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花式篮球可以提高学生的积极性、主动性,培养他们的创造性,促进青少年更快 地融入社会,以此来适应教育改革的需要。近年来,花式篮球已逐渐发展成为一项研 究课题,对花式篮球引进教学这一课题进行分析研究,挖掘花式篮球的教育价值,为 花式篮球在更大范围内的普及贡献了力量,有利于促进花式篮球的整体发展水平,并 对它发展过程中的问题提供理性建议。本文运用文献资料、专家访谈、逻辑分析等研 究方法,以“中学体育教学引入花式篮球”作为研究对象,梳理了国内外在花式篮球方 面的研究进展,对花式篮球进行了概念和内涵的界定,并分析其技术特点和特征以及 花式篮球在国内乃至国际上兴起的过程,详细分析了在我国兴起的社会原因。通过研 究分析,总结出花式篮球引进体育教学的价值和意义,花式篮球引进体育课堂的优势 及师资匮乏、教材缺乏统一性等挑战,并提出引进的相关配套措施的解决办法。得出 花式篮球引进中学体育教学具有可行性的结论。 关键词,中学体育教学、花式篮球、可行性 作 者: 徐小星 指导老师: 胡 乔II The feasibility study of fancy basketball being introduced to middle school physical education Abstract Fancy basketball can cultivate students' enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, help students adapt themselves to the society more efficiently to meet the requirements of education reform. Fancy basketball has gradually become a research topic in recent years, analyzing of fancy basketball being introduced to physical education、excavating its value of education can not only make contribution to the spreading and promotion of fancy basketball, but also provide rational suggestions on it in its development process. This paper sets “fancy basketball being introduced to middle physical education” as the topic, using the methods of literature study, experts’ interviews and brainstorming survey, combs internal and external research progress of fancy basketball, explains the concepts and internal definition of fancy basketball, summarizes its technical features and characteristics, analysis the process of rising for fancy basketball in internal and external world, detailed analysis the social reason of the rise in our country. We shall get a conclusion of the value and significance of fancy basketball being introduced to physical education by the above analyses, besides, there are still some challenges in the way of fancy basketball being introduced to middle education system that we shall face, such as: shortages of teachers for fancy basketball and unified teaching materials, and this passage provides solutions of the above barriers. At last, we shall get a conclusion that it is feasible for us to introduce fancy basketball into middle physical education system, Key words: middle school education system; fancy basketball; feasibility Written by,Xu Xiaoxing Supervised by,Hu Qiao目 录 1 前言 ......1 1.1 选题依据 .1 1.1.1 培养学生的积极性、主动性和创造性.1 1.1.2 青少年更快地融入社会.......1 1.1.3 教育改革的需要.2 1.2 研究意义 3 1.2.1 理论意义....3 1.2.2 实践意义....4 1.3 国内外研究状况 ......4 1.3.1 国外研究状况....4 1.3.2 国内研究状况....6 2 研究对象与方法 .13 2.1 研究对象 .......13 2.2 研究方法 .......13 2.2.1 文献资料法......13 2.2.2 专家访谈法......13 2.2.3 问卷调查法......13 2.2.4 逻辑分析法......15 2.2.5 案例分析法.......15 2.2.6 数理统计法.......15 3 讨论与分析 16 3.1 花式篮球的概念界定 .....16 3.2 花式篮球在世界的兴起与发展 ........16 3.3 花式篮球进入中国的发展过程 ........18 3.4 花式篮球在中国兴起与发展的社会原因分析 .19 3.4.1 社会环境需要分析....193.4.2 个人健身需求分析....20 3.5 花式篮球主要技术以及特点分析 ....20 3.5.1 规则和参与性分析...21 3.5.2 过程和休闲性分析....22 3.5.3 个性和个人技术分析........22 3.5.4 身体条件分析..22 3.6 花式篮球在学校教育中开展的价值和意义分析 ......23 3.6.1 篮球文化传承分析....23 3.6.2 课余生活分析..23 3.6.3 同学之间的友谊分析24 3.6.4 健身娱乐价值和自身毅力分析..25 3.7 花式篮球在中学推广的可行性分析 ........25 3.7.1 有力条件分析...25 3.7.2 中学引进花式篮球教学优秀案例分析........30 3.8 推进花式篮球走入中学体育的建议及思考 ......34 3.8.1 花式篮球树立可持续发展的体育观念........34 3.8.2 加强花式篮球师资队伍建设......34 3.8.3 改变教学方式,更新教学评价理念及考核方式34 3.8.4 花式篮球教学做到因材施教并力求教学形式多样化.35 3.8.5 加快构建中学花式篮球教材体系.......36 3.8.6 花式篮球教学中注重创新创意能力的培养........36 3.8.7 花式篮球教学防止过度娱乐化倾向...36 3.8.8 处理好花式篮球普及与竞技提高的关系....37 4 结论与建议 38 4.1 结论 .......38 4.2 建议 .......38