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“公考热”是近几年来一直热议不断的话题,每年到了公考的时间点,不但 应届生大批量的参与报名,往届生也有大量人加入考试的队伍。随着公考热的不 断升温,越来越多的公考机构随之出现,公考培训市场竞争也日趋激烈。在激烈 的公考培训市场中,应该针对企业自身的发展状况,把当前的竞争战略理论利用 在现实的中,指导企业建立合适的竞争观点和竞争战略,提供更加优质的产品, 和更加人性化的服务来换取竞争优势,这样才可能在公考培训市场中占领到份 额,获得更高的经济利益,实现长久的发展战略。赤峰优仕教育成立于 2015 年, 是一家做专业的公考培训教育机构,目前有线上和线下两种培训方式同步发展。 经过几年的努力,在赤峰市有了一些小的成绩,但是想要继续发展壮大,必须要 制定符合其自身情况的竞争战略。目前该企业在发展中主要存在的问题有:战略 定位不清晰,产品和服务缺少竞争性,营销渠道过于单一,品牌创新不足。因此 赤峰优仕教育急需找到适合自己发展的竞争战略,来实现企业进一步的发展。基 于此,本文将对赤峰优仕教育竞争战略问题开展详细的探究。 本文首先对赤峰优仕教育机构的外部环境、竞争环境以及内部环境进行了分 析,认为赤峰优仕教育目前的发展中是的机会和威胁并存,优势与劣势并存。其 次本文通过以上的分析提出了符合机构实际情况的竞争战略——差异化竞争战 略。机构应该在不断提高产品质量和丰富产品内容的同时,研发差异化的产品, 增加营销渠道和营销活动,进行服务差异化,增加消费者粘度,还应该进行品牌 差异化,为企业的长远发展奠定坚实的基础。最后提出了应从企业制度、人力资 源、资金、联盟合作等四方面为机构的发展给予保障。希望本研究会对赤峰优仕 教育未来差异化竞争战略的选择提供一定的参考价值和借鉴意义。同时也能对教 育培训行业的中小企业的发展提供一定的指导与借鉴。 关键词:环境分析,竞争战略选择,差异化战略,营销渠道,品牌差异化II Abstract "Public examination fever" has been a hot topic in recent years. When it comes to the time point of the public examination, not only new students participate in the registration in large quantities, but also a large number of former students join the examination team. With the increasing popularity of public examination, more and more public examination institutions appear, and the competition of public examination training market is becoming increasingly fierce. In the fierce public examination training market, we should use the current competitive strategy theory in reality according to the development situation of the enterprise itself, guide the enterprise to establish the suitable competition viewpoint and competition strategy, provide better quality products and more humanized service in exchange for competitive advantage, so as to occupy the share in the public examination training market and obtain higher economy Benefit, realize long-term development strategy.Chifeng Youshi Education was established in 2015. It is a professional public examination training and education institution. At present, both online and offline training methods are developing simultaneously. After several years of hard work, there have been some small achievements in Chifeng City, but if you want to continue to develop and grow, you must formulate a competitive strategy that suits its own conditions. At present, the main problems in the development of the company are: unclear strategic positioning, lack of competitiveness in products and services, too single marketing channels, and insufficient brand innovation. Therefore, Chifeng Youshi Education urgently needs to find a competitive strategy suitable for its own development to achieve further development of the enterprise.Chifeng Youshi education, established in 2015, is a professional public examination training and education institution. At present, both online and offline training methods are developing simultaneously. After several years of efforts, Chifeng City has made some small achievements, but if you want to continue to develop and grow, we must formulate a competitive strategy in line with its own situation. At present, the main problems in the development of the enterprise are: unclear strategic positioning, lack of competitiveness in products and services, too single marketing channel, andIII insufficient brand innovation. Therefore, Chifeng Youshi education urgently needs to find a suitable competitive strategy for its own development to achieve further development of the enterprise.Based on this, this paper will carry out a detailed study of Chifeng Youshi education competition strategy. This paper first describes the background, purpose and significance of the topic, and introduces the main research content. Then, it analyzes the external environment, competitive environment and internal environment of Chifeng Youshi education institution. It is