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人力资源作为第一资源,在企业现代化管理中有着越来越重要的 地位,而绩效考核作为人力资源管理基础和核心环节,在市场竞争日 益激烈的今天,实施绩效考核,关注绩效考核改进,是企业不断提升 自我竞争力、持续不断发展的重要保证。绩效考核特别是国有企业绩 效考核是现代管理科学研究的热点,国有企业中层管理人员绩效考核 是国有企业管理的重点之一。所以如何有效引导国有企业中层管理人 员的行为,提高企业生产经营能力,顺利实现企业战略目标,建立和 推行科学合理的绩效考核体系显得尤为重要。本论文从 HG 公司现有 绩效考核现状中中层管理人员存在的不足入手,分析其原因,然后结 合 HG 公司实际,对 HG 公司中层管理人员绩效考核方式和方法现状及 问题做出可行性分析,通过案例分析法、文献检索法、经验总结法、 归纳分析法、定性与定量分析法等方法来对 HG 公司中层管理人员绩 效考核体系进行研究。提出 HG 公司中层管理人员绩效考核体系的改 进意见,重点运用了 KPI 绩效考核法理论,结合 HG 公司中层管理人 员配置和职位说明书情况,分析并建立 HG 公司中层管理人员绩效考 核指标体系,给中层管理人员正职设置重点绩效考核指标,副职通过 中层正职分数用公式计算得知,绩效分数直接结算中层月薪,年底再 加入 360 度评价法作为尾数淘汰的依据。通过绩效考核指标体系的实 施,持续追踪及改进,制定了一套适用于 HG 公司现状的中层管理人II 员绩效考核试行办法。并进一步分析了在中层管理人员绩效考核方案 实施后可能出现的影响因素,如何排除阻力因素,助推绩效考核体系 的顺利进行。最后将绩效考核结果进行及时反馈,运用于薪酬福利、 职位调整、培训发展、职业生涯计划、招聘条件的设置等。升华绩效 考核结果的运用,为人力资源管理后续运用提供有效的依据。 关键词,中层管理人员 KPI 绩效考评 设计III DESIGN AND RESEARCH ON PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF HG MIDDLE LEVEL MANAGEMENT ABSTRACT Human resource,as the first resource, plays more important status in modern enterprise management. Performance evaluation as a foundation and core of human resource management, implementation of performance appraisal and focusing on improvement of performance appraisal are the important guarantee for the enterprise continuous enhance competitiveness and development in an increasingly competitive market today. Performance evaluation remains as a hotspot of modern management scientific study, especially for state-owned enterprises. At the same time, the performance evaluation of middle level management is one crucial indicator for management of state-owned enterprises. As a result, it is particularly important to effectively guide the performances of middle level management in state-owned enterprises, improve enterprises’ product and operation ability, successfully realize strategic goal and establish and implement the scientific and reasonable performance evaluation system. This essay has analyzed reason of deficiencies of middle level management that existed in HG current performance evaluation system with aims to provide feasible analysis for them from actual and propose improving measure through case analysisIV literature retrieval method, the experience summary method, inductive analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis. It has focused on the application of KPI theory, combined with the distributions of middle level management and post elaboration of HG, and separately established performance evaluation index system for middle lever management of HG. Key performance evaluation indicator which connecting with vice ones by formula has been put on principal middle level management. Furthermore, performance evaluation score will be accounted into the salaries and took as the basis of elimination according to the 360°evaluation method. Based on the implementation of performance evaluation system with constant supervisions and improvements, a set of trial measures which are applied to the current situation of HG Company have been set. Influencing factors which are possible appear after the performance evaluation schemes in middle managers, how to get rid of resistance factors and support performance evaluation system can successfully implement have been further analyzed. Finally, performance appraisal results are timely feed back and be used in salary, benefits, job adjustment, training and development, career planning, job descriptions, and so on. The application of evaluation result provides an effective basis for the future implement of human resource management. Key WordS,middle level management, KPI, performance evaluation, designV 目 录 摘要 .............................................................I ABSTRACT .........................................................III 目 录 .............................................................V 第一章 绪论 ........................................................1 1.1 研究背景....................................................1 1.2 研究的目的和意义............................................1 1.3 绩效考核的相关理论..........................................2 1.4 国内外中层绩效考核研究现状述评..............................5 1.5 研究的思路和方法............................................9 第二章 HG 公司中层管理人员绩效考核现状分析........................11 2.1 HG 公司简介 ................................................11 2.2 HG 公司中层管理人员现状 ....................................14 2.3 HG 公司现行中层管理人员绩效考核介绍 ........................17 2.4 HG 公司中层管理人员绩效考核现状问题分析 ....................19 第三章 HG 公司中层管理人员绩效考核设计............................21 3.1 选择 KPI 绩效考核法原因分析 .................................21 3.2 绩效考核设计原则...........................................22 3.3 绩效考核 KPI 指标...........................................23 3.3.1 各单位一把手 KPI 指标设计分析 .........................23 3.3.2 轧管生产分厂厂长 KPI 指标 .............................26 3.3.3 冶炼分厂厂长 KPI 指标 .................................27 3.3.4 辅助单位经理 KPI 指标 .................................27 3.3.5 研发部门经理 KPI 指标 .................................28 3.3.6 采购部门经理 KPI 指标 .................................29 3.3.7 销售公司经理 KPI 指标 .................................29 3.3.8 行政管理部门经理 KPI 指标 .............................29 3.3.9 党群管理部门经理 KPI 指标 .............................33VI 3.3.10 KPI 指标的合理和可行性分析...........................34 第四章 KPI 绩效考核体系的实施和推进................................35 4.1 KPI 绩效考核体系实施设计 ...................................35 4.2 KPI 绩效考核体系障碍分析及实施保障 .........................35 4.3 KPI 绩效考核体系模拟实施结果分析 ...........................37 第五章 结束语 .....................................................40 5.1 主要工作与创新点...........................................40 5.2 后续研究工作...............................................40