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高速公路养护管理是高速公路工程建设的延续和发展。随着我省高速公路通车里程 的不断增加,车流量的不断加大,高速公路的养护管理工作也日显重要,这就要求养护 公司在加大资金投入的同时,也要加大人员、设备的投入。目前高速公路养护行业普遍 存在施工现场缺少专业养护人员现象,造成这一现象的主要原因是企业忽略了对项目员 工满意度的关注和重视。 TR 高速公路养护公司(以下简称 TR 公司)是河南省内专业从事高速公路养护的 大型国有独资企业。目前,公司日常养护里程约 5000 公里,随着通车里程的逐年增加, 公路养护里程也在增加。公司目前拥有中级以上职称人数为 374 人,占公司职工总数的 54%,其中留职在公司机关的专业技术人员人数占技术人员总数的 70%。由于大部分专 业技术人员不愿意下沉施工一线,造成养护施工现场专业技术人员短缺现象,不仅影响 工程施工质量,也给行驶车辆安全构成威胁,从而造成一定的社会影响。 本文研究目的:通过对国内外专家学者关于对员工满意度相关理论的研究,并结合 我国国有施工企业相关管理政策和 TR 公司现有状况,通过运用社会心理学、工程管理 学、组织行为学等学科知识,从微观视角出发,即人的心理视角,把企业管理中的工作 满意度、组织承诺、沟通管理、人岗匹配等相关概念引入到工程项目管理领域,并结合 项目实施过程中不同类型的员工特点,通过微观层面分析。通过前期访谈、问卷调查、 归纳总结等实证方法,运用需求理论、公平理论和态度改变理论对影响 TR 公司员工满 意度的主要因素进行了系统分析。在此基础上,根据 TR 公司的实际情况,提出了相应 的员工满意度提升策略,即通过改善工作环境、提高薪酬待遇、制定合理规章制度和合 理分配工作岗位等管理措施,促进员工对公司的组织承诺,提高公司员工的满意度,从 而为公司的进一步快速发展提供技术保障。 关键词:项目员工,员工满意度,工作满意度,沟通管理,人岗匹配III ABSTRACT Highway maintenance management is the continuation and development of highway construction. With the continuous increase of expressway mileage and traffic flow in our province, the maintenance and management of expressway is becoming increasingly important, which requires the maintenance company to increase the investment of personnel and equipment at the same time of increasing capital investment. At present, the highway maintenance industry is generally short of professional maintenance personnel at the construction site. The main reason for this phenomenon is that enterprises ignore the attention and attention to the project employee satisfaction. TR Highway Maintenance Company (hereinafter referred to as TR company) is a large state-owned enterprise specialized in highway maintenance in Henan Province. At present, the daily maintenance mileage of the company is about 5,000 km. With the increase of the mileage of traffic each year, the highway maintenance mileage is also increasing. At present, the company has 374 employees with intermediate or above professional titles, accounting for 54% of the company's total staff and workers. Among them, the number of professional and technical personnel who remain in the company office accounts for 70% of the total number of technical personnel. Most of the professional and technical personnel are unwilling to sink the first line of construction, resulting in a shortage of professional and technical personnel at the maintenance construction site, which not only affects the construction quality of the project, but also poses a threat to the safety of driving vehicles, thus causing a certain social impact. Research purpose of this paper: Through to the domestic and foreign experts and scholars research on related theory for the employee satisfaction, the state-owned construction enterprise in our country and combining the relevant management policies and TR company's existing situation, through the use of social psychology, discipline knowledge such as project management, organizational behavior, from the microcosmic perspective, namely the person's psychology perspective, job satisfaction, organizational commitment of the enterprise management, communication management, people post matching related concept is introduced in the field of engineering project management, and combining with the characteristics of different types of employees in the process of project implementation, through analysis onIV the micro level, through the early stage of the interview, questionnaire investigation, summarizes the empirical methods, such as, Using demand theory, equity theory and attitude change theory, the main