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I 摘要 随着计算机技术、信息技术和互联网等技术的快速发展,使得移动互联网在 各行业得到广泛应用。对银行业来说,蚂蚁金服、理财通等全新互联网金融业务 的出现,对传统银行业务带来很大的冲击。互联网金融业务能够利用大数据技术 全面掌握客户数据,因而具有更高的市场把控能力,因此商业银行个人业务沿用 的模式不能满足当前的金融发展需求。在大数据时代,传统银行业要想得到持续 的发展,就需要优化现有的发展模式、改变现有的营销策略,充分应用大数据技 术创新金融业务;只有搭建大数据营销平台、创建客户数据库对客户开展精准营 销,充分挖掘客户潜力,才能进一步提升银行经营水平。 本文强调使用大数据平台开展精准营销,分析建设银行LY分行个人业务的 精确营销问题。论文共分为六部分:第一章为绪论。主要分析论文的研究背景、 研究意义,梳理前期相关的研究文献等;第二章为相关理论概述。对本文涉及到 的商业银行个人业务、大数据、精准营销等理论进行阐析;第三章分析建设银行 开展的个人业务主要产品、个人业务营销的现状和存在的问题。当前建设银行个 人业务营销存在营销缺乏有效的系统支撑、客户满意度低、客户分类不够细致和 合理、过度重视交易而轻视服务效果、忽略科技创新靠人工经验被动营销、客户 流失现象严重等问题;第四章重点分析基于大数据的个人业务精准营销平台的搭 建。从构建个人业务精准营销平台的思路、具体方法和平台的执行等方面进行分 析和论证;第五章基于大数据平台针对个人业务开展精准营销,论文提出了一些 措施建议,应当对营销人员进行组织分工、做好营销活动的策划工作、合理进行 沟通工具的搭配与使用、对营销流程进行管控、及时对大数据平台的实际应用效 果进行评价;第六章是结论。 本文的研究不仅为建设银行以数据库为基础的个人业务精准营销提供合理的 参考和借鉴,而且还能为同类银行在金融领域的转型升级提供合理的借鉴。 关 键 词:大数据;个人业务;精准营销 论文类型:研究类 选题来源:其他 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT With the rapid development of computer technology, information technology and Internet technology, mobile Internet has been widely used in various industries. For the banking industry, the emergence of new Internet financial services, such as ant financial services and wintong, has brought a great impact on the traditional banking business. Internet financial business can use big data technology to fully grasp customer data, so it has a higher ability to control the market. Therefore, the business model used by commercial Banks for personal business cannot meet the current financial development needs. In the era of big data, if the traditional banking industry wants to achieve sustainable development, it needs to optimize the existing development model, change the existing marketing strategy, and make full use of big data technology to innovate the financial business. Only by building a big data marketing platform, creating a customer database and carrying out precision marketing to customers, and fully tapping their potential, can the bank further improve its operation level. This paper emphasizes the use of big data platform to carry out precision marketing, and analyzes the precise marketing of the LY branch of Construction Bank’ s personal business. The paper is divided into six parts: the first chapter is the introduction. Mainly analyzes the research background and significance of the paper, and sorts out relevant research literature in the early stage. Chapter two is an overview of relevant theories. This paper explains and analyzes the theories of personal business, big data and precision marketing of commercial Banks. The third chapter analyzes the main products of personal business carried out by Construction Bank, the status quo and existing problems of personal business marketing. At present, Construction Bank’s personal business marketing has many problems, such as lack of effective system support for marketing, low customer satisfaction, insufficiently detailed and reasonable customer classification, excessive emphasis on transactions and neglect of service effect, neglect of passive marketing based on human experience in scientific and technological innovation, and serious customer loss. The fourth chapter focuses on the construction of personal business precision marketing platform based on big data. From the construction of personal business precision marketing platform ideas, specific methods and the implementation of the platform to analyze and demonstrate; Fifth chapter based on big data platform for personal business to carry out precision marketing, this paper ABSTRACT III puts forward some Suggestions, shall be conducted for marketing personnel organization division of labor, to do a good job of planning marketing activities, the collocation of reasonable communication tools and use, to the marketing process control, timely to evaluate the application effect of big data platform; Chapter six is the conclusion. The research in this paper not only provides a reasonable reference and reference for Construction Bank’s database-based personal business precision marketing, but also provides a reasonable reference for similar Banks' transformation and upgrading in the financial field. KEY WORDS: Big data; Personal business; Precision marketing Dissertation type: Research Category Subject source: Other one 目录 V 目 录 第一章 绪论 ................................................................................................. 1 第一节 研究背景与意义 ............................................................................................ 1 一、研究背景 .......................................................................................................... 1 二、研究意义 .......................................................................................................... 1 第二节 研究综述 ........................................................................................................ 2 一、国外研究综述 .................................................................................................. 2 二、国内研究综述 .................................................................................................. 3 第三节 研究内容 ........................................................................................................ 4 第四节 研究方法 ........................................................................................................ 5 第二章 相关理论概述 ................................................................................. 7 第一节 商业银行个人业务基础理论 ........................................................................ 7 第二节 大数据原理及应用 ........................................................................................ 7 第三节 精准营销理论 ................................................................................................ 8 一、4C理论 ............................................................................................................ 8 二、让客价值? ........................................................................................................ 8 三、直接沟通理论? ................................................................................................ 9 第三章 建设银行LY分行个人业务营销现状和问题 ........................... 11 第一节 建设银行LY分行个人业务发展现状 ........................................................ 11 一、个人客户对金融业务的需求变化 ................................................................. 11 二、建设银行LY分行个人业务情况 .................................................................. 11 三、建设银行LY分行物理网点概况 ................................................................. 12 第二节 建设银行LY分行个人业务主要产品 ....................................................... 13 一、个人存款 ........................................................................................................ 14 二、个人投资理财类产品 .................................................................................... 14 三、信用卡及其衍生产品 .................................................................................... 15 四、电子渠道产品 ................................................................................................ 15 五、个人贷款 ................