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随着 JD、Tmall 等线上零售企业的迅猛发展,传统零售业受到前所未有的挑战,市场格局正悄 然发生变化。传统零售商为了应对挑战,纷纷走上全渠道的发展模式,打造以消费者为中心的数据 驱动的泛零售形态,然而发展进程普遍面临渠道冲突、消费者渠道体验不一致、全渠道服务场景缺 乏等共性问题,全渠道会员营销问题尤为突出。 B 零售集团是典型的大型传统零售商,拥有百货、大卖场等多种业态 800 多家门店,2016 年开 始新零售改革,全面走上全渠道(Omni-Channel)之路,运营 3 年来初具规模,注册会员近千万,年 消费会员已达百万,同时也暴露了诸多管理问题。 本文以 B 零售集团为研究主体,在全渠道转型背景下,针对现阶段出现的营销问题,尤其会员 营销问题进行的全渠道会员营销方案设计研究。论文主体首先通过深访与桌面研究,剖析 B 零售集 团的全渠道营销跨业态的协同性缺失,大会员体系下会员管理相对独立,线下营销方式落后,支付、 供应链、物流存在问题,缺乏精准营销,大数据支撑不足,重点会员业务存隐忧等问题。随后系统 的使用统计分析与数据挖掘识别价值会员特征与价值提升路径,具体包括对会员消费数据进行 RFM 分析,识别价值会员群体多来自线下门店,并发现全渠道消费会员(OCC)是价值群体中的核心。 通过对 OCC 的样本分析,多维度了解其人口特征、价值特征、品类品牌偏好等。利用调研数据从价 值观维度对核心价值会员进行市场细分,并认为品质追求型群体的市场份额较高、消费力最强,应 作为重点目标市场。利用决策树模型判别 OCC 转换的影响因素,并分析会员满意度情况,为价值提 升寻找路径。紧接着利用 SWOT工具,提出全渠道会员营销策略设计的本质是扩大 OCC 群体规模。 通过提升各业态之间的协同性,突出服务聚合、资源聚合的优势;通过全渠道服务场景的不断丰富 达到全渠道消费会员规模扩张的目的;通过数据端数据维度与数据体量的增加,为数据资产提升行 业壁垒及数据变现奠定基础,策略中还强调以会员为本,体验提升体现价值的指导思想。最后基于 策略调整,设计全渠道会员营销方案,包括会员营销的模式设计,即全渠道会员价值主张、营销技 术和场景式营销规划,全渠道会员营销传播布局,全渠道会员促销规划,六大场景与价格机制等; 包含全渠道会员管理系统搭建,运营目标市场调整,其中会员管理系统中全渠道会员营销计划模块 和客户模型模块则体现了全渠道特性;还包含全渠道会员画像、大数据营销创新和创新数字化门店 运营项目等创新性会员营销的内容,通过结果观测方案设计是具有现实意义的。 关键词,传统零售商,全渠道,会员营销,营销优化II Abstract With the rapid development of the online retailers such as JD or Tmall. The traditional retail industryhas been challenged asnever before, and the marketstructureisquietlychanging. To keep their share of the retail industry, the traditional retailers have been stepping on the omni-channel to create a date-driven pan-retail style centered on the consumer experience. However, during the development, there are some general problems, such as the conflicts between channels, the inconsistence of consumer experience and the lack of the omni-channel scenario. The omni-channel member marketing problem is particularly prominent. B Retail Group is atypical large-scale traditional retailer with many business forms. It has more than 800 stores in chain stores, shopping malls, hypermarkets, convenience stores, etc. Started new retail reform in 2016, by stepping on the Omni-Channel road. In the past 3years, the omni-channel has engaged with nearly 10 million registered members and more than 1 million annual consumption membership, but also showed many management problems. This research took B retail group as subject. Under the background of omni-channel transformation, the researcher analyzed the current situation and the problems of B Group's omni-channel member marketing. The research figured out that the current marketing system's relied on online sales purpose, and ignored the essence of omni-channel marketing. As a result, it was hard to achieve the expectation to cost reduction and consumer experience upgrade. The purpose of the research on the omni-channel member marketing design was to solve those problems. Firstly, Analyze the lack of synergy between different formats, the offline marketing method is backward, thepayment, supplychain, logistics problems, lack of precision marketing, insufficient data support, focus Member business has hidden problems and other issues, then used quantitative methods such as statistical analysis and data mining to identify the characteristics of value members and the path of value enhancement. According to RFM analysis, omni-channel consumer (OCC) is the core value group, and found out that mostly from offline stores. Second, analyses the OCC membership sample, with the purpose of understanding its demographic characteristics, value, and category brand preferences in multiple dimensions. Third, used the survey data to segment the core value members from the value dimension. Fourth, Decision Tree model was used to identify the influencing factors of omni-channel conversion, and the membership satisfaction was analyzed to provide an empirical basis for marketing optimization. Then used SWOT tools to proposed that the marketing design strategy was to expand the scale of OCC membership groups. Finally, based on the strategy adjustment, the OCC marketing plan is designed, including the model design of member marketing, namely omni-channel member value proposition, marketing technology and scene-based marketing planning. Including omni-channel CRM, operational target market adjustment. It also includes innovative marketing content such as omni-channel member portraits, big data marketing innovation and innovative digital store operation projects. It is of practical significance to observe and optimize the results. KEY WORD: Omni-channel,retailor, Marketing OptimizationIII 目 录 第 1 章 绪论....................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景 ........................................................ 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 .................................................. 3 1.2.1 国外研究现状 ................................................ 