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经济的迅速发展导致环境日益恶化,使得人类的生存发展正面临着巨大威胁。 为了面对这些环境问题,全球关注的热点开始逐步转向了以可持续发展、低污染 低耗能为理念的低碳经济。企业作为低碳经济的重要一环,低碳时代的到来对企 业供应链管理提出了新的挑战。但是经济快速发展过程中暴露的问题越来越多, “利益至上”的企业运营原则给社会带来了许多负面影响。为了缓解此类负面影 响,使社会能够可持续发展,人们开始逐渐关注企业社会责任这一话题。 在传统低碳供应链研究中,往往假设决策者是完全理性的,可是现实情形下 供应链的运作背景是很复杂的。诸多实例表明,低碳供应链企业对公平的感知是 很敏感的,企业运行中所做的决策会因为感知到的公平而受影响,供应链企业因 为收益分配问题而感知到的公平称为公平关切。本文在低碳供应链中同时考虑了 企业社会责任和公平关切这两种行为因素,根据制造商是否关注企业社会责任建 立两种优化模型,研究集中决策和分散决策以及零售商公平关切下三种模型的决 策问题。最后,利用成本分担契约对零售商具有公平关切时低碳供应链的协调进 行探究。本文主要得出如下研究结论: (1)当制造商不关注社会责任时,三种决策模式中集中决策为最优决策, 零售商公平关切时的决策为最不协调决策。由此可见,零售商的公平关切行为是 非理性的,不利于低碳供应链的持续发展。在三种决策模式下,消费者低碳偏好 对供应链的决策均呈现出正向影响,减排成本系数对供应链决策均呈现负向影响。 这表明消费者的低碳偏好行为对低碳供应链的发展起到了推动作用,而减排成本 系数的增加意味着减排难度较大从而阻碍了低碳供应链的发展。 (2)当制造商关注社会责任时,制造商会提高对零售商的容忍度。制造商 决定的产品低碳投入水平和零售商决定的订货量会随着制造商对社会责任关注 程度的增加而提高,而制造商决定的批发价会随着其对社会责任关注程度的提高 而降低。零售商的公平关切行为对制造商决定的批发价,以及低碳投入都产生负 向影响。同时,零售商公平关切行为对其决定的订货量也产生负向影响。因此, II 制造商会以降低批发价来弥补零售商这种不公平心理,但同时也会因为零售商这 种行为而降低对产品的低碳投入。总体而言,零售商的公平关切行为不利于低碳 供应链的持续发展。 (3)无论制造商是否关注社会责任,成本分担契约均能对供应链的协调起 到一定作用,并且订货量和低碳投入成本均随成本分担率的提高而提高,说明成 本分担契约增强了制造商和零售商之间的良性合作,促进了供应链的低碳化发展。 通过进一步的数值分析可知,当成本分担率处于一定范围内时,低碳供应链是可 以被协调优化的,但是过高的成本分担率会导致低碳供应链合作破裂。 本文将低碳供应链管理和行为运作学两门学科的研究相结合,为低碳供应链 的研究提供了新的视角。模型构建符合复杂背景下供应链的生产运作,并且实现 了行为运作学和生产运营学两学课的交叉渗透研究。同时,将公平关切和制造商 对社会责任的考量均纳入低碳供应链的研究之中,分析了低碳产品研发这一举动 对供应链企业运作的影响,为企业在实践中的低碳运营带来了一定实践意义。 关键词:低碳供应链,企业社会责任,公平关切,消费者低碳偏好,成本分 担契约 III DECISION OF LOW-CARBON SUPPLY CHAIN WITH CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND RETAILER’S FAIR PREFERENCE Abstract The rapid economic development has caused the environment to deteriorate even furture. In order to solve these environmental problems, the global concern have gradually turned to the low-carbon economy. Enterprises have played an important role in the low-carbon economy, and the low-carbon research has brought new challenges to the management of supply chains. It has brought many problems that enterprices hold the view of benefit first. In order to mitigate such negative impacts and enable sustainable development of society, people have gradually paid attention to the topic of corporate social responsibility. In traditional supply chain research, it is often assumed that participants are traditional.Many examples show that supply chain companies are sensitive to the perception of fairness.This paper combines the corporate social responsibility with fair concern, and establishes two research models based on whether the manufacturer pays attention to corporate social responsibility.This paper also considers the fair concern behavior of retailers,and studies centralized and decentralized decision-making. Finally, the cost-sharing contract was used to explore the possibility of low-carbon supply chain coordination when retailers have fair concerns. This article mainly draws the following conclusions: (1) When the manufacturer doesn’t pay attention to social responsibility, the centralized decision is the best decision among the three decision modes. When the retailer is fair concern is the worest decision. It is expected that the supply chain contract will be used to improve it. Consumers ' low-carbon preferences have a positive impact on supply chain decisions, and the emission reduction cost coefficient has a negative impact on supply chain decisions. This shows that consumers' low-carbon preference behavior has promoted the development of low-carbon supply chains. The emission reduction cost coefficient means that it is more difficult to reduce emissions and bad for IV the development of the supply chain. (2) When manufacturers focus on social responsibility, manufacturers will have more tolerant of retailers. The low-carbon input level of products determined by manufacturers and the order quantity determined by retailers will increase with increasing attention to social responsibility.The wholesale price determined by manufacturers will be decreased by increasing attention to social responsibility.The fair concern behavior of retailers has a negative impact on the wholesale prices determined by manufacturers and low-carbon inputs.Therefore, manufacturers will make up for the unfairness of retailers by reducing wholesale prices, but they will also reduce their low- carbon investment in products because of retailers' behavior. In general, the fair concern of retailers is not conducive to the sustainable development of the supply chain. (3) Whether the manufacturer is concerned about social responsibility, the cost sharing contract can play an important role in the coordination of the supply chain. The order quantity, wholesale price, and low-carbon input cost will increase with the increasing of the cost sharing rate. Indicating that the cost sharing contract has strengthened the benign cooperation between manufacturers and retailers and promoted the development of low-carbon supply chains. When the cost sharing rate is within a certain range, the supply chain can be coordinated and optimized, but thigh a cost sharing rate will cause the supply chain cooperation to rupture. This article considers the low-carbon supply chain with social responsibility and the fair concern of retailers as the research object. And it studies the decision-making situation under the three modes of low-carbon supply chain. It combines the research of supply chain management with behavioral operations to provide a new perspective for the research of low-carbon supply chains. This article incorporates fair concerns and manufacturers' considerations of social responsibility into the research of low-carbon supply chains. The consideration of these factors in the supply chain provides relevant reference suggestions for actual supply chain operations. Keywords: low-carbon supply chain, corporate social responsibility, fairness concern, consumer low carbon preference, cost sharing contract V 目 录 中文摘要 .............................................. I Abstract ............................................. III 第一章 绪论 .......................................... 1 1.1 研究背景 .................................................... 1 1.1.1 快速发展的低碳供应链..................................... 1 1.1.2 不可忽视的公平关切....................................... 2 1.1.3 备受关注的企业社会责任................................... 2 1.2 研究意义 .................................................... 3 1.2.1 理论意义................................................. 3 1.2.2 实践意义................................................. 4 1.3 研究内容 .................................................... 4 1.4 研究方法和技术路线图 ........................................ 5 1.4.1 研究方法................................................. 5 1.4.2 技术路线图.........................