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当今社会化媒体高速发展的时代,微博作为一种新型的社会化媒体营销平台,吸引着众 多企业利用其开展营销活动。微博逐渐成为企业社交媒体营销的重要渠道,如何通过不断吸 引顾客参与,提升企业营销效果是众多企业所关心的问题。 首先,本文基于前人的研究,把顾客参与作为评估微博营销有效性的指标,构建了微博 内容与用户特征对顾客参与行为的作用模型,用多元回归的方法分析了微博营销对顾客参与 行为的影响。然后,从粉丝数以及产业的角度分析微博营销对顾客参与行为影响的调节效应。 最后,在此基础上以电影行业为案例,从微博营销方式与粉丝互动的角度观察、整理了电影 行业不同营销方式对电影产业的影响,并用多元回归的方法分析了电影行业的不同微博营销 方式对顾客参与的影响。利用Python工具抓取不同行业的200家企业官方微博于2018年9 月发布的数据,以及电影行业2018年4月至2019年4月上映的80部电影官方微博数据。通 过SPSS工具将整理汇总后的数据进行多元回归分析,并对分析结果展开讨论。 研究表明:(1)企业微博内容里提及他人、参与话题以及较多的粉丝数对顾客评论、点 赞以及转发等顾客参与行为有显著的正向影响;微博内容里包含视频对顾客的评论行为具有 抑制作用,对顾客的点赞、转发行为均无显著影响;粉丝数在微博营销与顾客参与的关系间 具有调节作用。相比高粉丝数的微博,微博营销对低粉丝数微博的顾客参与行为影响更大; 互联网、餐饮、服装、彩妆行业相较于其他行业的顾客参与程度更高。基于上述研究结论, 从提升企业微博营销效果的角度提出了相关政策建议。(2)不同的微博营销方式对于顾客参 与行为的影响是存在产业差异的。首先,对于服务业而言,参与话题能够显著提升顾客的评 论以及转发行为,但是就制造业而言,参与话题对三种顾客参与行为均没有显著性的影响。 其次,对于制造业而言,日均发博量能够显著降低顾客的点赞、评论以及转发行为,但对于 服务业而言,日均发博量只会显著降低顾客的点赞行为。最后,相比于评论和转发,受众对 点赞行为表现出了相对较高的一致性,无论是制造业还是服务业提及他人率、粉丝数、活跃 度均与点赞行为显著相关。(3)第一,电影官方微博的微博内容里提及他人、参与话题对消 费者的点赞、评论、转发行为有显著的正向影响。第二,粉丝数显著正向影响消费者的点赞、 评论、转发行为。第三,电影官方微博发布微博的频率对顾客参与无显著影响。经过实证分 析,本文从顾客参与的角度对企业微博营销效果影响因素进行了详尽的讨论,并在此基础上 提出了切实可行的企业微博营销的策略建议,最后对未来可能的研究方向进行了展望。 关键词: 企业微博,营销效果,顾客参与,微博内容,用户特征 II Abstract In the era of rapid development of social media, Weibo, as a new type of social media marketing platform, attracts many companies to use it to carry out marketing activities. Weibo has gradually become an important channel for corporate social media marketing. How to attract customer participation and enhance the marketing effect of enterprises is a concern of many companies. First, based on previous research, this paper takes customer participation as an indicator to evaluate the effectiveness of Weibo marketing, builds a model of the role of Weibo content and user characteristics on customer engagement behavior, and analyzes Weibo marketing to customers using multiple regression methods. Impact of participation behavior. Then, from the perspective of the number of fans and the industry, the moderating effect of microblog marketing on customer participation behavior is analyzed. Finally, based on this, the film industry is used as a case to observe and sort out the impact of different marketing methods of the film industry on the film industry from the perspective of microblog marketing and interaction with fans, and use multiple regression methods to analyze the different microblogs of the film industry. The impact of marketing methods on customer engagement. Use Python tools to capture the data released by the official Weibo of 200 companies in different industries in September 2018, and the official Weibo data of 80 movies released in the film industry from April 2018 to April 2019. The SPSS tool will be used for multiple regression analysis of the collected data and the analysis results will be discussed. The research shows that: (1) The mention of others in the content of the company's Weibo, the number of participating topics and the number of related fans have a significant positive impact on customer's staff behavior such as customer reviews, likes and forwarding; Weibo content contains video to customers. The commentary behavior has an inhibitory effect, and the customer's praise and forwarding behavior have no significant effect; Compared with Weibo with high followers, Weibo marketing has a greater impact on