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随着移动互联网的飞速发展,互联网教育行业也风生水起。互联网教育打破了 传统的教育模式,突破了教学时间和地域的限制,在一定程度上均衡了教育资源上 的不平衡,给了很多孩子平等的学习机会,开阔了孩子的视野。WS教育公司是一家 互联网教育公司,也是论文的研究对象。它通过社群载体——微信群提供给企业和家 长之间一个交流的空间,方便企业及时获取用户的反馈,改进产品使其更符合用户 需求,同时培养企业的忠实粉丝。WS教育公司作为营销者,必须充分认识到营销环 境的大变化,并正确、全面、创新地掌握营销策略,为孩子提供更优质的教育资源, 让自己在瞬息万变的市场中站得稳脚。因此,对企业社群营销策略的研究十分有意 义。 研究基于4-18岁孩子家长的特殊需求,采用文献查阅、问卷调查、参与观察、 实例分析等研究方法,围绕4C理论的四个方面:消费者、成本、沟通、便利来分析 企业社群营销策略现状,查找企业社群营销策略问题及原因,研究企业社群营销策 略优化,为企业的后期营销推广提出可行性方案和建议。研究将4C理论、社群营销 同互联网教育结合在一起,理论联系实际地提出提升社群价值、鼓励用户参与社群 价值共创等营销策略,比较有创新性和现实意义。期望本研究为其他行业在社群营 销策略上的研究提供可行性的参考价值。 关键词 社群;社群价值;价值共创;4C营销理论;社群营销策略 II Abstract With the rapid development of mobile internet, the internet education industry is booming. Internet education breaks through the traditional education mode, breaks through the limitation of teaching time and region, balances the imbalance of educational resources to a certain extent, gives many children equal learning opportunities, and broadens their horizons. WS Education Company is an internet education company and the research object of this paper. It provides a communication space between the enterprise and parents through the community carrier-Wechat group, which is convenient for the enterprise to get feedback from users in time, improve products to meet needs of users, and cultivate loyal fans of the enterprise. As a marketer, WS Educational Company must fully recognize the great changes in the marketing environment, and it must grasp marketing strategies correctly, comprehensively and innovatively, so as to provide better educational resources for children, and stand firmly in the fast changing market. Therefore, the study of the enterprise's community marketing strategy is very meaningful. Based on the special needs from parents of 4-18 years old children, and adopting literature review, questionnaires, participatory observation, case analysis as research methods, this study from four aspects of 4C theory: consumers, cost, communication and convenience analyses the status quo of the enterprise's community marketing strategy, finds out the problems and reasons of the enterprise's community marketing strategy, studies the optimization of the enterprise's community marketing strategy, and puts forward feasible plans and suggestions for the enterprise's later marketing promotion. The research combines 4C theory, community marketing and internet education, and it puts forward some innovative and practical marketing strategies, such as enhancing community value, encouraging users to participate in community value co-creating and so on. It is expected that the research will provide a possibility for other industries to study community marketing strategies. Key words Community; Community value; Value co-creation; 4C marketing theory; Community marketing strategy III 目 录 摘要 ········ I Abstract ······ II 第1章 绪 论 ············· 1 1.1 研究背景 ············ 1 1.2 研究意义 ············ 1 1.3 国内外研究现状 ··· 2 1.3.1 国外研究现状 · 2 1.3.2 国内研究现状 · 3 1.4 研究内容与方法 ··· 3 1.4.1 研究内容 ······· 3 1.4.2 研究方法 ······· 4 1.5 论文创新点 ········· 5 1.6 本章小结 ············ 5 第2章 相关理论综述 ···· 7 2.1 社群和社群相关概念 ··············· 7 2.1.1 社群 ············· 7 2.1.2 社群价值和价值共创 ·········· 7 2.2 市场营销环境 ······ 8 2.2.1 市场营销宏观环境 ············· 8 2.2.2 市场营销微观环境 ············· 9 2.3 营销理论 ··········· 10 2.3.1 4P、7P、4C营销理论 ······· 10 2.3.2 4C理论的相对优势 ··········· 11 2.4 本章小结 ··········· 12 第3章 WS教育公司市场营销环境分析 ················ 13 3.1 WS教育公司介绍 13 3.1.1 WS教育公司简介 ············· 13 3.1.2 WS教育公司经营业务 ······· 13 3.2 宏观环境分析 ····· 14 3.2.1 人口环境 ······ 15 3.2.2 经济环境 ······ 15 IV 3.2.3 技术环境 ······ 16 3.2.4 政治和法律环境 ··············· 16 3.2.5 社会文化环境 16 3.3 微观坏境分析 ····· 17 3.3.1 企业分析 ······ 17 3.3.2 供应商分析 ··· 17 3.3.3 顾客分析 ······ 17 3.3.4 竞争者分析 ··· 18 3.3.5 社会公众分析 18 3.4 本章小结 ··········· 18 第4章 WS教育公司社群营销策略现状分析 ·········· 21 4.1 用户需求与策略 ·· 21 4.1.1 用户需求 ······ 21 4.1.2 满足用户需求的策略 ········· 23 4.2 用户成本与策略 ·· 26 4.2.1 用户成本 ······ 26 4.2.2 帮用户获取满意成本的策略 27 4.3 用户便利性与策略 ················· 28 4.3.1 用户便利性 ··· 28 4.3.2 为用户提供便利性的策略 ··· 29 4.4 企业与用户有效沟通与策略 ····· 31 4.4.1 企业与用户的有效沟通 ······ 31 4.4.2 实现企业与用户间有效沟通的策略 ········· 32 4.5 本章小结 ··········· 32 第5章 WS教育公司社群营销策略问题及原因分析 · 35 5.1 问卷调查及数据分析 ·············· 35 5.1.1 问卷设计 ······ 35 5.1.2 问卷调查实施 35 5.1.3 问卷数据分析 36 5.2 用户需求策略问题及原因分析 ·· 40 5.2.1 用户社群体验较差 ············ 40 5.2.2 社群运营效果不佳 ············ 40 5.3 用户成本策略问题及原因分析 ·· 41 5.3.1 价格上下浮动 41 V 5.3.2 推广收益不佳 41 5.4 用户便利性策略问题及原因分析 ················· 42 5.4.1 拼课困难 ······ 42 5.4.2 推课困难 ······ 43 5.5 有效沟通策略问题及原因分析 ·· 43 5.5.1 企业与用户缺乏及时沟通 ··· 43 5.5.2 企业与用户缺乏深度沟通 ··· 43 5.6 本章小结 ··········· 44 第6章 WS教育公司社群营销策略优化建议 ·········· 45 6.1 加强满足用户需求 ················· 45 6.1.1 严格执行规则,提升社群体验 ··············· 45 6.1.2 提供社群价值,提高运营效果 ··············· 45 6.2 帮助用户获取满意成本 ··········· 46 6.2.1 优化定价策略,避免价格落差 ··············· 47 6.2.2 完善推广制度,提高推广收益 ··············· 47 6.3 多为用户提供便利性 ·············· 48 6.3.1 恢复无限参团,方便用户购课 ··············· 48 6.3.2 完善追踪技术,方便锁定用户 ··············· 48 6.4 确保企业与用户有效沟通 ········ 48 6.4.1 加强服务意识,保证沟通顺畅 ··············· 48 6.4.2 丰富社群活动,增加深度沟通 ··············· 49 6.5 本章小结 ··········· 50 结 论 ······ 51 附 录 ······ 53