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员工绩效考核是组织将个人发展和企业目标相结合,对决定员工绩效考核的主客观 因素进行分析、测定和总结,并通过设计、规划、执行、评估和反馈,使每位员工的绩 效考核目标与公司发展的战略目标相一致的过程。其与培训、薪酬等人力资源管理手段 相互联系,在实现组织价值追求的同时关注员工的发展,最终实现组织与员工共同发展 的双赢目标。 论文以B银行L网点为研究对象,探讨基于MBO的员工绩效考核问题。开篇介绍 了选题的背景和意义,采用文献研究法回顾梳理了国内外相关的绩效考核研究现状,为 本文后续研究奠定理论基础。正文首先陈述B银行L网点的基本情况、员工的特点,实 地走访调研B银行从总行到支行的员工绩效考核办法,落实到该网点员工绩效考核的现 状,然后以B银行L网点员工的绩效考核为实体研究对象,展开对本网点和B银行辖内 各类网点的实地访谈,深入了解网点员工绩效考核现状,通过纵向分析和横向比较,肯 定其合理的部分,同时找出存在的问题及原因,分析基于MBO员工绩效考核的必要性 和可行性,最后结合B银行L网点的实际情况,依据B银行指标系数权重,借鉴同类网 点经验做法,提出基于MBO相关理论优化该网点的员工绩效考核方案,并提出相应的 实施保障措施,使其管理更加科学化、系统化。 本文研究B银行L网点的员工绩效考核,其主要贡献在于银行网点作为银行业务发 展的主阵地,员工作为主要的业绩创造者,员工的积极性反映网点的核心竞争力,根据 网点员工特点及其在企业发展中的重要作用,有针对性地构建出网点员工的绩效考核实 施方案及其实施的保障措施,希望通过优化B银行L网点员工绩效考核方案,更好地激 励员工,留住人才,提升网点的综合竞争实力,对L网点持续稳定地发展提供强有力的 支持。 关键词:银行网点;目标管理;员工绩效考核 研究类型:应用研究 II Subject: B Bank L branch is based on MBO employee performance appraisal research Speciality: Business Administration Name: Liu Bin (signature) Instructor: Wu Xiaoou(signature) Abstract Employee performance appraisal is a process in which the organization combines individual development with enterprise goals, analyzes, measures and summarizes the subjective and objective factors that determine employee performance appraisal, and makes the performance appraisal goals of each employee consistent with the strategic goals of the company's development through design, planning, execution, evaluation and feedback. It is interrelated with training, salary and other human resource management means, and pays attention to the development of employees while realizing the pursuit of organizational value, so as to finally realize the win-win goal of the common development of the organization and employees. Taking L branch of B bank as the research object, this dissertation discusses the employee performance appraisal based on MBO. In the beginning, the background and significance of the topic are introduced, and the literature research method is adopted to review and sort out the relevant research status of performance appraisal at home and abroad, which lays a theoretical foundation for the follow-up research of this paper. The body of the first bank statement B L network's basic situation, the characteristics of the staff, research field visit B from the head office to the bank branch staff performance appraisal method, the implementation of the current situation of employee performance appraisal to the site, and then to bank B L branch staff performance appraisal for the study of the entity object, expand on site and B bank facility field interviews of all kinds of network, insight into the network staff performance appraisal status quo, through the analysis of the longitudinal and transverse comparison, must have its reasonable parts, at the same time find out the existing problems and reasons, analysis based on the necessity and feasibility of MBO staff performance appraisal, finally combined with the actual situation of L B bank outlets, According to the index coefficient weight of Bank B and the experience of similar branches, this paper proposes to optimize the employee performance appraisal scheme of the branch based on the relevant MBO theory, and puts forward the corresponding implementation safeguard measures to make its management more scientific and systematic. In this dissertation, we study branch L B bank staff performance