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随着我国经济的持续高速发展,我国制造业整体水平也不断迈上新的台阶,目前我 国多种工业生产品的产量和产值都占据世界首位,是当之无愧的世界工厂和制造业大 国。然而与世界先进水平相比,在很多制造领域存在着大而不强的状况。面对工业4.0 时代的到来,美国、日本、德国等纷纷提出振兴本国制造业的计划,在面对世界制造业 格局正在发生深刻变化之时,我国政府立足于国际产业变革大势,作出全面提升我国制 造业发展质量和水平的“中国制造2025”重大战略部署,将会为各个行业的制造业公司迎 来新的发展契机。 面对外界和国家的制造业形势,各行各业的竞争更是日益激烈,对人才的需求越来 越迫切。而普通大学和技术类学院所培养的人才与企业所需求的人才在专业所学与职业 所需方面存在着较明显的偏差,在这种情况下企业要想在市场激烈的竞争中立于不败之 地,企业本身在人才培养方面就必须承担更多责任,必须持续不断地提升其人力资源开 发能力、人才培育的能力来为企业战略服务,提升企业的竞争力。基于此,能及时有效 的为企业培养更多人才的企业大学价值就凸显出来。 F公司投资河南的郑州园区是目前国内重要的大型高端智能手机生产制造基地。自 2010年建厂以来,由于其产品外观、功能和品牌受到市场的青睐,产能不断扩充,郑州 园区则迅速发展壮大。在这一过程中,企业大学为新产品的快速量产源源不断的输入训 练有素、培训合格的人员,为产品的顺利交货及公司的成长做出了应有贡献,然而在培 训的实践过程也暴露出诸多缺点和不足,需要进行改善和优化。同时,由于公司正处在 传统制造向智能制造转型升级的过程中,这也是F公司郑州园区现阶段的战略重点,而 这一战略的达成,更离不开与之相适应的企业大学的有效培训作支撑。因此,对F公司 郑州园区企业大学现有培训管理方面的问题进行深入研究,重新改善设计出符合其发展 需求的培训体系和方法是当前企业大学工作的重中之重。 本文以F公司郑州园区企业大学的培训体系和要素为研究对象,分为六个部分展开 具体研究。首先,利用文献法,对企业大学的含义和特点进行了研究,分析了国内外企 业大学的历史和研究现状,并对企业大学的运作模式和企业大学相关的培训模型进行了 介绍。然后,在第三章中就F公司郑州园区情况及企业大学的培训现状做了说明,主要 II 包括其组织架构、培训体系、培训流程和培训师资等方面。接着,运用抽样问卷调查法、 访谈法对现阶段企业大学的培训状况进行了综合评价及深入研究,并从组织结构、课程 体系、师资管理等方面指出了问题。在第五章节中则针对问题,结合企业实际需求,利 用培训相关理论及方法对企业大学现有培训体系和要素提出了改善方案。最后,为保障 企业大学的各项培训能够顺利运行,本文针对性地从硬件、软件和资金三个方面提出了 切实可行的保障措施。 本文利用企业大学培训方面的相关理论与方法,结合企业现阶段实际需求,对F公 司郑州园区企业大学原培训体系和核心要素进行了改善和优化,更好的满足了其对各方 面人才培养的需求,促进了公司的经营发展。同时,现阶段我国很多大型制造业也在由 管理粗放型向提质增效型方向转变,本文的研究对我国相关或类似行业的企业大学的人 才培养具有一定的借鉴意义。 关键词:大型制造业,F公司郑州园区,企业大学,培训管理 III ABSTRACT With the sustained and rapid development of China's economy, the overall level of China's manufacturing industry has also continued to reach a new level. At present, the output and output value of a variety of industrial products in China are the first in the world, and they are worthy of the name of the world factory and manufacturing country. However, compared with the world advanced level, there is a large and weak situation in many manufacturing fields. In the face of the arrival of the industrial 4.0 era, the United States, Japan, Germany and so on have put forward plans to revitalize their own manufacturing industry. In the face of profound changes in the world manufacturing structure, the Chinese government, based on the general trend of international industrial reform, has made a major strategic plan of "made in China 2025" to comprehensively improve the quality and level of the development of China's manufacturing industry, which will usher in new development opportunities for companies in various manufacturing industries. In the face of the manufacturing situation of the outside world and the country, the competition of various industries is becoming more and more fierce, and the demand for talents is becoming more and more urgent. However, there is an obvious deviation between the talents trained by ordinary universities and technical colleges and the talents needed by corporates in the aspects of professional learning and professional needs. in this case, if an corporate wants to remain invincible in the fierce market competition, the corporate itself must bear more responsibility in the aspect of talent training, must continuously improve its human resources development ability, and the ability of talent cultivation to serve the strategy of the corporate. Enhance the core competitiveness of corporates. Therefore, the university value of corporates that can train more targeted talents in a timely and effective manner is highlighted. Zhengzhou Park, invested by F Company in Henan Province, is an important high-end smartphone production and manufacturing base in China. Since the establishment of the factory in 2010, due to its external functions, functions and brands are favored by the market, capacity continues to expand, Zhengzhou Park is growing rapidly. In this process, the Corporate university has continuously imported and trained qualified personnel for the rapid mass production of new products, and has made due contributions IV to the smooth delivery of products and the growth of the company. However, in the practical process of training, many shortcomings and shortcomings need to be improved and optimized. At the same time, because the company is in the process of transformation and upgrading from traditional manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing, this is also the strategic focus of Zhengzhou Park of F Company at this stage, and the achievement of this strategy can not be supported by the effective training of the corresponding corporate universities. Therefore, it is the most important work of corporate university to deeply study the existing training problems of Zhengzhou Park corporate University of F Company and redesign the training system and method to meet its development needs. This paper takes the training system and elements of Zhengzhou Park corporate University of F Company as the research object, which is divided into six parts to carry out the specific research. First of all, by using the literature method, this paper studies the meaning and characteristics of the Corporate university, analyzes the history and present situation of the corporate university at home and abroad, and introduces the operation mode of the corporate university and the related training model of the corporate university. Then, in the third chapter, the characteristics of large manufacturing corporates and the training status of Zhengzhou Park and Corporate University of F Company are explained, including its organizational structure, training type, curriculum system, training process, training teachers and so on. Then, by using the method of questionnaire and interview, this paper makes a comprehensive evaluation and in-depth study on the current training situation of Corporate universities, and points out the problems from the aspects of organizational structure, curriculum system, teacher management and so on. In the fifth chapter, aiming at the problem and combining with the actual demand of the corporate, this paper puts forward the improvement scheme of the existing training system and elements of the corporate university by using the relevant theories and methods of training. Finally, in order to ensure the smooth operation of all kinds of training in corporate universities, this paper puts forward some feasible safeguard measures from the aspects of hardware, software and funds. This paper makes full use of the ideas and methods of corporate university training, combined with the actual demand of the corporate at the present stage, improves and optimizes the original training system and elements of the corporate university in Zhengzhou Park of F Company, which better meets its demand for all aspects of talents and promotes the management and development of the company. At the same time,