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近年来,社会经济高速发展的同时越来越多的人们将目光聚焦到绿色健康 的生活模式。我国的骑行服市场迅速崛起但相对比发达国家还有极大的增长空 间。M 公司作为一家专业骑行服制造型本土企业,在市场竞争中碰到了销售增 长缓慢、品牌知名度不高、渠道不够完整等发展问题。为什么国内市场份额还 在不断增长的同时,拥有这么多的产品卖点优势的公司却逐渐在市场竞争中失 去了竞争优势没有取得应有的市场份额, 本文应用了市场营销的相关理论、借鉴了国内外相关文献研究成果。首先, 通过定性分析法、文献研究法、调查研究法、访谈法等方法对 M 公司的营销现 状及现状产生的原因进行分析。其次,为 M 公司设计了新的市场营销战略,通 过职业和骑行目的两个维度进行市场细分,将目标市场选择了由退休阿姨群体 组成的以休闲骑行为目的的细分市场一和由城市白领群体组成的以健身为目的 的细分市场二。其中,细分市场一的定位为安全、健康、实用,细分市场二的 定位为自信、美丽、修身,从而帮助目标市场和产品更专业化、营销可度量和 可调控,并根据该潜力目标消费市场进行差异化定位和个性化服务。最终,基 于该营销战略,本文针对两个不同的细分市场围绕产品、价格、渠道和促销等 方面制定了提升 M 公司市场竞争力的营销组合策略。 本文通过 M 公司市场营销的策略研究,不仅帮助该企业重新找回市场竞争 的优势,逐步提高企业竞争力,进一步扩大骑行服市场占有率,为其市场发展 提供良好保障。同时,本文成果还为其他相关中小企业在行业开展市场营销活 动提供了借鉴和参考意义。 关键词,骑行服,营销战略,市场细分,目标市场,营销组合 论文类型,应用研究浙江工业大学硕士学位论文 M 公司女性骑行服的市场营销策略研究 II Market research of M company about female cyclists in cycling market Abstract In recent years, with the rapid development of social economy, more and more people are focusing on the green and healthy life mode!Chinese cycling apparel market is rising rapidly but there si still a huge space for growth compared with developed countries. As a professional local cycling apparel manufacturing enterprise, M company has encountered the development problems such as slow sales growth, low brand awareness and incomplete channels. Why did M company, which has so many advantages in selling products, gradually lose its competitive edge in the market competition and fail to gain its due market shareIn this paper, the application of marketing related theory and reference to the related literature at home and abroad research results. First of all, through qualitative analysis, literature research, investigation method, interview method and other methods of M company's marketing present situation and the causes of the status quo for analysis. Second, a new marketing strategy was designed for M company:market segmentation was carried out from the two dimensions of occupation and cycling purpose.The target market was selected as the market segment for leisure riding behavior composed of retired aunts and the market segment for fitness composed of urban white-collar workers.Among them,market segment 1 is positioned as safe,healthy and practical,while market segment 2 is positioned as confident,beautiful and slim,so as to help target market and product become more professional,marketing measurable and controllable,and conduct differentiated positioning and personalized services according to the potential target consumer market.Finally,based on the marketing strategy,this paper developed marketing mix strategies to enhance the market competitiveness of M company based on the product,price,channel and promotion of two different market segments. M marketing strategy research in this paper, not only help the enterprise to rediscover the advantage of competition in the market, gradually improve enterprise浙江工业大学硕士学位论文 M 公司女性骑行服的市场营销策略研究 III competitiveness, to further expand the market share, market development provides a good guarantee for it. At the same time, this paper results also for other small and medium-sized enterprises in the industry to carry out marketing activities to provide the reference and reference. KEY WORDS: cycling clothing;marketing strategy; market segmentation;target market;marketing mix TYPE OF DISSERTATION / THESIS: applied research浙江工业大学硕士学位论文 M 公司女性骑行服的市场营销策略研究 IV 目 录 1 绪论 ................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 ...............................................1 1.2 研究思路及内容 ...............................................2 1.3 研究方法 .....................................................3 2 国内外相关文献综述 ..................................... 5 2.1 相关理论 ......................................................5 2.1.1 STP 营销战略..............................................5 2.1.2 4P 营销理论...............................................7 2.1.3 4C 营销理论...............................................9 2.1.4 4I 营销理论..............................................10 2.2 国内外相关文献综述 ..........................................11 2.2.1 国内相关文献综述 ........................................11 2.2.2 国外相关文献综述 ........................................14 3 M 公司营销现状分析..................................... 18 3.1 M 公司的概况 .................................................18 3.2 M 公司营销所存在的问题 .......................................20 3.2.1 销售增长缓慢 ............................................20 3.2.2 品牌知名度不高 ..........................................21 3.2.3 渠道不够完整 ............................................22 3.3 产生问题的原因 ..............................................23 3.3.1 无完整的营销战略 ........................................23 3.3.2 消费市场分析与定位不准确 ................................24 3.3.3 产品组合策略不适合市场变化 ..............................25 4 营销战略的设计 ........................................ 27 4.1 市场细分 ....................................................27 4.1.1 精准市场细分战略 ........................................27 4.1.2 细分市场特征分析 ........................................29 4.2 目标市场选择 ................................................30 4.2.1 产品专业化 ..............................................30 4.2.2 市场专业化 ..............................................30 4.3 市场定位 ....................................................32浙江工业大学硕士学位论文 M 公司女性骑行服的市场营销策略研究 V 4.3.1 目标市场(一)的再定位 ...................................32 4.3.2 目标市场(二)的再定位 ...................................33 5 营销组合策略的制定 .................................... 35 5.1 产品策略 ....................................................35 5.1.1 形式产品策略 ............................................35 5.1.2 附加产品策略 ............................................37 5.2 价格策略 ....................................................38 5.2.1 产品定价方法 ............................................38 5.2.2 产品定价策略 ............................................39 5.3 渠道策略 ....................................................40 5.3.1 线上渠道设计 ............................................40 5.3.2 线下渠道设计 ............................................42 5.4 促销策略 ....................................................43 5.4.1 推式促销策略 ............................................43 5.4.2 拉式促销策略 ............................................43 结论....................................................46