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自改革开放至今,我国经济发展取得了质的突破,金融业也因此成为调控我国社 会经济资源的关键媒介,不仅可以加快社会变革,还可为国民经济的增长提供大力支 持。尤其是在最近几年里,金融业对中小型企业的扶持力度明显加大,以 H 银行 A 分行为例,虽然是一家区域性股份制商业银行,但却主动承担了服务实体经济与小企 业发展的社会责任。而在小企业信贷业务的不断扩张下,该行也迎来了新的挑战,怎 样防控信贷风险、提高小企业信贷资产质量已然成为其当前的首要任务。 贷前管理,作为管控小企业信贷业务风险必不可少的一个环节,其重要性不言而 喻,商业银行在为小企业办理信贷业务时,必须确保其免受信贷风险的影响。分析当 代银行信用风险管理流程,不难看出,要想准确评估小企业的风险程度,贷前尽职调 查有着至关重要的作用,其有助于商业银行规避不必要的风险损失,同时也能奠定后 期业务的开展基础,因此研究小企业信贷业务贷前管理优化对徽商银行 A 分行发展 有着举足轻重的意义。 本文围绕 H 银行 A 分行展开全面研究,通过分析其信贷业务的发展现状,进一 步了解该行的不良贷款与贷前管理情况,并针对 H 银行 A 分行客户经理进行调查问 卷,通过问卷结果分析 H 银行 A 分行小企业信贷业务存在的贷前管理问题,得出了 小企业客户经理专业素养较差、客户经理贷前调查不尽职、获客渠道宽泛及准入门槛 受人为因素影响、风险管理流程不完善及制度执行不到位等四个方面的问题,并为之 提出实际可行的参考方案,以便 H 银行 A 分行优化小企业信贷业务,实现科学高效 的贷前管理。此外,笔者也希望本文能供国内其它商业银行开展贷前管理工作时参考。 最后,在研究结论与展望部分,根据本文的研究情况总结研究结论,阐述本文研究不 足,并展望未来研究方向。 关键词:信贷风险控制;贷前管理;优化分析H 银行 A 分行小企业信贷业务贷前风险管理优化研究 I ABSTRACT Since the reform and opening up, my country's economic development has made qualitative breakthroughs, and the financial industry has therefore become a key medium for regulating my country's social and economic resources. It can not only accelerate social changes, but also provide strong support for the growth of the national economy. Especially in recent years, the financial industry has significantly increased its support for small and medium-sized enterprises. Take H Bank A branch as an example. Although it is a regional joint-stock commercial bank, it actively undertakes to serve the real economy and the development of small enterprises. Social responsibility. With the continuous expansion of the small business credit business, the bank has also faced new challenges. How to prevent and control credit risks and improve the asset quality of small businesses has become its current top priority. Pre-loan management, as an essential link to control the credit business risks of small enterprises, is of self-evident importance. When commercial banks handle credit business for small enterprises, they must ensure that they are protected from the impact of credit risks. Analysis of contemporary bank credit risk management process, it is not hard to see, if you want to accurately assess the risk of the small business, credit due diligence before have A vital role, it helps commercial Banks to avoid unnecessary risk loss, as well as the late business basis, so the small business credit business credit management optimization of anhui merchants bank A branch before development is of important significance. This dissertation focuses on a comprehensive study of Bank H Bank A branch. By analyzing the development status of its credit business, it further understands the bank’s non-performing loan and pre-loan management situation, and conducts a questionnaire for the customer manager of Bank H Bank A branch, and analyzes Bank H through the results of the questionnaire The pre-lending management problems in the small business credit business of Branch A have revealed that small business customer managers are poor in professionalism, customer managers are inadequate in pre-loan investigations, customer acquisition channels are broad and entry barriers are affected by human factors, and risk management processes are not The four aspects of improvement and system implementation are not in place, and a practical and feasible reference plan is proposed for it, so that H Bank A Branch can quickly optimize the credit business it provides to small businesses and realize scientific and efficient pre-lending management. In addition, theII author also hopes that this dissertation can be used as a reference for other domestic commercial banks to carry out pre-lending management work. Finally, in the main contributions and prospects, the main contributions of this dissertation are summarized based on the research results of this dissertation, and the shortcomings of the research are explained, the future research direction is looked forward to. KEYWORDS: Credit risk control;Pre loan management;Optimization analysisH 银行 A 分行小企业信贷业务贷前风险管理优化研究 1 目 录 第一章 绪论.................................................1 第一节 选题背景与研究意义 ..........................................1 一、选题背景 .................................................... 