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I 摘要 伴随经济的发展,市场竞争也异常激烈,顾客对产品的需求也在不断更新, 怎样在资源有限的情况研发出新产品来适应客户的需求,是企业面临的巨大挑战。 W公司是从事机械设备开发及制造的专业化企业,在行业中具有一定代表性,公 司的产品研发项目进度有一定的参考价值。其成功的进度管理技术一方面能够运 用到W公司其他的研发项目,另一方面也能为该行业的项目进度管理提供借鉴。 项目管理目前在企业中运用得非常广泛,在这个过程中,项目进度管理又起 到了相当重要的作用,对项目实施进度管理就需要对项目的各个任务环节实行实 时管理[1]。首先是对项目任务制定科学、有效的进度计划,然后结合研发项目的实 际情况贯彻执行制定的项目计划。一旦发现项目进度存在偏差,就需要及时分析 原因,然后采取对应的纠偏措施,进行及时地补救,甚至是对初始计划进行修改。 JW-06型产品研发项目的时间进度管理研究是为了解决企业在研发类项目中 存在的管理问题。W公司在工程组织中关于现代项目管理的相关理论应用不广泛, 经常会出现项目研发周期长,费用高的状况,严重影响企业的发展。为解决这一 难题,本研究以JW-06型产品研发项目为模版,将项目时间管理的理论运用于实 践,最终达到缩短工期、降低成本的目的。产品研发具有一定的时效性,只有在 第一时间将产品投入市场,并占据相应份额,才能有足够的利润。因此,项目成 功的关键就是产品的研发周期,企业要在管理上创新,科学有效地控制产品的研 发进度,才能减少成本,保证研发成果。 本研究以W公司JW-06型专用吊车产品研发项目为例,运用WBS工作结构 分解、关键路径法、计划评审技术等方法制定出该项目的进度计划,并对进度计 划进行优化;然后从项目进度控制监测、进度偏差分析、进度偏差纠正等几方面 提出项目进度控制方法;最后,提出了保障项目顺利进行的保障性措施,以保证 项目的及时完工率,降低项目延时风险。同时,希望能为W公司的其他项目及类 似企业项目进度管理提供参考。 关键词:进度管理,专用吊车,产品研发 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT With the development of economy, the market competition is also very fierce, the customer's demand for products is also constantly updated, how to develop new products to meet the needs of customers in the situation of limited resources is a huge challenge that enterprises face. W Company is engaged in machinery and equipment development and manufacturing of professional enterprises, in the industry has a certain representation, the company's product development project schedule has a certain reference value. Its successful schedule management technology can be applied to other R & D projects of W company, on the other hand, it can also provide reference for the project schedule management of this industry. At present, project management is widely used in enterprises, in this process, project schedule management plays a very important role, the project implementation schedule management needs to implement the real-time management of each task of the project 1. First of all, it is necessary to make a scientific and effective progress plan for the project, and then carry out the plan according to the actual situation of the R & D project. Once the deviation of project schedule is found, it is necessary to analyze the reason in time, and then take corresponding corrective measures to remedy the deviation in time, even to modify the original plan. The progress Management Research of JW-06 Product R & D project is to solve the Management problems in R & D project. The theory of modern project management is not widely used in the engineering organization of W company, and the project development cycle is long and the cost is high, which affects the development of enterprise seriously. In order to solve this problem, this research takes JW-06 product development project as the template, applies the theory of project time management to practice, and finally achieves the goal of shortening the construction period and reducing the cost. Product Research and development has certain timeliness, only in the first time the product into the market, and occupy the corresponding share, can have enough profit. Therefore, the key to the success of the project is the product R & D cycle, enterprises should innovate in management, scientific and effective control of product R & D Progress, in order to reduce costs and ensure R & D results. Taking the R & D project of JW-06 type special crane of W company as an ABSTRACT III example, the schedule of the project is worked out and optimized by using the methods of WBS , critical path method, plan review technology, etc. Then it puts forward the project progress control method from the project progress control monitoring, the progress deviation analysis, the progress deviation correction and so on several aspects; finally, it puts forward the safeguard measure which guarantees the project to carry on smoothly, in order to guarantee the project on time completion rate, reduce the risk of project delay. At the same time, I hope to provide a reference for other projects and similar enterprise project schedule management of W company. Key words: Progress management, A dedicated crane, Product development 目录 IV 目 录 第一章 绪论 ..................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 选题背景及意义 ................................................................................................. 1 1.1.1选题背景 .................................................................................................... 1 1.1.2研究意义 .................................................................................................... 2 1.2国内外研究现状 .................................................................................................. 3 1.2.1国外研究现状 ............................................................................................ 3 1.2.2国内研究现状 ............................................................................................ 4 1.3 研究的思路与方法 ............................................................................................. 5 1.4 本论文的结构 ..................................................................................................... 5 1.5 本章小结 ............................................................................................................. 7 第二章 项目进度管理理论基础概述 ............................................................................. 8 2.1 项目管理理论概述 ............................................................................................. 8 2.1.1 项目的定义 ............................................................................................... 8 2.1.2 项目管理的定义 ....................................................................................... 8 2.2 项目进度管理理论概述 ..................................................................................... 9 2.3 基于JW-06型专用吊车产品研发项目进度管理 ............................................. 9 2.3.1 项目进度策划 ......................................................................................... 10 2.3.2 项目进度控制 ......................................................................................... 14 2.4 本章小结 ........................................................................................................... 16 第三章W公司JW-06型专用吊车产品研发项目概况 ............................................... 17 3.1 JW-06型专用吊车产品研发项目简介 ............................................................. 17 3.2 产品的特点 ....................................................................................................... 17 3.3 项目组织结构 ................................................................................................... 18 3.4 产品研制过程管理要求 ................................................................................... 19 3.5 产品研制流程 ................................................................................................... 20 3.6 本章小结 ........................................................................................................... 21 第四章 W公司JW-06型专用吊车产品研发项目进度计划制定 .............................. 22 4.1 JW-06型专用吊车产品研发项目生命