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党校教育是中国特色社会主义教育事业的重要组成部分。近些年,作为一支独 特的教育力量,党校为党和国家培养了一大批忠诚于马克思主义道路、坚持中国特 色社会主义制度、会治党治国的高素质领导干部队伍。各级党校是培训轮训党员干 部的主渠道。在新的时代背景下,经济不断发展,社会不断进步,党校的干部培训 管理工作面临新形势。首先,国际背景日益复杂,国内形势日益多元化,各种矛盾 问题显著突出,对领导干部能力水平的要求不断提高,日渐复杂的局势与愈加艰巨 的挑战,使得党校干部培训环境出现新变化。 为了更好的推进单县党校党员干部培训服务质量水平的提升,逐渐形成专业化、 市场化、社会化的公共服务体系长效机制,采取科学合理的服务质量评价方法显得 尤为重要和迫切。因此本文以单县县委党校为例,结合单县当地干部特点和其在干 部教育培训工作实践,通过引入服务质量模型构建单县党校党员干部培训服务质量 模型,以此来进行科学和有效的质量评价,促进单县县委党校不断优化自身的培训 服务,提升培训服务质量和水平。 首先,通过分析归纳相关文献,对党校、干部、干部教育培训等进行概念界定, 同时结合党校干部教育培训的特征,依托PZB的SERVQUAL模型,通过以培训学 员为中心,引入感知重要性程度的指标赋权方式,建立党校党员干部培训服务质量 评价模型、指标体系以及问卷测度项以来评价党校党员干部培训的服务质量。结合 问卷调查法,以单县县委党校为例,对用户进行问卷调查并以百分制的打分方式, 计算出服务质量水平得分为70.13,处于一般水平的评价档次区间。 其次,通过采用统计分析的方法,结合线性回归分析以及相关性数据分析,探 究出了四个对党员干部培训服务质量水平影响明显的指标因素,分别为满足需求、 知识水平、差异教学、实践价值。 最后,为了提升党校党员干部培训服务质量,应当更新培训管理理念,增强干 部培训管理针对性;强化师资建设,打造高素质党校教师队伍;优化课程体系管理, 增强党校教师差异化教学能力;创新管理,大力构建科学高效管理机制。 关键词 党员干部;培训服务;质量评价;SERVQUAL III Abstract Party school education is an important part of socialist education with Chinese characteristics. In recent years,as a unique educational force,the Party School has trained a large number of high-quality leading cadres loyal to the Marxist road, adhering to the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and governing the Party and the state. Party schools at all levels are the main channels for training Party members and cadres in rotation. Under the background of the new era,with the continuous development of economy and the continuous progress of society,the cadre training and management of Party schools are facing a new situation. Firstly,the international background is becoming more and more complex, the domestic situation is becoming more and more diversified, various contradictions are prominent,the requirements for the ability level of leading cadres are constantly improving,the increasingly complex situation and the increasingly arduous challenges make new changes in the training environment of Party school cadres. In order to better promote the improvement of the service quality of Party member and cadre training in single county Party school,and gradually form a long-term mechanism of professional, market-oriented and Socialized Public Service system, it is particularly important and urgent to adopt a scientific and reasonable service quality evaluation method. Therefore,this paper takes the Party School of Shanxian Party Committee as an example,combines the characteristics of cadres of Shanxian Party School and their practice in cadre education and training,and constructs the service quality model of Party school party members and cadres training by introducing the service quality model,so as to carry out scientific and effective quality evaluation, promote the platform to continuously optimize its own public service and improve the level of public service. Firstly, through the analysis and induction of relevant literature, this paper defines the concepts of Party schools,cadres and cadres'education and training. At the same time, combining with the characteristics of Party schools' cadres'education and training, relying on PZB's SERVQUAL