appraisal, the main III contribution is as the main land to develop banking, bank branch staff as the main performance of the creator, the enthusiasm of staff reflect the network core competitiveness, according to the site staff characteristics and its important role in enterprise development, targeted construct branches of the staff performance appraisal implementation plan and its implementation safeguard measures, hope that through optimizing branch L B bank employee performance appraisal plan, to better motivate employees, retain talent, promoting the comprehensive competitive power of network, the L network steady and continuous development to provide strong support. Keywords:bank branches; management by objectives; Employee performance appraisal Research Type:Applied research IV 目 录 第一章绪论 ..... 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 ................ 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ..................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ..................... 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 ................ 2 1.2.1 国外绩效考核研究现状 ............................ 2 1.2.2 国内绩效考核研究现状 ............................ 3 1.3 研究思路与方法 ................ 5 1.3.1 研究思路 ..................... 5 1.3.2 研究方法 ..................... 5 1.4 研究内容与研究框架 ........ 6 1.4.1 研究内容 ..................... 6 1.4.2 研究框架 ..................... 6 1.5 本文的创新点 .................... 7 第二章基于MBO员工绩效考核理论 ........................ 8 2.1 绩效考核的相关理论 ........ 8 2.1.1 绩效考核的内涵及外延 ............................ 8 2.1.2 员工绩效考核的关键环节 ........................ 9 2.2 目标管理法MBO的基本理论 ...................... 10 2.2.1 目标管理法MBO的理论依据 ............... 10 2.2.2 目标管理法MBO的实施步骤 ............... 10 2.3 基于MBO的员工绩效考核基本框架 .......... 11 2.3.1 目标管理法MBO与绩效考核的关系 ... 11 2.3.2 基于MBO的绩效考核特点 ................... 11 第三章 B银行L网点员工绩效考核现状 ............. 13 3.1 B银行L网点基本情况 .. 13 3.1.1 B银行L网点发展历程及隶属关系 ...... 13 3.1.2 B银行L网点组织架构及业务简介 ...... 13 3.1.3 B银行L网点人员特点分析 .................. 15 3.2 B银行L网点员工绩效考核纵向分析 ......... 16 3.2.1 B银行L网点员工绩效考核体系 .......... 16 3.2.2 B银行L网点员工绩效考核指标设置 .. 19 3.2.3 B银行L网点员工绩效考核实施 .......... 20 3.3 B银行L网点员工绩效考核现状横向比较 . 21 3.3.1 横向比较实地访谈安排 .......................... 21 3.3.2 B银行各类网点员工绩效考核现状 ...... 22 3.3.3 B银行L网点员工绩效考核的共性与个性问题 ................. 24 3.4 B银行L网点员工绩效考核存在的问题 ..... 25 V 3.4.1 员工绩效考核指标设置未结合战略目标 ............................. 25 3.4.2 员工绩效考核目标不明确 ...................... 26 3.4.3 员工绩效考核过程形式化 ...................... 26 3.4.4 员工绩效考核方法单一化 ...................... 27 3.4.5 员工绩效考核结果缺乏及时沟通与反馈 ............................. 27 3.5 B银行L网点员工绩效考核存在问题的原因分析 .................... 27 3.5.1 B银行L网点员工绩效考核体制问题 .. 27 3.5.2 B银行L网点管理层对考核目的认识不清晰 ..................... 28 3.5.3 绩效考核主体对考核重视不足 .............. 28 3.5.4 员工绩效考核岗位职责不明确 .............. 29 3.5.5 没有认识到持续绩效沟通的重要性 ...... 29 第四章 B银行L网点员工绩效考核优化 ............. 30 4.1 基于MBO员工绩效考核优化的适应性分析 ............................. 30 4.1.1 基于MBO员工绩效考核的必要性 ....... 30 4.1.2 基于MBO员工绩效考核的可行性 ....... 30 4.1.3 基于MBO员工绩效考核的局限性 ....... 31 4.2 B银行L网点员工绩效考核优化的总体思路 ............................ 32 4.2.1 员工绩效考核优化的目标 ...................... 32 4.2.2 员工绩效考核优化的路径 ...................... 32 4.3 B银行L网点员工绩效考核优化的基本原则 ............................ 33 4.3.1 与战略目标一致性原则 .......................... 33 4.3.2 全程公开公平公正原则 .......................... 33 4.3.3 实用性与可持续性原则 .......................... 34 4.3.4 基于MBO的基本原则 ........................... 34 4.4 B银行L网点基于MBO员工绩效考核优