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面对当今社会的飞速发展和科学技术的不断进步,以及物质生活水平的不断提高,人 们对健康的关注从来没有像今天这样热切,“体育健身”被称为 21 世纪人们小康生活中不 可缺少的内容,“健康”一词已成为当今使用频率最高的流行词语之一。《全国普通高等学 校体育课程指导纲要》站在历史发展的高度,大胆提出了与前人完全不同的课程改革思路, 为高校体育课程改革指明了方向,提供了依据。 选项课教学作为体育教学改革的新的教学模式,符合教学改革的新理念、新思想。在 多年的发展过程中体现了其积极、有益的作用:改变了传统的教学方法;给学生自主支配 的空间和组合的自由;给学生自主掌握学习策略的自由;倡导民主、平等、和谐的师生关 系;有利于激发学生学习的主动性等。 本文以沈阳农业大学 08 级学生体育选项课为研究对象,采用文献资料法、问卷调查 法、专家访谈法,着重论述了沈阳农业大学体育选项课教学管理模式构建的可行性,详细 介绍了该教学模式下的课程体系构建、教学运行管理体系构建、成绩评价体系构建以及教 学监控反馈体系构建,得到以下结论: (1)通过本研究,沈阳农业大学体育选项课教学管理体系的构建基本可行,系统构 建推进了沈阳农业大学体育选项课课程体系的改革,促进了教学质量的提高,有利于学校 体育教学目的、任务的进一步贯彻实施,符合高校体育教育改革对大学生进行素质教育的 需要。 (2)沈阳农业大学体育选项课课程体系的构建与完善,充实了体育选项课的教学内 容,为学生的体育学习提供充足的可选课源,为学生树立广泛的兴趣爱好提供有力支撑。 (3)沈阳农业大学体育选项课教学运行管理体系的构建与完善,极大程度的调动了 教师的工作积极性,提高了教师教学管理水平;改善了教学场馆与教学器材的十分紧缺的 局面;增强了选课过程的规范性,为顺利完成教学过程,提高教学质量奠定坚实的基础。 (4)沈阳农业大学体育选项课成绩评价体系的构建与完善,准确、客观、公正地对 学生学习效果做出评价,极大地激发学生学习体育的积极性,为其终身体育打下良好的基 础。 (5)沈阳农业大学体育选项课教学监督反馈体系的建立与完善,对于整个选项课体系的构建起到了至关重要的作用,它是其他各系统的纽带,它把各系统有机地联系在一起, 只有它的完善,充分发挥其监控与反馈的职能,才能更好地促进其他各子系统的构建与完 善。 经过两年的研究与实践,该教学模式的改革取得了一定的成效,但也存在不足,暴露 出一定的问题,如何更加有效地衔接各系统,使该教学模式能够更加有效的运行,是今后 需要继续研究的方向。 关键词:体育选项课;教学管理体系构建;可行性;教学改革Abstract Facing the rapid development of today's society and the continuous progress of science and the continuous improvement of living standards, people's concern for health has never been such a fervent, Physical Fitness is an indispensable content for the people's well-off life in the 21st century, , health has become one of the most popular words which are frequently used. 《Physical Education Curriculum Framework For National Colleges and Universities》 is standing at the heightly of historical development, proposed a completely different innovation which compared to previous studies, and it define the research directions for reform and consolidation of P. E. in universities and colleges. P.E. elective subjects conform to the new philosophies and new ideas for educational reform as it is a new model of teaching in the reform of physical education. It reflects the positive and useful role in the years of the development process: change the traditional teaching methods; give the students autonomous space to dominate and freedom to combine; give the student freedom to master the learning strategies independently; sparkplug democratic 、 equal 、 harmonious relationship between teachers and students; help to motivate initiatives for the studies of students, etc. This paper aims the P.E. elective subjects for grade 2008 in Shenyang Agricultural University, and adopt methods of collectting documentations, questionnaire surveys, expert interviews, focuses on the feasibility about Teaching System of P.E. elective subjects in Shenyang Agricultural University, details the teaching curriculum construction, teaching system and construction, performance evaluation system for monitoring of building and teaching feedback system construction which depand on this teaching system, and receive some conclusions thereinafter: (1) The teaching system of P.E. elective subjects in Shenyang Agricultural University develop the innovation of the teaching system of P.E. elective subjects in Shenyang Agricultural University, improve teaching quality, beneficial to implementation for teaching objectives and missions, conform to the needs of reforms in P.E. in colleges. (2) The construction and perfection of curriculum of P.E. elective subjects in Shenyang Agricultural University, enrich the contents of P.E. elective subjects, provide more subjects for students to choose, and supporting for student to build up a broad spectrum of interests.(3) The construction and perfection of teaching management system of P.E. elective subjects in Shenyang Agricultural University, motivate teachers’ enthusiasm for work greatly, improve the structure of teacher, improve the overall level of teacher; improve the Situation that the teaching venues and equipments are very shortage; It improve normative of elective progress, and lay the foundation for finishing teaching-progress and improving quality of teaching. (4) The construction and perfection of performance appraisal system of P.E. elective subjects in Shenyang Agricultural University, evaluate the learning efficacy of students accurately, objectively, and fairly, motivate the enthusiasm of students in learning P.E., lay a good foundation for long-live sports. (5) It play a great part in whole system that found and improve the teaching supervision and feedback system of P.E. elective subjects in Shenyang Agricultural University, it is the link for other systems, and it contact other systems organically, the system play a role of the “eyes” and “ears”, it could play a great role by improving this system, and promote the construction and perfection of other sub-systems. After two years of research and practice, this innovation of teaching system achieve great effects, but there are also insufficient, and exposing certain problems, It is the research directions for future that how to link the various systems and operate the system more effectively. Key words: P.E. elective subjects; teaching system; feasibility; teaching reform;目 录 摘要 Abstract 1.体育选项课开展的国内外研究现状................................. 2 1.1 国外研究现状 ........................................................ 2 1.2 国内研究现状 ........................................................ 3 1.2.1 高校体育教学改革新思想的研究 .................................. 3 1.2.2 体育选项课教学模式的研究 ...................................... 4 1.2.3 对高校体育选项课教学现状的研究 ................................ 5 1.2.4 体育选项课教学评价体系的研究 .................................. 6 2.研究对象与方法 ................................................ 7 2.1 研究对象 ............................................................ 7 2.2 研究方法 ............................................................ 7 2.2.1 文献资料法 .................................................... 7 2.2.2 问卷调查法 .................................................... 7 2.2.3 专家访谈法 .................................................... 7 3.研究结果与数据分析 ............................................ 8 3.1 沈阳农业大学体育选项课教学管理体系构建 .............................. 8 3.1.1 体育选项课课程体系构建......................................... 8 3.1.2 体育选项课教学运行管理体系构建................................ 10 3.1.3 体育选项课的学生成绩评定体系构建.............................. 14 3.1.4 体育选项课教学监控反馈体系构建................................ 18 3.2 基于体育选项课教学监控反馈体系的各体系构建效果分析 ................. 21 3.2.1 基于教学监控反馈体系的课程体系建设效果分析.................... 21 3.2.2 基于教学监控反馈体系的教学运行管理体系构建的效果分析.......... 23 3.2.3 基于教学监控反馈体系的成绩评价体系建设效果分析............... 25 4.结论与建议 ................................................... 27 4.1 结论 ............................................................... 274.2 建议 ............................................................... 27