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花灯缘小吃店的创业方案 重庆大学硕士学位论文 学生姓名:杨智勇 指导教师:苏素副教授 专业:工商管理 重庆大学经济与工商管理学院 二00八年五月 EntrePreneurshiP Plan for Hua Dengyuan SnaCk Bar AThesisSubmittedtoChongqingUniversity in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master ofAdministration by Yang Zhiyong SuPervisor:Assoeiate ProL Su Su Major:Business Administration College of Eeonomics and Business Administration Chongqing University, Chongqing,China May, _)喇卜尸J 重庆大学硕士学位论文中文摘要 摘诬石3七 创业活动对就业、国民经济增长有着重要的意义,为促进国家GDP增长和创 造就业做出了巨大贡献。活跃的创业活动催生了大量的中小企业,促进了技术创新 和变革,解决了大量的劳动力就业问题。创业活动使许多追求自我价值的人实现自 我雇佣的理想,提高他们在经济活动中的主观能动性,提高了资源配置的效率 本文从创业者的角度出发,简要描述了国内外对创业的研究情况。随后介绍了 近几年来的餐饮发展状况及特色小吃的情况,政策及创业环境,从中找到创业机会 详细对花灯缘小吃店进行市场需求分析,根据消费人群的不同行为习性进行市场细 分,做出对花灯缘小吃店特色产品的正确市场定位。从经济情况、商圈性质及周边 环境等对选址进行分析比较,确定花灯缘小吃的店铺位置。对花灯缘小吃店进行财 务计划和风险识别及采取的措施进行详细的分析描述,对整个创业方案做出可行性 分析。最后制定花灯缘小吃店的市场拓展营销策略 关键词:创业,特色小吃,花灯缘小吃店,可行性分析 卜、、 _厂 重庆大学硕十学位论文英文摘要 ABSTRACT Innovative undertaking aetivities have great signifieance in the inerease of emPlo卿ent and national eeonomy, eontributing greatly to national GDP and emPloymeni. Aetive innovative undertaking activities bring forward a large number of medium and small enterprises,aecelerate teehnology innovation and reformation,and solve a lot of emPloyment Problem.hmovative undertaking aetivities enable PeoPle with self-esteem to realize the dream of self-emPloylnent,enhanee their subjeetive initiative in eeonomie aeitivities and imProve the effieieney ofdistribution ofresourees. This PaPer 15 Planned to find out the eorreet market Position of the snaek bar of lantern edge marketing in Xiushan.A briefdeseriPtion ofthe business at home and abroad will study the situation from the Point of view of the entrePreneur, and the reeent years’ develoPment of the food and sPeeialties of the Poliey and entrePrene而al environment will helP find business oPPortunities of Hua dengyUan snack bar. Details of the Hua dengyUan snack bar to the market demand analysis,based on consumer behavior habits of the different grouPs to eonduet market seglnentation,make the snack bar margin sPeeialty Products made in the eorreet market Position.From the economie situation,Trade Circle nature and the surrounding environment,such as the site for analysis and eomP而son to identify lantern snack shoPs geoPolitical Position.,the snack bar lantem geoPolitieal risks to the finaneial Plan and the measuxes taken to identify and conduet a detailed analysis of deseriPtion,and the entire venture feasibility of the Program.Finally, the develoPment of the snaek bar oflantern edge marketing strategy. Keywords:EntrePreneurshiP,SPeeialties,Hua dengyUan snaek bar, Feasibility Analysis 夕 。。。。。。以上简介无排版格式,详细内容请下载查看