factors affecting TR employee satisfaction were systematically analyzed. On this basis, according to the actual situation of the TR company, put forward the corresponding employee satisfaction strategies, namely, by improving the working environment, raise salary, set reasonable rules and regulations and management measures such as reasonable distribution of work, promote employees to the company's organizational commitment, improve the company's employee satisfaction, to provide technical support for further rapid development of the company. KEY WORDS: Project employee, employee satisfaction, job satisfaction, communication management, person-job matchingV 目 录 摘要...............I ABSTRACT III 1 绪论............ 1 1.1 研究背景............................ 1 1.2 研究意义............................ 1 1.2.1 理论意义..................... 1 1.2.2 实践意义..................... 2 1.3 国内外研究现状................ 2 1.3.1 国外研究现状............. 2 1.3.2 国内研究现状............. 3 1.4 研究内容和方法................ 4 1.4.1 研究内容..................... 4 1.4.2 研究方法..................... 4 1.5 研究创新点......................... 5 1.6 论文结构框架..................... 5 2 员工满意度相关概念及理论... 7 2.1 相关概念............................ 7 2.1.1 一线员工..................... 7 2.1.2 员工满意度................. 7 2.1.3 工作满意度................. 8 2.1.4 组织承诺..................... 9 2.1.5 沟通管理................... 11 2.1.6 人岗匹配................... 12 2.2 员工满意度相关理论基础............................. 12 2.2.1 需求层次理论........... 12VI 2.2.2 公平理论................... 13 2.2.3 态度改变理论........... 13 3 TR 养护公司总体概况............ 15 3.1 TR 养护公司简介............. 15 3.1.1 TR 养护公司发展历程............................. 15 3.1.2 TR 养护公司组织机构............................. 15 3.1.3 TR 养护公司经营范围............................. 16 3.2 TR 养护公司人力资源结构现状.................... 16 4 员工满意度问卷调查............. 19 4.1 调查问卷设计................... 19 4.1.1 相关人员前期访谈.... 19 4.1.2 调查问卷内容............ 19 4.2 调查问卷的发放与回收.............................. 21 4.2.1 调查实施.................... 21 4.2.2 样本选取................... 21 5 员工满意度问卷分析............. 23 5.1 满意度总体情况分析....... 23 5.1.1 不同年龄满意度调查分析...................... 23 5.1.2 不同学历满意度调查分析...................... 25 5.1.3 不同职位满意度调查分析...................... 26 5.2 企业工作本身设置方面... 27 5.2.1 人与岗位不匹配........ 28 5.2.2 个人兴趣与工作本身不匹配.......... 29 5.2.3 工作压力与挑战强度大........................... 29 5.3 对工作环境的满意度分析.............................. 31 5.3.1 一线施工工作环境差 ............................. 31 5.3.2 公司团队环境不和谐 32 5.4 对工作回报的满意度分析............................. 33VII 5.4.1 薪酬水平激励不足... 33 5.4.2 晋升渠道窄............... 34 5.4.3 员工休假安排不合理.............................. 35 5.5 对工作安全保障的满意度分析..................... 35 5.5.1 安全管理不到位....... 36 5.5.2 缺乏岗位安全培训... 36 5.5.3 缺乏对员工体检的重视.......................... 37 5.6 对经营管理的满意度分析............................. 37 5.6.1 用人机制较为落后... 37 5.6.2 管理理念较为滞后... 38 5.6.3 企业内部成本控制管理观念落后.......... 38 5.6.4 公司制定的规章制度不合理.................. 39 5.6.5 和上级之间的沟通不畅.......................... 39 6 员工满意度提升策略............. 41 6.1 改善工作本身设置对策.. 41 6.1.1 加强人岗匹配度....... 41 6.1.2 做好心理疏通,缓解工作压力.............. 42 6.1.3 制定公平、合理的企业规章制度.......... 42 6.2 改善企业工作环境对策.. 43 6.2.1 提高施工一线员工生活环境.................. 43 6.2.2 创建高效团队........... 43 6.3 改善工作回报对策.......... 44 6.3.1 优化薪酬方案设计... 44 6.3.2 拓宽晋升渠道........... 44 6.4 改善工作安全保障对策.. 45 6.4.1 做好各项安全保障措施.......................... 45 6.4.2 关爱员工健康,做好员工体检工作...... 46 6.5 提升经营管理满意度策略............................. 46 6.5.1 优化用人机制........... 46VIII 6.5.2 加强公司成本管控... 48 6.5.3 消除员工沟通障碍... 48 7 研究结论与展望..................... 49 7.1 主要研究结论.................. 49 7.2 研究启示.......................... 51 7.3 研究的不足与展望.......... 51