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随着经济社会的高速发展和现代企业结构调整的不断优化,在企业发展过程 中,人力资本成为不可预估的力量,会给企业创造各种无形资产。人力资本管理 所能到达的程度,直接受激励机制优劣的影响,对于企业战略规划的实现,具有 重要的战略意义,促使企业在保持稳定发展。但是,因受制于经济发展水平和传 统认知的约束,在很多领域我国企业管理科学的研究起步相对较晚,所以我国企 业在激励员工上,明显滞后于发达国家。因此,很难将员工的潜能、积极性和主 动性激发出来,继而约束企业发展。 本文通过研究激励相关问题,系统阐述了激励理论,综合运用了各种激励理 论及研究方式,并将方正证券南昌营业部作为研究蓝本,运用实际调查数据加以 论证和说明,对此类部门中员工激励中出现的问题进行分析,以探索员工在激励 问题上,所需遵循的基本准则和所应采用的模式和方法,指出方正证券南昌营业 部员工所需构建的激励机制模型,继而企业建立完善员工激励机制提供相应的参 考和依据,同时通过提高激励机制的有效性和合理性,提升员工对企业的依赖度, 坚定对公司发展前景的信心。 关键词:激励机制 绩效考核 方正证券南昌营业部 2 Abstract In the current social economy and the development of modern enterprise structure adjustment, human capital will become inestimable and can create more economic benefits of intangible assets. Fit and unfit quality directly affect the enterprise incentive mechanism for human management can achieve the level of planning objectives to whether can realize enterprise has important strategic significance to promote the enterprise in the stable development, however, due to the economic development level and the restriction of traditional knowledge, combined with our country enterprise management science started relatively late in the related fields of research, make our country enterprise in the aspect of employee motivation behind many economically developed countries, lead to employees' enthusiasm and potential did not play well, affecting the development of the enterprise. This paper, based on the research of the incentive problems related to motivation and discusses the issues concerning the theory of incentives are reviewed, the integrated use of various kinds of incentive theory and research methods, the Israeli nanchang is securities sales department, for example, using the actual survey data and demonstration, analysis on the practical problems existing in this kind of staff incentive, exploring on the staff incentive problems should follow the principles and patterns should be adopted, methods, and puts forward founder securities nanchang sales staff incentive mechanism model, thus provide the basis for such enterprises to establish a perfect employees incentive mechanism and reference, through reasonable and effective incentive system, improve employee to enterprise's dependence, a firm confidence in the company development prospect.