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P2P借贷打破了以往点对点的借贷行为的空间限制,通过网络技术拉近了借 贷双方的距离,通过数据分析和网络信息安全管理获得需求信息和风险信息,实 现了借贷行为的数字化、信息化、动态化,完成了线上线下金融资源的有效整合, 对于中小企业的发展以及个人消费能力的扩大具有明显的推动作用。但不应忽视 的是,由于市场法治机制尚不健全,网络信息安全保障尚不充分,P2P借贷的发 展还存在诸多问题,本文以P2P借贷模式的风险控制为研究主题,以XEM公司 的P2P借贷业务为研究个案,试图通过对该公司的P2P借贷业务发展现状及存 在问题的分析,总结P2P借贷模式存在的风险问题并提出相应的解决之道。 XEM公司是一家专业从事互联网P2P借贷中介业务的金融服务企业。XEM 公司P2P业务存在单个额度小,但整体风险大、风险防范难度大,风险发生率高 的风险特点,从外部环境来看,其风险问题的产生与监管体系不健全,法律规范 尚不完整有关,但目前的移动互联网发展和年轻消费群体的崛起也为其发展提供 了机遇。而从内部环境来看,虽然XEM公司制定了一系列的P2P业务发展战略, 但是在风险控制方面缺乏制度安排和技术储备,因此,XEM公司的P2P业务面 临着严重的风险问题,具体来说,表现为风险识别和度量机制落后,风险防范体 系不健全以及法律、政策方面的风险。为了解决这些问题,XEM公司应该加强 风险识别和度量机制的建设,同时通过加强与政府、银行以及同行业的合作等方 式,规避风险。对内则应该加强制度建设,更新信息管理和风险调控手段。从而 构建全面的风险防控体系。 本文认为,P2P借贷行业目前在我国尚处于萌芽发展阶段,虽然面临着许多 法律、政策的未定问题,但同时也存在丰富的潜能和可能性。重点在于,要将借 贷质量放在首位,在为客户提供全面、安全的服务的基础上,将风险问题控制在 合理范围内。P2P借贷行业必须尽快建立健全信用信息管理体系,实现行业内部 的信息共享,同时推动社会信用、金融信用和P2P借贷信用信息等系统的多平台 融合。从而构建完整的信用信息体系,从根本上化解风险问题。P2P借贷业务的 发展在我国与互联网企业的加入密不可分,国内P2P企业应该借助互联网公司 的流量价值和平台价值,同时积极涌入金融行业的人才、经验资源,从而达到扬 长避短,优化风险管理的目的。 关键字:P2P借贷; 信用; 信息安全; 风险控制 昆明理工大学专业学位硕士学位论文 P2P借贷产品的风险防范和控制研究 II Abstract Peer-to-peer lending breaks the space restriction of point-to-point lending in the past, brings close borrowers and lenders through the internet, obtains the demand information and risk information through data analysis and online information security management, realizes the digitalization, informatization and dynamicalization of money lending, and combines the online and offline financial resources effectively, which remarkably accelerates the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and improves individual’s consumption ability. However, it should not be neglected that, due to the imperfect legal mechanism of markets and insufficient protection of online information, there are many problems in the development of P2P lending. The research theme of this paper is the risk control of P2P lending model. It takes the P2P lending business of XEM Finance Company as the subject of the case study, and through analysis of the development and problems of P2P lending business of XEM, it tries to summarize the existing risks of P2P lending model and also puts forward relevant solutions. XEM Company is financial service enterprise specializing in intermediary business of online P2P lending. Small amount of loan, but overall high risk, high degree of difficulty in risk prevention, and high-risk incidence are the characteristics of the P2P business of XEM Company. Externally, its risk problems are related to the imperfect regulatory system and incomplete legal rules. However, the current development of mobile internet and the rise of young consumer groups also provides opportunities for its development. Internally, although XEM has formulated a series of strategies for the development of its P2P business, institutional arrangements and technical competence in risk control are lacking, causing it serious risk problems, which are, specifically, the lagging backward of risk identification and measurement mechanism, the imperfect risk prevention system and the risk due to regulations and policies. In order to solve these problems, XEM should improve the construction of it risk identification and measurement mechanism, and in the meantime, avoid risks by strengthening cooperation with the government, banks and companies in the