model,through user-centered,introducing the index empowerment mode of perceived importance, it establishes the evaluation model, index system and questionnaire of the service quality of Party schools' party members and cadres'training in a single county. The service quality of the platform has been evaluated since the measurement item. Combining with the questionnaire survey method and taking IV the Party School of the single county Party Committee as an example,this paper conducts a questionnaire survey on the users and calculates the score of service quality level as 70.13,which is in the evaluation grade range of the general level. Secondly,by using statistical analysis method,combined with linear regression analysis and correlation data analysis,the paper explores four indicators that have significant impact on the service quality level of the platform,namely, meeting demand, security,follow-up tracking and service value. Finally,in order to improve the quality of training service for Party members and cadres in Party schools,we should renew the concept of training management and strengthen the pertinence of cadre training management; optimize the management of curriculum system and enhance the effectiveness of cadre training management; strengthen the construction of teachers and build a high-quality team of Party school teachers; innovate management and vigorously build a scientific and efficient management mechanism. Key words Party members and cadres; Training services; Quality evaluation; SERVQUAL V 目 录 摘要 ········ I Abstract ····· III 第1章 绪 论 ············· 1 1.1 论文的研究背景 ··· 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ······· 1 1.1.2 选题意义 ······· 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 ··· 2 1.2.1 国外干部培训研究现状 ······· 2 1.2.2 国内干部培训研究现状 ······· 3 1.2.3 服务质量评价研究现状 ······· 4 1.3 研究内容 ············ 6 1.4 研究方法 ············ 6 1.5 本章小结 ············ 7 第2章 党校干部培训的相关理论综述 · 9 2.1 相关概念 ············ 9 2.1.1 党校 ············· 9 2.1.2 干部 ············· 9 2.1.3 干部培训 ······· 9 2.2 党校干部教育培训的特征 ········ 10 2.3 质量评价方法 ····· 10 2.3.1 KANO 模型 ·· 10 2.3.2 SERVPERF模型 ··············· 11 2.3.3 SERVQUAL模型 ············· 12 2.3.4 质量评价方案总结 ············ 14 2.4 本章小结 ··········· 14 第3章 党校党员干部培训服务质量评价模型构建 ··· 15 3.1 党员干部培训服务质量评价模型构建原则 ····· 15 3.2 党校党员干部培训服务质量的评价指标选择 ·· 15 3.2.1 服务质量评价模型的建立 ··· 15 3.2.2 服务质量评价模型的合理性 16 3.3 党校党员干部培训服务质量的评价指标体系 ·· 16 VI 3.3.1 研究构想 ······ 16 3.3.2 评价指标体系及问卷项的生成 ··············· 17 3.4 研究设计与方法 ·· 18 3.4.1 问卷设计与研究假设 ········· 18 3.4.2 样本选择与问卷发放形式 ··· 19 3.4.3 资料分析工具及方法 ········· 19 3.4 本章小结 ··········· 20 第4章 单县党校党员干部培训服务质量评价实证分析 ··············· 21 4.1 问卷前测 ··········· 21 4.2 问卷的信度与效度分析 ··········· 21 4.2.1 信度分析 ······ 21 4.2.2 效度分析 ······ 23 4.3 问卷调查实施 ····· 26 4.4 问卷基本信息分析 ················· 26 4.5 单县党校党员干部培训服务质量评价 ··········· 28 4.5.1 指标得分汇总及分析 ········· 28 4.5.2 培训服务总质量分析 ········· 29 4.6 培训服务质量影响因素的回归分析 ·············· 29 4.7 本章小结 ··········· 32 第5章 提升单县党校党员干部培训服务质量对策 ··· 33 5.1 更新培训管理理念,增强干部培训管理针对性 ················· 33 5.1.1 确立“为党建服务”培训理念 33 5.1.2 树立按需培训的培训管理理念 ··············· 33 5.2 强化师资建设,打造高素质党校教师队伍 ····· 34 5.2.1 大力提升教师素质水平 ······ 34 5.2.2 整合校内外教师资源 ·