1 二、选题意义 .................................................... 2 第二节 研究方法与思路 .............................................. 3 一 、研究方法 ................................................... 3 二、研究思路 .................................................... 4 第三节 国内外研究文献回顾 ..........................................4 一、国内研究文献 ................................................ 4 二、国外研究文献 ................................................ 5 三、现有研究述评 ................................................ 6 第二章 理论基础.............................................7 第一节 信息不对称理论 .............................................. 7 一、信息不对称理论概念 ..........................................7 二、信息不对称在银行贷款中的影响 ................................ 7 第二节 信用风险理论 ................................................ 7 一、信用风险概念 ................................................ 8 二、信用风险特点 ................................................ 8 三、信用评级 .................................................... 8 第三节 商业银行风险管理理论 ........................................9 一、商业银行风险管理理论概念 ....................................9 二、商业银行风险管理目标 ........................................9 第三章 H 银行 A 分行小企业信贷业务及贷前管理现状分析.........11 第一节 H 银行 A 分行概况............................................ 11 一、H 银行 A 分行历史沿革及背景介绍.............................. 11 二、H 银行 A 分行信贷业务发展概况................................ 11 三、H 银行 A 分行风险控制现状....................................13目录 2 第二节 H 银行 A 分行小企业信贷业务及不良贷款情况.................... 13 一、近五年不良贷款现状及发展趋势 ............................... 14 二、近五年不良贷款客户类型分布情况 ............................. 16 第三节 H 银行 A 分行小企业信贷业务贷前管理现状...................... 17 一、H 银行 A 分行小企业信贷业务贷前管理内容及流程................ 17 二、H 银行 A 分行小企业信贷业务贷前管理现状...................... 19 第四章 H 银行 A 分行贷前风险管理问题调查分析 ................22 第一节 调查问卷与设计 .............................................. 22 一、 调查目的 .................................................. 22 二、调查问卷设计 ............................................... 22 三、调查过程 ................................................... 22 第二节 调查问卷数据分析 ............................................ 23 一、信贷人员基本情况及专业能力情况 ............................. 23 二、客户经理贷前调查全面性、深入性情况 ......................... 24 三、小企业信贷业务获客渠道 .....................................25 四、小企业客户准入门槛设定情况 .................................26 五、小企业信贷客户风险管理流程完善性情况 ....................... 27 六、小企业客户经理贷前风险管理制度执行情况 ..................... 28 七、客户经理完善贷前风险管理想法和意见情况 ..................... 29 第三节 H 银行 A 分行小企业信贷业务贷前风险管理存在的问题............. 31 一、小企业客户经理专业素养较差 .................................31 二、客户经理贷前调查不尽职 .....................................31 三、获客渠道宽泛及准入门槛受人为因素影响 ....................... 32 四、风险管理流程不完善及制度执行不到位 ......................... 33 第五章 H 银行 A 分行小企业信贷业务贷前管理优化设计...........35 第一节 平安银行小企业自年代业务贷前管理先进经验 ................... 35 一、平安银行小企业信贷业务发展现状 ............................. 35 二、平安银行小企业信贷业务贷前管理先进经验 ..................... 36 第二节 小企业信贷业务贷前管理优化原则及目标 ....................... 35 一、小企业信贷业务贷前管理优化原则 ............................. 35H 银行 A 分行小企业信贷业务贷前风险管理优化研究 3 二、小企业信贷业务贷前管理优化目标 ............................. 36 第三节 H 银行 A 分行小企业信贷业务贷前管理优化方案.................. 37 一、加强客户经理专业素养及风控能力 ............................. 37 二、贷前调查尽职深入调查研判风险程度 ........................... 38 三、精准营销优质客户及严格把控准入关 ........................... 38 四、完善风险管理流程及严格执行贷前风险管理制度 ................. 39 第四节 H 银行 A 分行小企业信贷业务贷前管理优化预期效果.............. 40 一、构建标准化贷前管理流程 .....................................40 二、加强贷前管理风险控制理念 ...................................40 三、提升信贷资产质量 ...........................................41 第六章 研究结论及展望......................................42 第一节 研究结论 .................................................... 42 第二节 研究展望 .................................................... 42