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全球生态环境污染日益加重,由此引发的传统能源危机更加突出,与节能环保相 关的产业备受重视。相较传统电池而言,锂电池不含铅、镉等重金属,无污染,且具 有能量密度高、工作电压高、重量轻、体积小、无记忆效应、循环寿命长、充电快速 等优势,已经成为绿色新能源产品的一种。随着节能环保要求的提高,新能源交通工 具得到了快速发展,且伴随着电子产品的不断更新及储能应用的扩大,锂电池行业受 到世界各国政府的高度重视,并获得了大力支持,全球锂电池行业发展迅猛。锂电池 已大量应用在消费电子产品、新能源汽车和储能领域等,全球锂电池行业的市场空间 将进一步扩大,在便携式电子设备、电动汽车、空间技术、国防工业、太阳能和风能 等可再生能源发电领域甚至公共建筑和家庭等多方面具有广阔的应用前景。同时,会 有更多的企业愿意投资进入该行业,加之现存锂电池制造企业,锂电池行业面临严峻 的竞争形势。因此,如何制定企业的发展战略,使得企业可以在竞争中立足并持续发 展具有重大的意义。 本文以H电源公司为研究对象,基于企业战略管理与发展战略理论,运用PEST、 波特五力模型等战略分析工具,首先对H电源公司的发展历程、发展现状、发展中存 在的问题进行分析总结,然后结合对H电源公司所处的宏观环境与行业环境及其内部 资源能力条件的梳理与分析,得出H电源公司在其外部环境中面临的机遇和威胁与自 身拥有的优势和劣势;之后综合运用 SWOT 分析工具,得出H电源公司应选择以增长 为主、扭转为辅的发展战略,其战略实施重点为扩大产能、增强技术研发、拓展市场、 人才队伍建设;最后提出与之相应的保障措施,以确保H电源公司发展战略顺利落地 实施。 通过本文研究所形成的结论,提出H电源公司未来的发展战略,期望H电源公司 可以在目前竞争激烈的市场中实现持续、稳定的发展,也期望对中小规模锂电池企业 的发展有一定的借鉴作用及意义。 关键词:锂电池行业,发展战略,H电源公司,SWOT分析 II Abstract The global ecological environment pollution is getting increasingly serious, which results in the prominent energy crisis, and industries related to energy conservation and environmental protection are highly valued. Compared with traditional batteries, containing no lead, cadmium and other heavy metals, having no pollution, and having the advantages of high energy density, high working voltage, light weight, small size, no memory effect, long cycle life, quick charging, etc., lithium battery is a kind of green new energy products. With the improvement of energy conservation and environmental protection requirements, new energy vehicles have developed rapidly. With the continuous update of electronic products and the expansion of energy storage applications, the lithium battery industry has received great attention from governments all over the world and great support. The global lithium battery industry has developed rapidly. Lithium battery has a large number of applications in consumer electronics, new energy vehicles and storage areas and so forth, the global lithium battery industry will further expand the market space, with a broad application prospects in many aspects of portable electronic devices, electric vehicles, space technology, defense industry, renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power generation field and even public buildings and family. Meanwhile, there are going to be more enterprises that willing to invest in the industry, and with the existing tough competition faced by lithium battery manufacturers, the lithium battery industry. Thus, how to formulate the development strategy of the enterprise is of great significance so that the enterprise can stand in the competition and has sustainable development. Taking H power supply company as the research object, using strategic analysis tools such as PEST, porter five models and so forth on the basis of relevant theories of the enterprise’s strategy management and strategy, the paper summarizes the problems existing in the development present situation, the development, the development process of H power supply company, and sorts out and analyzes by combining H power company's external development and competition environment and internal resources ability condition, to conclude the opportunities and threats that the H power supply company in the external environment faces, and the advantages and disadvantages of its own, through the SWOT analysis method, and it concludes the development strategy of giving priority to increase, and complementing by reverse, as well as the development strategy focus of expanding III production capacity, strengthening research and development, technology improvement,mark development and talent team building, and proposes certain safeguard measures to ensure the smooth implementation of H power company's development strategy. Through this research’s conclusion, the future development strategy of H power supply company is put forward, expecting that H power supply company can achieve sustained and stable development in the current competitive market, and providing some reference and significance for the development of small and medium-sized lithium battery enterprises. Keywords: Lithium battery industry, Development strategy, H power supply company, SWOT analysis IV 目 录 第一章 绪论 ........................................................... 1 1.1选题背景及研究意义 ................................................ 1 1.1.1选题背景 ...................................................... 1 1.1.2研究目的及意义 ................................................ 2 1.2基础理论及分析工具 ................................................ 3 1.2.1相关基础理论 .................................................. 3 1.2.2战略分析工具 .................................................. 4 1.3研究思路与方法 .................................................... 5 1.3.1研究思路 ...................................................... 5 1.3.2研究方法 ...................................................... 6 1.4主要研究内容 ...................................................... 6 第二章 H电源公司发展现状评述 .......................................... 8 2.1H电源公司概况 ..................................................... 8 2.2H电源公司发展历程 ................................................. 9 2.2.1新设初创期(2009年-2011年) .................................. 9 2.2.2稳定发展期(2012年-2016年) .................................. 9 2.2.3业务调整整合期(2017年至今) ................................. 10 2.3H电源公司发展现状 ................................................ 10 2.3.1公司业务构成 ................................................. 10 2.3.2公司产品市场 ................................................. 11 2.3.3公司经营情况 ................................................. 11 2.3.4公司组织结构 ................................................. 12 2.4H电源公司发展中存在的问题 ........................................ 13 第三章 H电源公司发展环境分析 ......................................... 15 3.1宏观环境分析 ..................................................... 15 3.1.1政治与法律环境分析 ........................................... 15 3.1.2经济环境分析 ................................................. 17 3.1.3社会文化环境分析 ............................................. 18 3.1.4技术环境分析 ................................................. 19 3.2行业环境分析 ..................................................... 20 3.2.1行业特征分析 ................................................. 20 3.2.2行业竞争环境分析 ............................................. 21 3.2.3行业发展趋势分析 ............................................. 24 V 3.3机会与威胁分析 ................................................... 28 3.3.1机会分析 ..................................................... 28 3.3.2威胁分析 ..................................................... 30 第四章 H电源公司内部环境分析 ......................................... 32 4.1资源条件分析 ..................................................... 32 4.1.1人力资源分析 ................................................. 32 4.1.2技术资源分析 ................................................. 33 4.1.3组织资源分析 ................................................. 33 4.1.4品牌资源分析 ................................................. 33 4.2能力条件分析 ................