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科技金融、第三方支付等新兴行业的发展,给传统商业银行带来极大的冲击,市 场竞争日益激烈。客户营销是基于客户需求采取的营销策略。客户营销的优劣直接影 响客户对银行的满意度,对于银行发展具有重要作用。尤其是在信息化时代背景下, 客户营销的理念和方式都发生了改变。因此,有必要对商业银行客户营销的问题进行 研究。 本文以北京农商银行房山支行为例,对客户营销的有关问题进行探讨和研究。北 京农商银行房山支行为北京市房山区最早的一家金融机构,客户基础广泛,客户结构 良好。但是由于其仍采取传统的营销理念,导致客户满意度较低,采取的营销方式无 法满足客户需求。通过调查问卷发现,北京农商银行房山支行客户营销存在产品服务 过于单一,不符合客户需求;服务质量较低,客户感知价值不匹配;网络营销渠道匮 乏,客户获取信息便利性差;与客户沟通不足,客户营销力度弱等问题。因此,本文 基于 STP 理论明确北京农商银行房山支行客户营销的市场细分和定位,针对农民、 个体商户和小微企业者的需求采取差异化的营销策略,并基于 4C 理论提出客户营销 的改进策略,应积极创新产品服务,满足客户多样化需求;提升服务品质,增强客户 感知价值;拓宽营销渠道,为客户提供便利。 本文结合北京农商银行房山支行的实际情况,提出改进的客户营销策略,不仅对 于北京农商银行房山支行客户营销策略的制定具有一定指导意义,对于其他银行客户 营销工作的开展也能提供一些参考和借鉴。 关键词:商业银行;市场营销;客户营销;4C 理论内蒙古工业大学硕士学位论文 II Abstract The development of emerging industries such as technology finance and third-party payment has brought great impact to traditional commercial banks, and market competition has become increasingly fierce. Customer marketing is a marketing strategy based on customer needs. The pros and cons of customer marketing directly affect the user's satisfaction with the bank and play an important role in the development of the bank. Especially in the context of the information age, the concept and methods of customer marketing have changed. Therefore, it is necessary to study the problem of commercial bank customer marketing. This paper discusses and studies the related issues of customer marketing with the example of Fangshan Sub-branch of Beijing Rural Commercial Bank. Fangshan Sub-branch of Beijing Rural Commercial Bank acts as one of the earliest financial institutions in Fangshan District, Beijing, with a broad customer base and a good customer structure. However, because it still adopts the traditional marketing concept, the user satisfaction is low, and the marketing method adopted cannot meet the user's needs. Through the questionnaire, it is found that the customer service of Fangshan Sub-branch of Beijing Rural Commercial Bank has too much product service, which does not meet the user's demand; the service quality is low, the user's perceived value is not matched; the network marketing channel is lacking, the user has poor access to information; and communicates with the user. Insufficient, weak customer marketing and other issues. Therefore, based on the STP theory, this paper clarifies the market segmentation and positioning of customer marketing of Fangshan Sub-branch of Beijing Rural Commercial Bank, and adopts differentiated marketing strategies for the needs of farmers, individual merchants and small micro-enterprises. Based on the 4C theory, we propose an improvement strategy for customer marketing. We should actively innovate product services to meet the diversified needs of users; improve service quality and enhance user perceived value; broaden marketing channels to provide convenience for users. Based on the actual situation of Fangshan Sub-branch of Beijing Rural Commercial Bank, this paper proposes an improved customer marketing strategy, which not only has certain guiding significance for the formulation of customer marketing strategy of Fangshan Sub-branch of Beijing Rural Commercial Bank, but also provides some reference for the development of marketing work of other bank customers.And draw on. Key words: commercial bank; marketing; customer marketing; 4C theory内蒙古工业大学硕士学位论文 III 目 录 摘要 .................................................................I ABSTRACT .............................................................. II 第一章 绪论 ............................................................1 1.1 研究背景和意义.................................................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ................................................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ................................................... 2 1.2 国内外文献综述.................................................... 2 1.2.1 国外文献综述 ............................................... 2 1.2.2 国内文献综述 ............................................... 3 1.2.3 文献述评 ................................................... 4 1.3 研究内容与方法.................................................... 5 1.3.1 研究内容 ................................................... 5 1.3.2 研究方法 ................................................... 6 第二章 相关概念和理论基础 ..............................................7 2.1 相关概念.......................................................... 7 2.1.1 市场营销 ................................................... 7 2.1.2 客户营销 ................................................... 7 2.2 客户营销相关理论.................................................. 8 2.2.1 STP 理论 ................................................... 8 2.2.2 4P 理论 .................................................... 8 2.2.3 4C 理论 .................................................... 9 第三章 北京农商银行房山支行客户营销现状 ...............................11 3.1 北京农商银行房山支行简介......................................... 11 3.2 北京农商银行房山支行客户营销现状................................. 11 3.2.1 北京农商银行房山支行业务情况 .............................. 11 3.2.2 北京农商银行房山支行客户结构 .............................. 13 3.3 北京农商银行房山支行营销环境 ..................................... 13 3.3.1 经济环境 .................................................. 14 3.3.2 政策环境 .................................................. 14 3.3.3 社会环境 .................................................. 15 3.3.4 技术环境 .................................................. 15 第四章 基于客户需求的北京农商银行房山支行客户营销调查 .................17 4.1 问卷设计和发放................................................... 17内蒙古工业大学硕士学位论文 IV 4.1.1 问卷设计 ................................................. 17 4.1.2 问卷发放 ................................................. 17 4.2 调查对象基本情况 ................................................ 17 4.2.1 描述性统计 ............................................... 17 4.2.2 顾客特征分析 ............................................. 20 4.3 客户需求的调查 .................................................. 21 4.3.1 客户服务需求的调查结果 ................................... 21 4.3.2 客户感知价格的调查 ....................................... 22 4.3.3 客户使用便利性的调查 ..................................... 23 4.3.4 客户沟通的调查 ........................................... 23 4.4 北京农商银行房山支行客户营销存在的问题 .......................... 25 4.4.1 产品服务过于单一,无法满足客户需求 ....................... 25 4.4.2 服务质量较低,客户感知价值不匹配 ......................... 26 4.4.3 网络营销渠道匮乏,客户获取信息便利性较差 ................. 27 4.4.4 与客户沟通互动不足,客户营销力度较弱 ..................... 28 第五章 北京农商银行房山支行客户营销策略的制定......................... 29 5.1 基于 STP 理论的营销策略 .......................................... 29 5.1.1 客户营销市场细分 ......................................... 29 5.1.2 客户营销目标市场.......................................... 30 5.1.3 客户营销分级管理.......................................... 31 5.2 基于客户需求的客户营销改进策略 .................................. 32 5.2.1 创新产品满足客户多样化需求 ............................... 32 5.2.2 创新服务提升客户感知价值 ................................. 35 5.2.3 拓宽营销渠道为客户提供便利 ............................... 37 5.2.4 借助新兴媒体增进与客户沟通 ............................... 40 结论与展望............................................................ 43