believed that opportunities and threats coexist, advantages and disadvantages coexist in the current development of Chifeng excellent official education. Secondly, through the above analysis, this paper puts forward the competitive strategy differentiation strategy which is in line with the actual situation of the organization. While continuously improving product quality and enriching product content, institutions should develop differentiated products, increase marketing channels and marketing activities, carry out service differentiation, increase consumer viscosity, and establish a solid foundation for the long-term development of enterprises. Finally, the paper puts forward that the development of the organization should be guaranteed from enterprise system, human resources, funds and alliance cooperation. It is hoped that this study will provide certain reference value and significance for Chifeng Youshi education in the future. At the same time, it can also provide certain guidance and reference for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the education and training industry. Key words:Environmental Analysis, Competitive strategy choice, Differentiation Strategy,Marketing channel, Brand differentiationIV 目录 摘要.....I Abstract.............................II 第 1 章 绪论.....................1 1.1 研究背景及意义.1 1.1.1 研究背景..1 1.1.2 研究意义..2 1.2 相关研究综述.....2 1.2.1 关于竞争战略研究.................4 1.2.2 关于竞争战略制定方法的研究............................6 1.3 研究内容和方法.2 1.3.1 研究内容..4 1.3.2 研究方法..6 1.3 研究创新点.........7 第 2 章 基础理论概述.....8 2.1 竞争战略涵义及类型........................8 2.1.1 竞争战略的涵义.....................8 2.1.2 竞争战略的类型.....................9 2.2 差异化竞争战略相关因素分析......11 2.2.1 消费者...11 2.2.2 产品和服务...........................12 2.2.3 竞争对手..............................13 2.3 基本分析工具...14 2.3.1 PEST 模型..............................14 2.3.2 波特五力模型.......................15V 2.3.3 EFE 与 IFE 矩阵..................... 15 2.3.4 SWOT 模型............................15 第 3 章 赤峰优仕教育发展现状及问题分析.............................16 3.1 赤峰优仕教育概述..........................16 3.2 赤峰优仕教育发展现状..................17 3.2.1 产品和服务方面...................17 3.2.2 内部结构方面.......................19 3.2.3 营销渠道方面.......................20 3.2.4 品牌方面20 3.3 赤峰优仕教育发展存在的问题......20 3.3.1 战略定位不精准..................21 3.3.2 产品和服务定位不精准......21 3.3.3 营销渠道较为单一..............21 3.3.4 品牌创新不足......................22 第 4 章 赤峰优仕教育环境分析..................23 4.1 赤峰优仕教育宏观环境分析..........23 4.1.1.政治环境分析.......................23 4.1.2 经济环境分析.......................24 4.1.3 社会环境分析.......................25 4.1.4 技术环境分析......................25 4.2 赤峰优仕教育行业竞争环境分析..26 4.2.1 替代品威胁..........................26 4.2.2 新进入者威胁.......................28 4.2.3 现有竞争者...........................29 4.2.4 上下游议价能力威胁...........31 4.3 基于外部环境的 EFE 矩阵分析......32 4.3.1 识别机遇与威胁...................32 4.3.2 识别关键外部因素——外部因素评价矩阵分析(EFE)...............33 4.4 内部能力分析...35VI 4.4.1 产品创新能力分析...............35 4.4.2 员工管理能力分析...............35 4.4.3 财务能力分析.......................35 4.4.4 基于内部环境的 IFE 矩阵分析...........................36 4.5 SWOT 分析........37 第 5 章 赤峰优仕教育竞争战略选择..........39 5.1 赤峰优仕教育差异化竞争战略选择的必然性分析.....39 5.2 差异化竞争战略定位......................41 5.2.1 差异化竞争战略愿景...........41 5.2.2 差异化竞争战略目标...........41 5.3 差异化竞争战略制定的具体策略..42 5.3.1 产品差异化...........................42 5.4.2 营销渠道差异化...................43 5.4.3 服务差异化...........................45 5.4.4 品牌差异化...........................48 第 6 章 赤峰优仕教育差异化竞争战略实施保障.....................49 6.1 制度保障...........49 6.2 人力资源保障...49 6.2.1 招聘专职营销人员...............49 6.2.2 建立起高质量的兼职教师团队..........................50 6.2.3 提升技术水平.......................50 6.3 资金保障...........50 6.4 联盟合作保障...51 第 7 章 研究结论...........52 7.1 研究结论...........52 7.2 研究不足及展望..............................53 7.2.1 研究不足之处.......................53 7.2.2 未来的展望...........................53