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I 摘要 中国是人力资源大国,国家高度重视人才工作,针对高技能人才总量不足、结构 不够合理、综合素质偏低等问题,制定了一系列的政策措施来 推动高技能人才建设。 现代企业间的竞争归根到底是人才的竞争,而高技能人才作为我国人才体系的六大支 柱之一,对经济与未来发展起着巨大的推动作用。如何激发这部分员 工的积极性、主 动性和创造性,充分挖掘其潜能,使特长和能力得到充分发挥,对企业的发展至关重 要。本文以R化工公司为研究对象,从以下几个方面对R化工公司高技能人才 激励问 题进行研究: 首先,通过阅读大量文献,对国内外激励相关理论进行综述,对高技能人才的含 义进行界定。 其次,对R化工公司情况进行介绍,通过访谈、问卷调查等方 法对R化工公司高 技能人才的激励现状进行调查和分析。在此基础上,指出R化工公司高技能人才激励 存在的问题。 再次,利用SPSS22.0软件对回收的有效问卷进行相关数据分析 ,通过主成分分析 方法,提取影响R化工公司高技能人才满意度的主要因素。 最后,综合实地调研及问卷因子分析提取出的影响高技能人才满意度的主要因素, 提出完善R化工公 司高技能人才激励机制的措施。提出通过加强人文关怀,来营造舒 适的情感氛围;通过举办“家属开放日”及形式多样的文体活动来加强公司管理,增 强高技能人才归属感;通 过改善工作条件,来营造舒适的工作环境;通过设立技术能 手岗位、建立高技能人才工作室、开展职业技能竞赛等多种措施来促进高技能人才的 成长与发展;通过合理调整薪酬 制度,来增强薪酬激励效果。同时,为保证这些激励 措施的顺利实施,提出从组织、制度、资金和舆论四方面进行保障。 关 键 词:高技能人才;激励对策;化工企业 论文类型 :专题研究 西南科技大学硕士学位论文 II ABSTRACT As a country with large human resources, China attaches great importance to talent work, and has formulated a series of policies and measures to promote the construction of high-skilled personnel in view of the shortage of high-skilled personnel, unreasonable structure and low comprehensive quality. In the final analysis, the competition among modern enterprises is the competition among talents. As one of the six pillars of China's talent system, highly skilled talents play a great role in promoting the economy and future development. Taking R chemical company as the research object, this paper studies the incentive problem of high-skilled talents in R chemical company from the following aspects: First of all, through reading a lot of literature, this paper summarizes the theories related to motivation at home and abroad, and defines the meaning of high-skilled talents. Secondly, the paper introduces the situation of R chemical company and investigates and analyzes the incentive status of high-skilled talents in R chemical company through interviews, questionnaires and other methods. On this basis, it points out the problems existing in the incentive of R chemical company's highly skilled talents. Thirdly, SPSS22.0 software was used to analyze the relevant data of the returned effective questionnaire, and principal component analysis was used to extract the main factors affecting the satisfaction of R chemical company's skilled talents. Finally, the main factors affecting the satisfaction of skilled talents extracted from field research and questionnaire factor analysis were integrated, and the measures to improve the incentive mechanism for skilled talents in R chemical company were proposed. It is proposed to build a comfortable emotional atmosphere by strengthening humanistic care. Through holding "family Open Day" and various cultural and sports activities to strengthen the management of the company and enhance the sense of belonging of highly skilled talents; To create a comfortable working environment by improving working conditions; To promote the growth and development of high-skilled talents, we should set up positions for technical experts, establish studios for high-skilled talents, and carry out vocational skills competitions. Through the reasonable adjustment of the compensation system, to enhance the compensation incentive effect. At the same time, in order to ensure the smooth implementation of these incentive measures, this paper puts forward four aspects: organization, system, fund and public opinion. ABSTRACT III TYPE OF THESIS: Thematic research KEY WORDS: Highly skilled workers; Incentive countermeasures; Chemical enterprises 西南科技大学硕士学位论文 IV 目 录 第1章 绪论 ............................................................. 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 .................................................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ...................................................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ...................................................... 1 1.2 国内外研 究现状 .................................................... 2 1.2.1 国外研究现状 .................................................. 2 1.2.2 国内研究现状 .................................................. 3 1.2.3 国内外研究现状述评 ............................................ 4 1.3 研究方法与内容 .................................................... 5 1.3.1 研究方法 ...................................................... 5 1.3.2 研究内容 ...................................................... 5 1.4 本文的特色之处 .................................................... 7 第2章 概念界定与理论基础 ............................................... 8 2.1 高技能人才 ........................................................ 8 2.2 激励理论 .......................................................... 9 2.2.1 激励类型 ...................................................... 9 2.2.2 马斯洛的需要层次理 论 .......................................... 9 2.2.3 赫茨伯格的双因素理论 ......................................... 10 2.2.4 弗鲁姆的期望理论 ............................................. 10 2.2.5 亚当斯的公平理论 ............................................. 10 第3章 R化工公司高技能人才激励现状 ..................................... 12 3.1 R化工公司简介 .................................................... 12 3.2 R化工公司组织架构及员工结构 ...................................... 12 3.2.1 R化工公司组织架构 ............................................ 12 3.2.2 R化工公司员工结构 ............................................ 13 3.3 R化工公司高技能人才的界定及其构成 ................................ 15 3.3.1 R化工公司高技能人才界定 ...................................... 15 目 录 V 3.3.2 R化工公司高技能人才构成 ...................................... 15 3.4 R化工公司高技能人才激励机制现状 .................................. 16 3.4.1 高技能人才激励机制 ........................................... 16 3.4.2 高技能人才流动情况 ........................................... 18 第4章 R化工公司高技能人才激励存在问题 ................................. 20 4.1 高技能人才激励满意度调查 ......................................... 20 4.1.1 访谈调查 ..................................................... 20 4.1.2 问卷调查 ..................................................... 20 4.2 R化工公司高技能人才激励存在的主要问题 ............................ 27 4.2.1 重物质激励、轻精神激 励 ....................................... 27 4.2.2 重使用、轻开发 ............................................... 28 4.2.3 薪酬激励效果不佳 ............................................. 29 4.2.4 晋升体系不完善 ............................................... 29 第5章 解决公司高技能人才激励问题的对 策 ................................ 30 5.1 重视高技能人才精神激励需求 ....................................... 30 5.1.1 加强人文关怀,营造舒适的情感氛围 ............................. 30 5.1.2 开展多样化的文体活动,增强高技能人才归属感 ................... 30 5.1.3 加强高技能人才评优及宣传工作 ................................. 30 5.1.4 改善工作条件,营造舒适的工作环境 ............................. 30 5.2 采取多种措施,促进高技能人才的成长与发展 ......................... 31 5.2.1 设立技术能手岗位 ............................................. 31 5.2.2 建立高技能人才工作室 ......................................... 32 5.2.3 完善高技能人才培训机制 ....................................... 32 5.2.4 鼓励参