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研究报告 Research Report
2 Jan 2023
中国银行行业 China Banks
2023 年银行业展望
Banking Industry 2023 Outlook
观点聚焦[Table_yemei1] Investment Focus
[Table_Info] (Please see APPENDIX 1 for English summary)
股票名称 评级 股票名称评级 上半年由于宏观经济的不确定性,业绩期银行股上涨概率大,非业
工商银行 Outperform 上海银行Outperform
建设银行 Outperform 杭州银行Outperform
农业银行 Outperform 浙商银行Outperform 定性高的公司。下半年宏观预期修复后,预计之前下跌幅度较大的
招商银行 Outperform 沪农商行Outperform 股份制银行会有明显修复,建议关注平安银行,以及业绩较好的城
中国银行 Outperform 成都银行Outperform 商行。
邮储银行 Outperform 苏州银行Outperform
兴业银行 Outperform 长沙银行Outperform 理由
交通银行 Outperform 常熟银行Outperform
平安银行 Outperform 重庆银行Outperform 预计 1 月份银行股将为上涨趋势。过去十年数据显示银行股在 1 月
中信银行 Outperform 重庆银行Outperform 的胜率为 75%。原因首先是年末的估值切换,各种估值方法中 PB
宁波银行 Outperform 青岛银行Outperform 估值切换带来上涨的确定性最高,利好银行股。其次买入银行股的
浦发银行 Outperform 青农商行Outperform 资金来源主要为保险资金和个人资金,两者的资金到位情况均有明
光大银行 Outperform 西安银行Outperform
显季节性,1 月份保险业的“开门红”及居民的年终奖发放利好银行
南京银行 Outperform 厦门银行Outperform
江苏银行 Outperform 张家港行Outperform
北京银行 Outperform 无锡银行Outperform 行四季度业绩影响较小。根据我们的了解和判断,四季度银行业绩
计超预期,1 月份部分商业银行发布业绩快报将利好银行股。同
HAI China BanksMSCI China
情冲击预计在 1 月达峰,社会生活正逐渐恢复,利好银行股。
100 预计春节到两会期间银行股小幅跑输。历史上银行股 2 月胜率不足
85 20%。原因首先是春节到两会期间“春季躁动”,市场偏好弹性较高
70 A 1
Jan-22 Apr-22 Jul-22 Sep-22 Dec-22
资料来源: Factset, HTI 预计 3 月末到 4 月银行股将为上涨趋势。两会结束至4 月底这段时
Related Reports
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Conference) (18 Dec 2022)
11 月社融数据点评:M2 增速创年内新高,企业中长期贷款延续强势 4 月底关注政治局会议定调。现在的经济思路是疫情防控政策放开
(M2 Growth Hits New High within the Year, Corp Mid to Long-term Loans
Robust Growth Continued) (13 Dec 2022)后释放内需,我们预计4 月份政治局会议可能会做出微调,大概率
后疫情时代的银行股估值(Valuation of Bank Stocks in the Post-Epidemic 会有小幅度放松。但由于后续欧美经济衰退大概率导致的外需疲
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林加力[Table_Author]Jiali Lin
券活动。关于海通国际的分析师证明,重要披露声明和免责声明,请参阅附录。(Please see appendix for English translation of the
7 月底关注政治局会议定调。第一种情况是疫情政策调整能有效拉动内需,7月底效
行股预计上涨。第二种情况是疫情政策调整后效果不佳,预计7 月底政治局会议将出
8 月到 12 月建议关注经济进入复苏期的时点。我们预计下半年会出现宏观预期修复驱
会带来行情,但时间点不好预计。地产风险现在相对比较显性,2022 年底中央经济工
2 Jan 2023 2
Investment advice: H1 macroeconomic uncertainty is high. The probability of bank stocks rising in the earnings period is high, and
it is more difficult to predict in the non-earnings period. We suggest focusing on companies with high certainty of excellent
performance such as Bank of Hangzhou and Bank of Suzhou. In the second half of the year, after the macro-expected repair, it is
expected that the previous decline in the shareholding banks will be significantly repaired, we recommend focusing on Ping An
Bank, as well as city commercial banks with better performance.
Bank stocks are expected to a rise trend in January.
Bank stocks are expected to underperform the market slightly during the Spring Festival to the two sessions.
Bank stocks are expected to a rise trend from late March to April.