customer participation behavior of Weibo with lower followers; the Internet, catering, clothing, and cosmetics industries have a higher degree of customer participation than other industries; the Internet, catering, clothing, and makeup industries are more involved than other industries. (2) the impact of different microblog marketing methods on customer engagement behavior is industrially different. First, for the service industry, participation in the topic can significantly improve the customer's comments and forwarding behavior, but in III terms of manufacturing, the participation topic has no significant impact on this customer engagement behavior. Secondly, for the manufacturing industry, daily average volume can significantly reduce customer praise, comment and forwarding behavior, but for the service industry, daily average volume will only significantly reduce customer praise. Finally, citing comments and forwarding, the audience showed a relatively high consistency in the praise behavior, whether it is manufacturing or service industry representatives (3) first, whether the theme tag is used in the microblog content of the official microblog of the movie. Whether there are other praises, comments, and forwards for consumers. Second, the number of fans is significantly positively affecting consumers' likes, comments, and forwarding behavior. Third, the frequency of microblogging on the official microblog of the movie is not significant for customer participation. After empirical analysis, this article discusses the influencing factors of corporate microblog marketing from the perspective of customer participation, and provides practical strategies for companies to conduct microblog marketing based on this. Finally, the possible future research directions are carried out. Looking forward. Key words: Enterprise Weibo, marketing effect, customer participation, Weibo content,user characteristics IV 目录 第一章 绪论 .. 1 研究背景和意义 ............ 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ............. 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ............. 2 研究内容与方法 ............ 3 1.2.1 研究内容 ............. 3 1.2.2 研究方法 ............. 4 研究的创新点 ................ 5 第二章 理论基础与文献综述 ..... 7 企业微博营销 ................ 7 2.1.1 企业微博营销研究现状 .................... 7 2.1.2 企业微博营销理论基础 .................... 9 顾客参与 ...................... 10 2.2.1 顾客参与概念 ... 10 2.2.2 顾客参与理论基础 ...........................11 企业微博营销与顾客参与的关系 ............. 13 本章小结 ...................... 13 第三章 微博营销对顾客参与行为的影响 .............. 15 顾客参与行为分析 ...... 15 3.1.1 用户“点赞”行为分析 ....................... 16 3.1.2 用户“评论”行为分析 ....................... 16 3.1.3 用户“转发”行为分析 ....................... 17 3.1.4 用户“转发”、“评论”及“点赞”行为的相关性 ............... 18 理论基础和研究假设 .. 19 3.2.1 信息价值与微博话题 ...................... 19 3.2.2 链接价值与品牌提及 ...................... 20 3.2.3 关系传播与粉丝数量 ...................... 21 研究设计 ...................... 22 3.3.1 样本选取 ........... 22 3.3.2 模型设定 ........... 22 3.3.3 变量定义 ........... 22 实证检验 ...................... 23 3.4.1 描述性统计 ....... 23 3.4.2 多元回归 ........... 24 本章小结 ...................... 27 3.5.1 研究结论 ........... 27 3.5.2 管理建议 ........... 28 第四章 微博营销对顾客参与行为影响的调节效应 .............................. 29 粉丝数的调节效应 ...... 29 行业的调节效应 .......... 32 4.2.1 顾客点赞行为的产业差异 .............. 32 4.2.2 顾客评论行为的产业差异 .............. 34 4.2.3 顾客转发行为的产业差异 .............. 35 本章