics, clear the research object and the theoretical tool, then in-depth
analysis the configuration of the status quo of the rural commercial bank in S province
at present in terms of quantity structure, sex structure, age structure, educational
structure, combined with the SWOT- analytic hierarchy process to analysis the rural
commercial bank of S’ the external opportunities and threats, as well as their
advantages and disadvantages, then put forward the rural commercial bank in S
province in the aspects of optimizing human resources with SO combination, WO
combination, ST combination and WT combination of four kinds of optimization
strategies, and points out that we should focus on the steady development of
optimization strategies -- namely in expanding the regional advantages and actively
use external development opportunities. Finally, the optimization scheme and human
resource allocation of rural commercial banks of S Province is designed mainly from
the guiding ideology, the introduction and training of talents, personnel management,
salary management, redundant personnel placement and management. So this paper
can provide reference and reference for the optimization of human resource allocation
to the rural commercial banks of S province in the future.
Key words: human resources allocation; SWOT- analytic hierarchy process;
configuration optimization西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文
目 录
1 绪论 ........ 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 . 1
1.1.1 研究背景 .. 1
1.1.2 研究意义 .. 2
1.2 国内外研究现状 . 2
1.2.1 国外研究现状 ...... 3
1.2.2 国内研究现状 ...... 4
1.3 研究内容与研究方法 ..... 6
1.3.1 研究内容 .. 6
1.3.2 研究方法 .. 7
1.4 本文创新点 ........... 9
2 基本概念界定及相关基础理论 .......... 10
2.1 基本概念界定 ..... 10
2.1.1 人力资源配置的定义 .... 10
2.1.2 人力资源配置优化 ........ 10
2.1.3 地方性商业银行12
2.2 人力资源配置理论依据 ........... 14
3 S 农商行人力资源管理现状及存在问题 ....... 16
3.1 S 农商行人力资源现状16
3.1.1 S 农商行人员数量 ..........