Focus on the tone of the Political Bureau meeting at the end of April.
Focus on the epidemic situation again at the end of the second quarter.
Focus on the tone of the Political Bureau meeting at the end of July.
August to December is recommended to focus on the point when the economy enters the recovery period.
The impact of exchange rates, policy attitudes, real estate, and local government investment vehicles.
Risks: Enterprises’ deteriorating solvency, asset quality worse off significantly; major regulatory policy adverse changes
2 Jan 2023 3
本研究报告由海通国际分销,海通国际是由海通国际研究有限公司(HTIRL),Haitong Securities India Private Limited (HSIPL),Haitong International Japan K.K. (HTIJKK)和海通国际证券有限公
This research report is distributed by Haitong International, a global brand name for the equity research teams of Haitong International Research Limited (“HTIRL”), Haitong Securities India Private
Limited (“HSIPL”), Haitong International Japan K.K. (“HTIJKK”), Haitong International Securities Company Limited (“HTISCL”), and any other members within the Haitong International Securities Group
of Companies (“HTISG”), each authorized to engage in securities activities in its respective jurisdiction.
HTIRL 分析师认证 Analyst Certification:
我, 林加力,在此保证(i)本研究报告中的意见准确反映了我们对本研究中提及的任何或所有目标公司或上市公司的个人观点,并且(ii)我的报酬中没有任何部分与本研究报告中表
达的具体建议或观点直接或间接相关;及就此报告中所讨论目标公司的证券,我们(包括我们的家属)在其中均不持有任何财务利益。I, Jiali Lin, certify that (i) the views expressed in this
research report accurately reflect my personal views about any or all of the subject companies or issuers referred to in this research and (ii) no part of my compensation was, is or will be directly or
indirectly related to the specific recommendations or views expressed in this research report; and that I (including members of my household) have no financial interest in the security or securities
of the subject companies discussed.
利益冲突披露 Conflict of Interest Disclosures
HTI and some of its affiliates may engage in investment banking and / or serve as a market maker or hold proprietary trading positions of certain stocks or companies in this research report. As far
as this research report is concerned, the following are the disclosure matters related to such relationship (As the following disclosure does not ensure timeliness and completeness, please send an
email to ERD-Disclosure@htisec if timely and comprehensive information is needed).
海通证券股份有限公司和/或其子公司(统称“海通”)在过去12 个月内参与了 600015.CH, 600036.CH, 600919.CH, 601166.CH, 601229.CH, 601328.CH, 601398.CH, 601658.CH, 601818.CH,
601838.CH, 601939.CH, 601988.CH, 601998.CH, 0939.HK, 0998.HK, 1398.HK, 1658.HK, 3328.HK, 3698.HK, 3968.HK, 3988.HK, 6818.HK and 600188.CH 的投资银行项目。投资银行项目包括:1、
Haitong Securities Co., Ltd. and/or its subsidiaries (collectively, the "Haitong") have a role in investment banking projects of 600015.CH, 600036.CH, 600919.CH, 601166.CH, 601229.CH, 601328.CH,
601398.CH, 601658.CH, 601818.CH, 601838.CH, 601939.CH, 601988.CH, 601998.CH, 0939.HK, 0998.HK, 1398.HK, 1658.HK, 3328.HK, 3698.HK, 3968.HK, 3988.HK, 6818.HK and 600188.CH within the
past 12 months. The investment banking projects include 1. IPO projects in which Haitong acted as pre-listing tutor, sponsor, or lead-underwriter; 2. equity or debt refinancing projects of 600015.CH,
600036.CH, 600919.CH, 601166.CH, 601229.CH, 601328.CH, 601398.CH, 601658.CH, 601818.CH, 601838.CH, 601939.CH, 601988.CH, 601998.CH, 0939.HK, 0998.HK, 1398.HK, 1658.HK, 3328.HK,
3698.HK, 3968.HK, 3988.HK, 6818.HK and 600188.CH for which Haitong acted as sponsor, lead-underwriter or financial advisor; 3. listing by introduction in the new three board, target placement,
M&A projects in which Haitong acted as lead-brokerage firm.
作为回报,海通拥有1216.HK 及 3698.HK 一类普通股证券的 1%或以上。
The Haitong beneficially owns 1% or more of a class of common equity securities of 1216.HK and 3698.HK.
