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I 中文摘要 改革开放以来,互联网技术不断发展进步,许多依托互联网的新兴行业不断 涌现,其中在2015年才出现的互联网消费金融行业,在短短的五年内获得了爆 发式的增长。除了AL巴巴、京东等电商巨头借助多年累计的用户数据投身互联 网消费金融行业外,传统的金融公司也纷纷开拓线上的消费金融业务。然而,由 于互联网消费金融行业产生的时间很短且发展很快,企业在信用风险管理上的经 验尚显不足,加之近几年集中爆发的P2P“爆雷”和校园贷等恶性事件,使得此行 业的风险问题暴露于公众面前。MY公司是目前国内乃至国际上最大的互联网消 费金融公司,对该公司关于互联网消费金融业务信用风险管理的研究可以为行业 的发展提供借鉴和帮助。 本文以当前互联网消费金融行业的现状为基础,以现实生活中使用最广泛的 MY公司为研究对象,介绍了MY公司的运营现状、面临的信用风险,以及对信 用风险的管理措施,并通过问卷调查法研究MY公司的信用风险管理措施,进 而分析了MY公司现今在互联网消费金融信用风险管理中存在的问题,针对MY 公司,其存在的问题主要是对信用风险管理的认识不足,从而导致的管理水平和 能力不足;对于消费者,主要是信用消费习惯欠缺,诚信意识淡薄,以及对违约 的后果认识不足等;而对于监管行业的政府机构,目前的主要问题是行业政策不 稳定,监管机构混乱,以及相关法律法规的缺失等。针对这些问题,本文相应地 提出了可以促进MY公司在互联网消费金融信用风险管理方面发展的措施,对 于平台自身,需要集成信用风险管理产品市场,完善信用报告制度和信用评级制 度建设,改善信用风险管理的流动性,培养高水平的人才管理队伍等;对于消费 者,需要宣传提倡诚信消费,提高互联网教育以降低违约风险;对于监管方而言, 需要加快征信体系建设,完善适用的法律法规和监管标准等。 本文针对MY公司在互联网消费金融行业的信用风险管理中的问题提出了 相应的解决办法,希望这些举措可以为互联网消费金融行业的健康稳定发展作出 一定的贡献。 关键词:互联网消费金融;信用风险管理;MY公司;征信 Abstract II Abstract Since the reform and opening-up, China's domestic economy ushered in a golden period of rapid development. In the past two decades, the development and progress of Internet technology have brought people closer to each other. At the same time, many emerging industries relying on the Internet have emerged, among which the Internet consumer finance industry is one of the fastest growing. With the emergence of the Internet consumer finance industry in 2015, the Internet consumer finance industry has achieved explosive growth in just five years, continuously stimulating the national consumption consciousness and traditional economic model. In addition to e-commerce giants such as Alibaba and JD, which have devoted themselves to the Internet consumer finance industry with the help of years of accumulated user data, traditional financial companies have also developed online consumer finance businesses. However, due to the short time and rapid development of the Internet consumer finance industry, the experience of enterprises in credit risk management is still insufficient. In addition, in recent years, the outbreak of P2P "explosion" and campus loans and other disgusting events has exposed the risks of this industry to the public. Ant Financial is the largest Internet consumer finance company in China and even the world at present. The research on credit risk management of the Internet consumer finance business of ant Financial can provide reference and help for the development of the industry. Based on the current situation of the Internet consumer finance industry, and the application scenarios of Internet consumer finance in daily life were investigated by questionnaire, this paper introduces the challenges of credit risk management in the industry, including the increase in the number of consumers, the expansion of the scope of basic assets, the imperfection of national policies and the lack of enterprise credit risk management ability. In order to explain these problems more specifically, this paper takes the most widely used ant financial service in real life as an example, Ant Financial Services Group, to introduce its current operation status, credit risks and credit risk management measures. Furthermore, it analyzes the existing problems of Ant Financial in consumer finance credit risk management, For Ant Financial Services Group, the main problem is the lack of understanding of credit risk management, which leads to the lack of management level and ability. For consumers, Abstract III the main reasons are lack of credit consumption habits, weak sense of integrity, and lack of understanding of the consequences of default. As for the government agencies supervising the industry, the current major problems are unstable industrial policies, disordered regulatory institutions, and the absence of relevant laws and regulations. To solve these problems, this paper accordingly puts forward the promotion can promote Ant Financial Services Group on the Internet in the development of consumer credit risk management measures, for the platform itself, the need to integrate credit risk management products market, improve the system of credit report and credit rating system construction, improve the liquidity of credit risk management, training high level talent management team, etc.; For consumers, it is necessary to promote honest consumption and improve Internet education to reduce the risk of default. For the regulatory side, the need to speed up the construction of credit system, improve the applicable laws and regulations and regulatory standards. This paper proposes corresponding solutions to ant financials’ problems in credit risk management in the Internet consumer finance industry, hoping that these measures can make certain contributions to the healthy and stable development of the Internet consumer finance industry. Key words: Internet consumer finance; Credit risk management; Ant Financial Services Group; Credit reporting. I 目录 中文摘要............................................................ I Abstract........................................................... II 第一章 绪论 ....................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 ............................................. 1 1.1.1研究背景 ............................................... 1 1.1.2研究意义 ............................................... 2 1.2 文献综述 ................................................... 3 1.2.1信用风险管理研究进展 ................................... 3 1.2.2互联网消费金融发展 ..................................... 4 1.2.3互联网消费金融的信用风险管理研究进展 ................... 5 1.2.4文献评述 ............................................... 6 1.3 研究内容及方法 ............................................. 6 1.3.1研究内容 ............................................... 6 1.3.2研究方法 ............................................... 7 1.4 技术路线 ................................................... 8 第二章 互联网消费者金融和信用风险管理基础理论 ..................... 9 2.1互联网消费金融的定义和模式................................... 9 2.1.1互联网消费金融的定义 ................................... 9 2.1.2互联网消费金融模式 ..................................... 9 2.2信用风险.................................................... 10 2.2.1信用风险的概念 ........................................ 10 2.2.2信用风险的特征 ........................................ 11 2.3信用风险管理................................................ 11 2.3.1信用风险管理的定义 .................................... 11 2.3.2信用风险管理的特点 .................................... 11 2.3.3信用风险管理操作流程 .................................. 12 2.4互联网消费金融中信用风险管理的目标.......................... 13 2.5相关理论基础................................................ 13 2.5.1信贷理论 .............................................. 13 2.5.2平台经济理论 .......................................... 14 2.5.3长尾理论 .............................................. 14 目录 II 2.5.4信用风险管理理论 ...................................... 14 第三章 MY公司的互联网消费金融信用风险管理的现状 ................. 15 3.1我国互联网消费金融业务的现状................................ 15 3.1.1消费者需求促进其发展 ...