same industry. Internally, it should strengthen the institutional construction and update the means of information management and risk control, so that a comprehensive risk 昆明理工大学专业学位硕士学位论文 P2P借贷产品的风险防范和控制研究 III prevention and control system can be built. This paper asserts that the P2P lending industry is still in its infancy and initial development stage in China. Although it is facing many issues due to uncertain regulations and policies, it also enjoys rich potential and possibility. The key point is to put the quality of loans in the first place, and to control the risk within a reasonable range on the basis of providing comprehensive and safe services to customers. The P2P lending industry must establish and improve the credit information management system as soon as possible, realize the information sharing within the industry, and promote the multi-platform integration of social credit, financial credit and P2P credit information systems, in order to build a complete credit information system, and to fundamentally resolve the risk problems. In China, the development of P2P lending business is inseparable from the joining of internet enterprises. Domestic P2P companies should make good use of the large internet traffic and flatform provided by internet companies, and actively recruit talents and take in experience in the financial industry, so as to achieve the purpose of enhancing strengths and avoiding weaknesses and optimizing their risk management. Keywords: P2P lending; Credit; Information security; Risk control 昆明理工大学专业学位硕士学位论文 P2P借贷产品的风险防范和控制研究 i 目 录 摘要 ......................................................... I Abstract....................................................... II 第1章 绪论 ......................................... 1 1.1 研究背景与研究目的 ............................ 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ................................ 1 1.1.2 研究目标 ................................ 1 1.2 国内外研究现状及评述 .......................... 2 1.2.1 国外研究现状 ............................ 2 1.2.2 国内研究现状 ............................ 4 1.2.3 比较与评述 .............................. 6 1.3 研究内容与研究意义 ............................ 6 1.3.1 研究内容 ................................ 6 1.3.2 研究意义 ................................ 7 1.4 研究方法和技术路线 ............................ 8 1.4.1 研究方法 ................................ 8 1.4.2 技术路线 ................................ 9 第2章 相关理论概述 ................................. 11 2.1 P2P借贷模式的相关概念界定及特点 ............. 11 2.1.1 P2P借贷模式的相关概念界定 .............. 11 2.1.2 P2P借贷的特点 .......................... 12 2.1.3 P2P借贷的优势 .......................... 13 2.2 P2P借贷产品的风险与风险控制相关理论 ......... 14 2.2.1 P2P借贷产品的风险特征 .................. 14 2.2.2 P2P借贷产品的主要风险类型 .............. 15 2.2.3 P2P借贷产品风险的主要防控措施 .......... 16 2.3.4 P2P借贷产品风险控制理论 ................ 18 第3章 XEM公司P2P借贷产品现状 ...................... 19 3.1 行业背景与XEM公司及产品简介 ................. 19 昆明理工大学专业学位硕士学位论文 P2P借贷产品的风险防范和控制研究 ii 3.1.1 XEM公司发展的行业背景 ................. 19 3.1.2 XEM公司及产品简介 ...................... 20 3.2 XEM公司P2P借贷产品的风险控制模式与特点 ..... 21 3.2.1 XEM公司P2P借贷产品的风险控制模式 ...... 21 3.2.2 XEM公司P2P借贷产品的风险特点 .......... 22 3.3 XEM公司借贷产品发展的内外部环境分析 ......... 23 3.3.1 XEM公司借贷产品发展环境的PEST分析 ..... 23 3.3.2 XEM公司借贷产品发展的内部环境分析 ...... 25 第4章 XEM公司P2P借贷产品存在的风险问题及其原因分析 27 4.1 XEM公司P2P借贷产品存在的风险问题 .......... 27 4.1.1 产品风险识别机制不健全 ................. 27 4.1.2 产品风险管