3 1.2.2 国内研究现状 ................................................ 4 1.3 主要研究内容和方法 .............................................. 5 1.3.1 研究内容 .................................................... 5 1.3.2 研究方法 .................................................... 6 1.4 本章小结 ........................................................ 7 第 2 章 相关理论与方法 ............................................ 8 2.1 全渠道会员营销的理论框架 ........................................ 8 2.1.1 全渠道零售的含义、演变与内容 ................................ 8 2.1.2 全渠道会员营销的概念、过程和分析要点 ....................... 10 2.1.3 全渠道客户关系管理 ......................................... 11 2.2 会员分析的框架体系 ............................................. 12 2.2.1 会员分析的方法和内容 ....................................... 12 2.2.2 常用挖掘方法 ............................................... 12 2.3 本章小结 ....................................................... 14 第 3 章 B 零售集团全渠道会员营销现状............................... 15 3.1 全渠道行业现状与趋势 ........................................... 15 3.1.1 国内外全渠道发展现状 ....................................... 15 3.1.2 消费者趋势与态度 ........................................... 16 3.1.3 全渠道模式的发展趋势 ....................................... 18 3.2 B 零售集团概况 ................................................. 19 3.2.1 集团概况 ................................................... 19 3.2.2 组织架构 ................................................... 20 3.2.3 B 零售集团商业发展 ......................................... 20 3.3 B 零售集团全渠道模式介绍 ....................................... 22 3.3.1 全新的全渠道业务全景 ....................................... 22 3.3.2 全渠道系统构建过程 ......................................... 23 3.3.3 全渠道管理框架 ............................................. 26 3.3.4 业务运营概览 ............................................... 27 3.4 全渠道会员营销现状与问题诊断 ................................... 32 3.4.1 会员营销体系现状 ........................................... 32 3.4.2 全渠道会员营销问题诊断 ..................................... 34 3.5 本章小结 ....................................................... 38 第 4 章 B 零售集团全渠道会员特征与价值提升 ......................... 39IV 4.1 价值会员的核心群体识别 ......................................... 39 4.1.1 价值会员的判别 ............................................. 39 4.1.2 价值会员群体五大特征 ....................................... 40 4.1.3 价值群体中的核心价值群体的识别 ............................. 43 4.2 核心价值会员特征分析 ........................................... 44 4.2.1 全渠道消费会员的规模与人口特征 ............................. 44 4.2.2 全渠道消费会员价值 ......................................... 45 4.2.3 全渠道消费会员品类、品牌偏好 ............................... 45 4.2.4 特征小结 ................................................... 47 4.3 核心价值会员市场细分 ........................................... 48 4.3.1 基于因子聚类的客户细分的基本思想 ........................... 48 4.3.2 核心价值会员市场细分 6 类群体 ............................... 48 4.3.3 核心价值会员细分群体侧写 ................................... 53 4.4 全渠道用户转换影响因素分析 ..................................... 56 4.4.1 CRM 数据准备 ............................................... 56 4.4.2 建模方法及流程 ............................................. 56 4.4.3 全渠道转换影响因素分析与渠道组合优化 ....................... 57 4.5 会员满意度评价及提升 ........................................... 60 4.5.1 满意度评价 ................................................. 60 4.5.2 满意度影响因素 ............................................. 61 4.5.3 满意度提升的必要要素 ....................................... 62 4.6 本章小结 ....................................................... 62 第 5 章 B 零售集团全渠道会员营销方案设计........................... 64 5.1 全渠道会员营销定位 ............................................. 64 5.1.1 SWOT 分析 .................................................. 64 5.1.2 基于全渠道会员扩张的会员营销策略设计 ....................... 65 5.2 全渠道会员营销框架设计 ......................................... 66 5.2.1 全渠道会员营销模式设计 ..................................... 66 5.2.2 全渠道会员关系管理系统 ..................................... 69 5.2.3 会员运营的目标市场与营销战略 ............................... 69 5.2.4 重视全渠道服务 ............................................. 71 5.3 全渠道会员营销创新 ............................................. 72 5.3.1 基于全渠道的会员标签、画像设计 ............................. 72 5.3.2 大数据营销创新 ............................................. 73 5.3.3 创新门店会员运营项目 ....................................... 74 5.4 实施保障与效果跟踪 ............................................. 76 5.4.1 实施保障 ................................................... 76 5.4.2 效果跟踪 ................................................... 77 5.5 本章小结 ....................................................... 79 第 6 章 总结与展望 ............................................... 80 6.1 主要结论 ....................................................... 80V 6.2 不足与展望 ..................................................... 81 附 录........................................................... 83 附录一 B 零售集团全渠道零售现状与问题深访设计.......................83 附录二 C5.0 决策树过程..............................................83 附录三 价值观调研问卷 ..............................................89