600000.CH, 600015.CH, 600036.CH, 600919.CH, 601166.CH, 601229.CH, 601328.CH, 601398.CH, 601658.CH, 601818.CH, 601838.CH, 601939.CH, 601988.CH, 601998.CH, 0939.HK, 0998.HK, 1398.HK,
1658.HK, 3328.HK, 3698.HK, 3968.HK, 3988.HK, 6818.HK 及 600188.CH 目前或过去 12 个月内是海通的投资银行业务客户。
600000.CH, 600015.CH, 600036.CH, 600919.CH, 601166.CH, 601229.CH, 601328.CH, 601398.CH, 601658.CH, 601818.CH, 601838.CH, 601939.CH, 601988.CH, 601998.CH, 0939.HK, 0998.HK, 1398.HK,
1658.HK, 3328.HK, 3698.HK, 3968.HK, 3988.HK, 6818.HK and 600188.CH are/were an investment bank clients of Haitong currently or within the past 12 months.
000001.CH, 002142.CH, 002948.CH, 600000.CH, 600015.CH, 600036.CH, 600919.CH, 600926.CH, 601009.CH, 上海农村商业银行股份有限公司, 601128.CH, 601166.CH, 601169.CH, 601229.CH,
601288.CH, 601328.CH, 601398.CH, 601577.CH, 601658.CH, 601818.CH, 601838.CH, 601939.CH, 601988.CH, 601998.CH, 0011.HK, 0023.HK, 0939.HK, 0998.HK, 1216.HK, 1288.HK, 1398.HK, 1658.HK,
3328.HK, 3698.HK, 3866.HK, 3968.HK, 3988.HK, 6190.HK, 6818.HK 及 601187.CH 目前或过去 12 个月内是海通的客户。海通向客户提供非投资银行业务的证券相关业务服务。
000001.CH, 002142.CH, 002948.CH, 600000.CH, 600015.CH, 600036.CH, 600919.CH, 600926.CH, 601009.CH, 上海农村商业银行股份有限公司, 601128.CH, 601166.CH, 601169.CH, 601229.CH,
601288.CH, 601328.CH, 601398.CH, 601577.CH, 601658.CH, 601818.CH, 601838.CH, 601939.CH, 601988.CH, 601998.CH, 0011.HK, 0023.HK, 0939.HK, 0998.HK, 1216.HK, 1288.HK, 1398.HK, 1658.HK,
3328.HK, 3698.HK, 3866.HK, 3968.HK, 3988.HK, 6190.HK, 6818.HK and 601187.CH are/were a client of Haitong currently or within the past 12 months. The client has been provided for non-
investment-banking securities-related services.
601398.CH 及 1398.HK 目前或过去 12 个月内是海通的客户。海通向客户提供非证券业务服务。
601398.CH and 1398.HK are/were a client of Haitong currently or within the past 12 months. The client has been provided for non-securities services.
海通在过去 12 个月中获得对 600015.CH, 600036.CH, 601166.CH, 601328.CH, 601658.CH, 601818.CH, 601939.CH, 601988.CH, 601998.CH, 0939.HK, 0998.HK, 1658.HK, 3328.HK, 3968.HK, 3988.HK,
6818.HK 及 600188.CH 提供投资银行服务的报酬。
Haitong received in the past 12 months compensation for investment banking services provided to 600015.CH, 600036.CH, 601166.CH, 601328.CH, 601658.CH, 601818.CH, 601939.CH, 601988.CH,
601998.CH, 0939.HK, 0998.HK, 1658.HK, 3328.HK, 3968.HK, 3988.HK, 6818.HK and 600188.CH.
海通预计将(或者有意向)在未来三个月内从600000.CH, 600036.CH, 600919.CH, 601166.CH, 601229.CH, 601328.CH, 601398.CH, 601658.CH, 601818.CH, 601998.CH, 0023.HK, 0998.HK,
1398.HK, 1658.HK, 3328.HK, 3968.HK, 6818.HK 及 600188.CH 获得投资银行服务报酬。
Haitong expects to receive, or intends to seek, compensation for investment banking services in the next three months from 600000.CH, 600036.CH, 600919.CH, 601166.CH, 601229.CH, 601328.CH,
601398.CH, 601658.CH, 601818.CH, 601998.CH, 0023.HK, 0998.HK, 1398.HK, 1658.HK, 3328.HK, 3968.HK, 6818.HK and 600188.CH.
