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近年来,新一代互联网信息技术加速推动着传统物流行业的产业转型升级。 竞争不再简单以价格作为主要评判标准,商业模式、创新能力、满足客户多元化 的需求成为新竞争力的综合体现。同时,大型跨界竞争者的出现加剧了物流市场 竞争,改变了现有市场竞争格局并不断蚕食传统物流企业原本不大的盈利空间, 加上人工成本的逐年上涨,对传统物流企业来说可谓内忧外患。面对如此竞争态 势,传统物流企业如何提升自身盈利能力、培育核心竞争力,将成为下一阶段关 注的核心内容,此举势必掀起新一轮席卷全国的物流企业改革和创新浪潮。 招商物流广州公司作为一家传统的第三方物流企业,面临着同样的困境, 主要体现在占比最大的城市干线运输业务上,毛利率逐年下滑,盈利空间受到挑 战。本文结合招商物流广州公司所处的现状,梳理出运输线路规划过于单一、满 载去程空车回程、无计划性的回程配载和二次配载的运输管理问题。这些问题主 要体现在三个关键指标率均低于同行业竞争对手水平。针对上述问题进行根源探 索,发现根本原因在于运输资源统筹不合理和订单信息不共享。 基于此,本文以最优化理论和物流成本控制理论为基础,从运输资源规划和 信息系统建设两个方面对城市干线运输进行优化方案设计。首先,通过构建城市 干线运输线路配置模型优化运输资源规划。其次,利用信息技术实现节点城市之 间的订单信息共享,最终形成可执行的城市干线运输最优方案。优化方案将重新 统筹规划从广州出发的运输资源,最大限度的利用现有资源达到优化流程降低运 营成本的目的,以此提升招商物流广州公司的核心竞争力。最后,通过优化方案 的实施和预期效果分析预测城市干线运输成本显著降低,借此契机招商物流广州 公司能够扭转当前所处的不利局面,也为未来华南区域平台化战略做好铺垫。 本文针对招商物流广州公司城市干线运输遇到的瓶颈提供优化解决方案,研 究出适合第三方物流企业公路干线运输如何实现运营成本优化的成功路径,具有 很强的通用性,对同行业有很好的借鉴意义。 关键词:第三方物流,线路优化,科学配载,城市干线运输 MBA学位论文 作者:杨国华 招商物流广州公司城市干线运输方案的优化研究 II RESEARCH ON URBAN TRUNK LINE TRANSPORTATION SCHEMES OPTIMIZATION OF GUANGZHOU MERCHANTS LOGISTICS CO.LTD Abstract In recent years, the new generation of Internet information technology has accelerated the industrial transformation and upgrading of traditional logistics industry. Competition is no longer simply based on price as the main criteria, business model, innovation ability, and diversified services have become a comprehensive embodiment of the new competitiveness. At the same time, the emergence of large cross-border competitors has intensified the competition in the logistics market, changed the existing market competition pattern, and constantly eroded the original small profit space of traditional logistics enterprises. In addition, the labor costs is increasing annually, it can be said that traditional logistics enterprises have internal problems and external problems. Faced with such a competitive situation, how traditional logistics enterprises improve their profitability and cultivate their core competitiveness will become the core of the next stage of attention, this is bound to set off a new wave of logistics enterprise reform and innovation across the country. As a traditional third-party logistics enterprise, Guangzhou merchants logistics co., ltd. is faced with the same dilemma, which is mainly reflected in the urban trunk line transportation business, which accounts for the largest proportion. The gross profit rate declines year by year, and the profit space is diminishing. Combined with the current situation of Guangzhou Company, this paper sorted out the operational problems such as single operation route planning, empty return journey of the whole vehicle, unplanned return journey stowage and secondary stowage. These problems are mainly embodied in the three key indicators were significantly lower than the same industry competition level. Based on the analysis of the above problems, it is found that the main causes are unreasonable transportation resource pooling and unshared order information. Therefore, based on optimization theory and logistics cost control theory, we design urban trunk line transportation optimization from transport resources planning MBA学位论文 作者:杨国华 招商物流广州公司城市干线运输方案的优化研究 III and information system construction. Firstly, the transportation resource planning is optimized by constructing the configuration model of urban trunk transportation lines. Secondly, information technology is used to realizing order information sharing among node cities and finally an optimal scheme of urban trunk transportation is formed. The optimization plan will re-plan the transport resources from Guangzhou and make the best use of the existing resources to optimize the process and reduce the operation cost, so as to enhance the core competitiveness of Guangzhou merchants logistics co., LTD. Finally, through the implementation of the optimization plan and the analysis of expected effect, it is concluded that the transportation cost of urban trunk line is significantly reduced. By taking this opportunity, Guangzhou Company can reverse the current adverse situation and lay a foundation for the future south China regional platform strategy. In this paper, we aimed at the bottleneck encountered in the urban trunk line transportation of Guangzhou Company, an optimization solution is provided, and a successful path suitable for the highway trunk line transportation of third-party logistics enterprises to realize the optimization of operating costs is studied. It has a strong universality and is of great reference significance to the industry. Key words:Third party logistics, line optimization, scientific stowage, urban trunk transport MBA学位论文 作者:杨国华 招商物流广州公司城市干线运输方案的优化研究 IV 目 录 中文摘要 ................................................. I Abstract ................................................. II 第一章 绪论 .............................................. 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 .............................................. 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ................................................ 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ................................................ 4 1.2 研究思路与方法 .............................................. 5 1.2.1 研究思路 ................................................ 5 1.2.2 研究方法 ................................................ 6 1.3 主要研究内容 ................................................ 7 第二章 相关理论与文献综述 ................................ 9 2.1 相关理论 .................................................... 9 2.1.1 供应链物流管理 .......................................... 9 2.1.2 最优化理论 ............................................. 10 2.1.3 企业信息化理论 ......................................... 11 2.1.4 物流成本控制理论 ....................................... 12 2.2 干线运输相关文献综述 ....................................... 13 第三章 招商物流广州公司城市干线运输的现状及存在问题分析 . 15 3.1 公司概述 ................................................... 15 3.2 城市干线运输的现状 ......................................... 16 3.2.1 城市干线运输方案介绍 ................................... 16 3.2.2 城市干线运输成本介绍 ................................... 16 3.3 城市干线运输存在的问题分析 ................................. 17 3.3.1 线路规划单一 ........................................... 19 MBA学位论文 作者:杨国华 招商物流广州公司城市干线运输方案的优化研究 V 3.3.2 运输成本逐年上涨 ....................................... 20 3.3.3 关键指标率水平不高 ..................................... 21 3.4 城市干线运输问题的成因分析 ................................. 23 3.4.1 资源统筹不合理 ......................................... 23 3.4.2 订单信息不共享 ......................................... 24 第四章 招商物流广州公司城市干线运输优化方案设计 ......... 26 4.1 优化思路 ................................................... 26 4.2 城市干线运输线路配载模型的构建与实例测试 ................... 27 4.2.1 运输线路配载模型的构建 ................................. 28 4.2.2 模型的实例测试 ......................................... 32 4.3 城市干线运输最优方案设计 ................................... 45 第五章 招商物流广州公司城市干线运输