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由于海岛能给旅游者带来远离城市喧嚣和彻底回归自然的轻松感受而倍受青 睐,已成为世界的旅游热点地区。 东壁岛海滨旅游度假村是由福清龙昇旅游开发有限公司于2004年开始投资开 发的,登上东壁岛的主峰,可以看到全岛的风貌,全岛海洋资源丰富,风景秀丽、 景色宜人,是休闲度假的好去处。 东壁岛的旅游幵发能加快福清当地的基础设施建设,为福清市的综合经济提升 提供坚强的后盾,使各个行业都可以从旅游业带来一定的效益提升;东壁岛的幵发 还能够扩大福清市民的就业渠道,容纳更多的劳动力,缓解就业问题;还能够更好 地开发福清保护生态旅游资源,有利于提高福清的环境保护、环境美化。能为福清 带来许多外地旅游人员,使得文化交流更加频繁,使更多的人认识福清,带来一定 的社会经济效益。 东壁岛每年都会举行燃放焰火、放飞孔明灯、拜月许愿、海上观明月、放逐莲 花灯、烧砖塔等活动。目前拟投资1亿元扩建的二期项目,将建设两区一街、两湖 一山、两滩一岸一岛,包括九使山景观、海底温泉、航线游船等项目,这些项目能 给游客带来许多乐趣,使游客在繁忙的都市生活之余,享受休闲生活的美好。 本文在第二部分对东壁岛的旅游资源条件进行了调查分析,其中包括旅游资源 概况、旅游资源评价、旅游市场条件分析、SWOT分析、旅游区空间规划、旅游产品 策划等等方面,从这些调查数据中,我们可以总结分析出东壁岛的现状以及之后该 如何更好的探索出适合自己的发展道路。 历史上,有人美称东壁岛为“海上仙山”,并与山东的蓬莱岛并称为“瀛州”。 随着旅游景点和休闲度假项目的进一步开发建设,东壁岛将更富有诱惑力。 关键词:东壁岛、海岛旅游、旅游开发。 领士学位报告 MASTER'S THESIS Abstract Due to the island to bring tourists from the city hustle and bustle and easy feeling completely return to nature and popularity, has become the world's tourist hotspots. Seaside tourist resort is by the east wall of the island fixqing Long Sheng tourism development co.,LTD., in 2004 started to invest in development, on the east wall of the main island, you can see the view in the island, the island Marine resources are rich, beautiful scenery, the scenery pleasant, is a good place for leisure. The east wall of island tourism development can accelerate the Fuqing local infrastructure construction, the comprehensive economic ascent of Fuqing city to provide a strong backing, make the every industry can bring certain benefits from tourism promotion; East wall of the island's development will also be able to enlarge the employment channels of Fuqing citizens, to accommodate more workers, ease the employment problem; Also can better development Fuqing protect the ecological tourism resources, to improve the environmental protection and environmental beautification of Fuqing. Fuqing can bring many nonlocal tourist personnel, makes the cultural communication more frequently, make more people know Fuqing, bring certain social and economic benefits. The east wall of the island has been held every year fireworks, fly sky lantern, worship month wishing,sea view the bright moon,banish lotus lights,brick tower and other activities. Now plans to invest 100 million yuan expansion phase ii project, the construction and the street is the same, mountain on one side, two beach island, including nine mountain landscapes, cruise ship underwater hot springs, route, etc,these projects can bring a lot of fim to tourists, the tourists in the busy city life, enjoy the leisure life of the good. This article in the second part to the east wall of island tourism resources condition has carried on the investigation and analysis, including tourist resources survey, evaluation of tourism resources, tourism market condition analysis, SWOT analysis, tourism planning, tourism product planning, etc,from the survey data, we can summarize the status quo of the east wall of the island and later how to better find suits own development path. History, the east wall of the island as sea town reputation of someone, and with shandong penglai island and called ying state. As tourist attractions and leisure ii 硕士学位报告 MASTER'S THESIS vacation for further development and construction of the project, the east wall of the island will be more full of temptation. Key words : the east wall of the island,Island tourism, Tourism development. hi 7 硕士学位报告 MASTER'S THESIS 目录 巾::觀 I Abstract II 绪论 1 第一章东壁岛基本概况 2 一、区域位置与范围 2 二、东壁岛的历史 2 三、东壁岛开发现状 2 第二章东壁岛旅游开发中的文化建设调查 4 一、旅游资源条件分析 4 1、旅游资源概况 4 2、旅游资源评价 6 二、东壁岛的旅游发展目标 6 1、发展目标 6 2、发展目标说明 6 五、东壁岛旅游目标市场预测 7 六、东壁岛旅游区空间规划 8 1、功能区规划原则 8 2、总体格局 8 七、旅游产品策划 14 1、主题产品 15 2、时尚产品 15 3、专项旅游产品 15 4、宗教旅游产品 15 5、商务旅游产品 16 6、休闲旅游产品 16 八、旅游配套设施规划 16 1、旅游交通规划 16 2、旅游服务设施规划 18 3、旅游安全系统规划 20 4、基础设施规划 22 硕士学位报告 MASTER'S THESIS 5、景观与环境保护规划 23 6、绿地规划纖 24 第三章东壁岛文化建设的意义及可行性 25 旅游艘效益分析 25 1、建设项目投资估算 25 2、投资效益分析 25 二、东壁岛旅游开发的社会意义 26 结语 27