海通在过去的 12 个月中从前海开源资产-平安银行-前海开源资产华鑫 1 号新三板专项资产管理计划, 长安财富资产-宁波银行-长安资产·景林海通新三板投资专项资产管理计划,长
安财富资产-宁波银行-长安资产·景林新三板 2 期投资专项资产管理计划,大越期货-宁波银行-大越期货1 号资产管理计划,国开泰富基金-宁波银行-国开泰富-海汇-定增1 号
资产管理计划,海通期货-宁波银行-海通期货-海新1 号集合资产管理计划,上海富诚海富通资产-宁波银行-富诚海富通福瑞通达 1 号专项资产管理计划, 600015.CH, 600036.CH,
600926.CH, 601009.CH, 601166.CH, 601229.CH, 601328.CH, 601398.CH, 601818.CH, 601939.CH, 601998.CH, 0939.HK, 0998.HK, 1398.HK, 3328.HK, 3698.HK, 3968.HK 及 6818.HK 获得除投资银行
Haitong has received compensation in the past 12 months for products or services other than investment banking from 前海开源资产-平安银行-前海开源资产华鑫 1 号新三板专项资产管理
计划, 长安财富资产-宁波银行-长安资产·景林海通新三板投资专项资产管理计划,长安财富资产-宁波银行-长安资产·景林新三板 2 期投资专项资产管理计划,大越期货-宁波银行
-大越期货 1 号资产管理计划,国开泰富基金-宁波银行-国开泰富-海汇-定增1 号资产管理计划,海通期货-宁波银行-海通期货-海新 1 号集合资产管理计划,上海富诚海富通资产
-宁波银行-富诚海富通福瑞通达 1 号专项资产管理计划, 600015.CH, 600036.CH, 600926.CH, 601009.CH, 601166.CH, 601229.CH, 601328.CH, 601398.CH, 601818.CH, 601939.CH, 601998.CH,
0939.HK, 0998.HK, 1398.HK, 3328.HK, 3698.HK, 3968.HK and 6818.HK.
海通担任 600036.CH, 601288.CH, 601398.CH, 601658.CH, 601939.CH, 601988.CH, 0005.HK, 0011.HK, 0939.HK, 1288.HK, 1398.HK, 1658.HK, 3968.HK 及 3988.HK 有关证券的做市商或流通量提供
Haitong acts as a market maker or liquidity provider in the securities of 600036.CH, 601288.CH, 601398.CH, 601658.CH, 601939.CH, 601988.CH, 0005.HK, 0011.HK, 0939.HK, 1288.HK, 1398.HK,
1658.HK, 3968.HK and 3988.HK.
海通国际证券集团有限公司(“海通国际”)有雇员或与关联人士担任 6138.HK 的职员。
Haitong International Securities Group Ltd. ("Haitong International") having an individual employed by or associated with Haitong International serving as an officer of 6138.HK.
评级定义(从 2020 年 7 月 1 日开始执行): 评级分布 Rating Distribution
司:优于大市、中性或弱于大市。投资者应仔细阅读HTI 的评级定义。并且 HTI
优于大市,未来 12-18 个月内预期相对基准指数涨幅在10%以上,基准定义如

中性,未来 12-18 个月内预期相对基准指数变化不大,基准定义如下。根据
FINRA/NYSE 的评级分布规则,我们会将中性评级划入持有这一类别。
弱于大市,未来 12-18 个月内预期相对基准指数跌幅在10%以上,基准定义如

各地股票基准指数:日本 – TOPIX, 韩国 – KOSPI, 台湾 – TAIEX, 印度 – Nifty100, 美
国 – SP500; 其他所有中国概念股 – MSCI China.
Ratings Definitions (from 1 Jul 2020):
Haitong International uses a relative rating system using Outperform,
Neutral, or Underperform for recommending the stocks we cover to
investors. Investors should carefully read the definitions of all ratings used
in Haitong International Research. In addition, since Haitong International
Research contains more complete information concerning the analyst;s
views, investors should carefully read Haitong International Research, in its
entirety, and not infer the contents from the rating alone. In any case,
ratings (or research) should not be used or relied upon as investment
advice. An investor;s decision to buy or sell a stock should depend on
individual circumstances (such as the investor;s existing holdings) and other