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随着2019年末新冠疫情全面持续蔓延,世界范围内的社会和经济遭受前所 未有的冲击,很明显,这场全球性的灾难给企业发展带来了巨大的危机,引起了 研究学者对应对突发性危机事件的思考。这场突如其来的危机要求企业制定并实 施适当的危机应对策略,企业如何走出危机成为疫情环境下探究企业发展的热点 问题。疫情危机对餐饮业造成的消极影响尤其严重,餐饮企业如何走出危机是当 下亟需研究的现实问题。 创业营销作为具有创业精神的营销实践,在市场动荡和不确定的时候是有用 的(Morrish,2011),较于传统的营销实践,创业营销更加灵活性,对环境的适 应能力更强,是在复杂竞争环境中有效的新营销实践。本文在回顾了创业营销研 究进展的基础上,探讨创业营销助力企业应对危机。 论文对创业营销理论和危机理论相关文献整理归纳的基础上,采用探索性单 案例研究对上述问题进行探讨,通过半结构化访谈、非参与性观察以及利用互联 网搜集整理一手和二手数据,运用结构化数据分析方法(Gioia等,2013),对数 据进行编码和归类,一步步涌现构念,并最终形成聚合构念,深度描述案例企业 真实的实践过程,对案例深入分析并最终得出研究结论。 研究针对危机发展不同阶段,提出5个主要研究命题,分别阐述创业营销维 度在不同危机阶段实现不同的实践组合,总结出创业营销助力餐饮企业应对危机 的机理模型。研究结论不仅证实Morris(2002)提出的“创业营销各维度特性不 同及形成最佳维度组合”这一观点,而且也充分证明创业营销具有非常高的灵活 性,能够适应动态变化的环境,同样肯定了企业家精神对创业营销的重要性。 文章的创新之处在于:将创业营销理论引入应对危机的研究,深入分析案例 企业应对危机的过程,打开创业营销运行机理的“黑箱”,提出创业营销助力餐 饮企业应对危机机理模型,推动了创业营销理论在国内的研究进展。文章深入危 机发展阶段,探究餐饮企业针对每个阶段可以提出的应对措施,以及创业营销理 论在危机每个阶段发挥的作用和价值,研究结论为亟需应对并顺利度过危机的企 业提供了管理启示。采用最新的结构化数据分析方法构建数据结构的严谨性,更 加具有说服力的呈现出数据到理论的动态过程。案例研究方法在我国发展还不够 成熟,文章不断摸索借鉴最新的结构化数据分析方法,以提高质性研究的质量。 关键词:创业营销;企业危机;餐饮企业 创业营销助力餐饮企业危机应对的机理—一项关于“老乡鸡”的探索性案例研究 I ABSTRACT As the new crown epidemic continues to spread in full at the end of 2019, society and economy worldwide are experiencing unprecedented shocks. Obviously, this global disaster brought companies huge crises, and caused researchers to think about emergent crisis events. This sudden crisis requires companies to formulate and implement appropriate crisis response strategies. It has been a hot issue that how companies can get out from the crisis and exploring corporate development in the epidemic environment. The negative impact of the epidemic crisis on the catering industry is particularly serious. How can catering companies get out of the crisis? That is a practical issue that needs to be studied urgently. Entrepreneurship marketing as a marketing practice with entrepreneurial spirit, entrepreneurial marketing is useful in times of market turmoil and uncertainty (Morrish, 2011). Entrepreneurial marketing is more flexible and adaptable to the environment compared with traditional marketing practices. Based on the review of the research progress of entrepreneurial marketing, this article discusses how entrepreneurial marketing can help companies cope with crises. Based on the collation and detailed study of related literature on entrepreneurial marketing and crisis theory, the paper uses exploratory single case studies to discuss the above issues. Specifically through semi-structured interviews, non-participatory observations, and use the Internet to collect and sort primary and secondary Data. Using structured data analysis methods to encode and classify data, and emerging constructs step by step and forming aggregate constructs finally. Making a deep description of the case company and finally draw conclusions. According to the different stages of crisis development, the paper puts forward 5 main propositions. Explaining the entrepreneurial marketing dimensions to achieve different practice combinations in different crisis stages, and summarizing the mechanism model of entrepreneurial marketing to help catering companies respond to crises. This conclusion not only confirms the viewpoint of ‘different characteristics of various dimensions of entrepreneurial marketing and the formation of the best combination of dimensions’ proposed by Morris (2002), but also fully proves that entrepreneurial marketing has very high flexibility and can adapt to the dynamic environment. Also emphasize the importance of entrepreneur and entrepreneurship to entrepreneurial marketing. ABSTRACT II The innovation of the article: introducing of entrepreneurial marketing theory into the study of crisis response, analysing the process of case companies responding to crises in-depth, opening the "black box" of the operation mechanism of entrepreneurial marketing, and proposing a mechanism model for entrepreneurial marketing to help catering companies respond to crises, which promotes the research progress of entrepreneurial marketing theory in China. The article goes deep into the crisis development stage, explores the response measures that catering companies can propose for each stage, as well as the role and value of entrepreneurial marketing theory in each stage of the crisis. The research conclusions provide management for companies that urgently need to respond to and survive the crisis. Enlightenment. Using the latest structured data analysis methods to build the rigor of the data structure, more convincingly presents the dynamic process of data to theory. The case study method is not mature enough in our country. The article constantly explores and draws on the latest structured data analysis methods to improve the quality of qualitative research. KEYWORDS: Entrepreneurial marketing; Enterprise crisis; Catering company 创业营销助力餐饮企业危机应对的机理—一项关于“老乡鸡”的探索性案例研究 1 目 录 第一章 绪论 ........................................... 1 第一节 研究背景与研究意义 .................................... 1 一、研究背景............................................... 1 二、研究意义............................................... 2 第二节 研究内容与结构安排 .................................... 3 第三节 研究方法与技术路线 .................................... 4 一、 研究方法.............................................. 4 二、 技术路线图............................................ 5 第二章 文献综述 ....................................... 6 第一节 创业营销理论 .......................................... 6 一、创业营销概念........................................... 6 二、创业营销与传统营销..................................... 8 三、创业营销维度.......................................... 10 第二节 危机管理阶段理论 ..................................... 13 第三节 本章小结:研究缺口 ................................... 14 第三章 案例研究设计 .................................. 16 第一节 研究方法与案例选择 ................................... 16 一、研究方法.............................................. 16 二、案例研究过程.......................................... 17 三、案例选择.............................................. 17 第二节 数据收集与分析 ....................................... 19 一、数据收集.............................................. 19 二、数据分析.............................................. 22 第四章 案例分析 ...................................... 24 第一节 危机前期:响应 ....................................... 24 一、企业家精神转化为主动性行动............................ 24 二、主动识别并降低风险.................................... 26 目 录 2 三、利用现有资源.......................................... 27 四、危机前期:主动响应模型................................ 28 第二节 危机发生期:自救 ..................................... 29 一、创新想法转化.......................................... 29 二、创新驱动机会利用...................................... 31 三、创新驱动资源利用...................................... 32 四、危机发生期:创新驱动自救模型.......................... 33 第三节 危机后期:恢