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D公司女鞋产品研发战略研究 —基于新零售背景下的分析 摘要 D公司在上世纪90年代是中国女鞋行业的领先者,它以时尚的产品设计、合理的单 价、良好的品质及明星代言的新型营销方式,极大地满足了当时市场消费者的诉求,其 女鞋产品在市场曾经占有高达20%左右的份额,D公司获得了极大的成功,被誉为“鞋 业中的宝马”。 自2014年开始,D公司业务开始滑坡:产品卖不出去,顾客流失,竞争品牌对D公 司的冲击越来越明显;2015年D公司开始出现大规模的关店潮,引发市场的热议。什么 原因会导致D公司出现如此巨大的下滑?原因是多方面的。仅其女鞋产品方面:产品同 质化严重缺乏竞争力,不能很好满足市场女性消费者对女鞋不断变化的需求,得不到顾 客的认可,消费者忠诚度降低等,产品上的弱势是经营滑坡的原因之一。由此,D公司 女鞋产品研发战略的研究已是迫在眉睫了。 相比传统零售,新零售背景下,顾客消费习惯发生很大的变化,顾客对女鞋产品有 了新的要求,而D公司传统的研发模式,缺乏创新思维和效率管理,已无法满足新零售 背景下女鞋产品的快速变化需求,无法从产品方面很好服务顾客。产品的问题,在源头 上就是产品研发的问题。 如何在新零售背景下突破产品研发的弊端,使产品研发能很好匹配女鞋市场的不断 变化,是D公司面临和需要解决的一个重大战略问题。D公司如何对其产品研发战略进 行有效的分析、调整和改善,使其最大可能地匹配新零售背景下市场的变化和顾客对女 鞋产品的新需求,很好地服务公司的发展战略。 本论文从D公司女鞋产品研发战略这个角度出发,并结合新零售背景,发现问题, 分析问题,提出解决方案,由点及面,寻求女鞋产品研发战略如何在公司的资源配置下 有效地满足顾客在新零售背景对女鞋的要求,有效地服务公司的发展战略。第二章是通 过产品研发战略、竞争战略理论、新零售概述的介绍,突出竞争战略对产品研发战略的 影响,新零售对产品研发战略的影响,为后文研发战略的改善提供理论依据。第三章从 女鞋行业现状和产品研发的特点分析出发,具体分析了D公司所处的女鞋行业产品研发 摘要 的外部环境,强调了行业现状下产品研发的特点,为下文D公司研发战略的分析和制订 提供依据。第四章是在前三章基础上对D公司的现状做了概况分析,并对D公司的产品 研发现状存在的问题做出分析,深入挖掘了D公司的产品研发弊端对于竞争战略的影响, 为下文D公司研发战略分析和制订提供了依据。第五章用SWOT的分析方法,对D公司 的研发战略进行分析。在分析研究的基础上,制定出适合D公司的一套产品研发战略。 第六章为保障产品研发战略的可行性,对D公司研发战略实施过程中的保障措施进行分 析。 从新零售背景的角度出发,对D公司女鞋产品研发战略的深入研究,不仅能为D公 司的产品研发提供新的思路;从广义上,也能为国内同行企业在制定适合自身企业的产 品研发战略提供参考。当然,再好的产品研发战略也要结合特定的经营环境,不能一味 “拿来主义”,国内的同行企业应在分析自身所处的市场环境和自身条件下,对其产品 研发战略做出可行性分析,总结出一套适合其发展的产品研发战略,提高企业核心竞争 力,为企业整体的发展战略奠定坚实的基础。 关键词:D公司 产品研发战略 竞争战略 新零售 匹配 ABSTRACT RESEARCH ON WOMAN SHOE PRODUCT R&D STRATEGY OF D COMPANY --based on the analysis of New Retail background ABSTRACT D company was a pervious leader of the Chinese women's shoes in the 1990 s. It greatly met the demands of the customers at that time and achieved great success with fashion design, reasonable price, good quality, and marketing methods. Its products achieved a market share of about 20%. D company has achieved great success and is known as "BMW in the shoes industry". Since 2014, the performance has begun to steeply drop. Products could not sell out, customers were losing, the impact of competitive brands on D company was more and more obvious; In 2015, D company experienced a large-scale closure of shops. What causes D company to fall so dramatically? Among all the reasons, the lack of competitiveness of products is one of the key problems. Product is seriously lack of competitiveness which can not meet the changing needs of consumers, and consumer loyalty is reduced. Product weakness is one of the reasons for the decline in business, so that the improvement of R&D strategy of the D company’s women shoes is imminent. Compared with traditional retail, under the new retail background, customers have new needs for women’s shoe products. However, the traditional product R&D system of D company is short of innovative thinking and the low efficiency management. It can’t match the demands of women’s shoe produce in the new retail. How to break through the product bottleneck in the new retail is a major problem that D company should face and needs to solve. How to effectively analyze, adjust and improve its R&D strategy so that it can match the new retail context and meet the new demand of customers well enough for woman’s shoe products. R&D strategy should service company’s development strategy. This dissertation combines the new retail background from the perspective of D company ABSTRACT woman’s shoe product development strategy. Finding out the problem, analyzing the problem, putting forward the solution, seek the product R&D strategy to meet the market requirements well. The second chapter introduces the product R&D strategy theory, highlight the impact of competition strategy on R&D strategy and the impact of new retail on R&D strategy. The third chapter analyzes the importance of R&D strategy in woman’s shoes industry. On the basis of the R&D status of the product of D company is expounded, the problems in the process of product development are exposed and analyzed. Base on the previous three chapters, the fourth chapter analyzes the R&D strategy of D company under the new retail background. Chapter five, safe guard measures are mentioned in order to ensure the implementation of R&D strategy. From the perspective of new retail background, the in-depth study on the R&D strategy of D company's women's shoes products can not only provide new ideas for D company's product R&D, but also provide references for domestic counterparts in formulating suitable R&D strategies . Of course, the best product R&D strategy should be combined with the specific business environment, never blindly "using it without any thought". Domestic peer enterprises should analyze their own market environment and their own conditions, then make a feasibility analysis of their product R&D strategy, summarize a set of product R&D strategy suitable for its development. By this way, can improve the core competitiveness of enterprises, and provide the overall development strategy for enterprises. KEYWORDS: D Company Product R&D Strategy Competition Strategy New Retail Matching 目 录 目 录 第一章 绪论 ............................................ 1 第一节 选题背景 ............................................... 1 第二节 研究的内容和目的 ...................................... 2 一、研究内容 ....................................................... 2 二、研究目的 ....................................................... 3 第三节 研究思路和方法 ........................................ 4 一、研究思路 ....................................................... 4 二、研究方法 ....................................................... 4 第四节 创新点 ................................................. 5 第二章 相关理论基础及文献综述 .......................... 6 第一节 产品研发战略 ........................................... 6 一、产品研发战略的定义.............................................. 6 二、产品研发战略的内涵和分类 ........................................ 7 三、产品研发战略的作用.............................................. 9 四、鞋/服装类产品的研发战略 ........................................ 10 第二节 竞争战略理论 ......................................... 12 一、竞争战略定义 .................................................. 12 二、竞争战略的基本形式............................................. 12 三、波特五力模型分析 .............................................. 14 四、竞争战略对研发战略的影响分析 ................................... 15 第三节 新零售概述 ........................................... 16 一、新零售介绍 .................................................... 16 二、“新零售”的驱动因素 ........................................... 17 三、新零售背景下产品的特点 ......................................... 19 第四节 新零售对产品研发战略的影响分析 .................