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随着我国经济水平的迅猛发展和利率市场化的加深,我国金融市场越来越开 放。在外有许多资金实力雄厚经验丰富的外资银行进入国内市场、内有众多股份 制银行和新兴中小城镇银行、民办银行的崛起的竞争环境下,国有商业银行所占 的市场份额持续下降,已无法继续安然稳坐享受体制带来的红利。面对着如此激 烈的竞争环境,国有商业银行亟需转变旧有的经营模式,积极进行内部改革,以 迎接市场日益多元化的需求和挑战。而银行的各地网点作为市场服务的最基本单 位,承载着很多具体功能和责任。因此,如果完成这些单位的战略升级,让网点 资源得到更科学的利用,将对进一步提升银行整体的经营业绩、在激烈的市场竞 争中脱颖而出有着重要的意义。 本文以中国建设银行呼和浩特市 R 支行为研究对象,在发展战略相关理论基 础上运用战略分析工具,通过对 R 支行的发展现状、发展环境和内部资源能力条 件的梳理,分析出 R 支行所面对的重大历史机遇和遭遇的威胁,其拥有的自身优 势和不足,进而采取 SWOT 分析方法,得出以服务和营销为推力为客户搭建开放 平台构建起 R 支行共荣金融生态圈的密集型成长战略和战略重点,并通过制定相 应的打开营销渠道、构建人才体系等实施保障举措,保障 R 支行发展战略顺利落 地实施。 通过本文研究所形成的战略和结论,期望可以对 R 支行如何在当前经济迅猛 发展的时代背景下生存发展进行战略顶层设计,同时期望可以对我国区域性银行 网点未来发展起到一定参考意义。 关键词,银行业,国有商业银行,发展战略,R 支行II Abstract With the rapid development of China's economic level and deepening of interest rate liberalization, China's financial market is more and more open. In the competitive environment where many foreign-funded Banks with strong financial strength and rich experience enter the domestic market, and where there are numerous joint-stock Banks, small town Banks in the newly developing middle and famous Banks, the market share of state-owned commercial Banks continues to decline, and they cannot continue to enjoy the dividends brought by the system. Faced with such a fierce competitive environment, state-owned commercial Banks need to change the old business model, and actively carry out internal reform, so as to meet the increasingly diversified demands and challenges of the market. As the most basic unit of market service, the branches of Banks carry many specific functions and responsibilities. Therefore, it is of great significance to complete the transformation of these units and make more scientific use of network resources to further improve the overall business performance of Banks and stand out in the fierce market competition. This paper takes China construction bank, Hohhot R branch as the research object, the development strategy of related theory on the basis of strategic analysis tools, through the R branch development present situation, development environment and internal resources ability condition, analyze R branch faces the great historical opportunity and a threat, it has its own advantages and disadvantages, and then take the SWOT analysis method, obtained by service and marketing for thrust structures, open platform for customers build R branch co-prosperity financial ecosystem of intensive growth strategy and strategic priorities, and by setting the corresponding open marketing channels, build the talent system, such as implementing security measures, Ensure the smooth implementation of the development strategy of R sub-branch. Through the strategies and conclusions formed in this paper, it is expected to carry out the top-level strategic design for the survival and development of R sub-branch under the background of the current rapid economic development. At the same time, it is expected to play a certain reference significance for the future development of regional bank branches in China. Key words: Banking, State-owned Commercial Banks, Development Strategy, R Sub-branchIII 目 录 第一章 绪论 ........................................................ 1 1.1 选题背景与研究意义 ........................................... 1 1.1.1 选题背景 ............................................... 1 1.1.2 研究目的及意义 ......................................... 2 1.2 国内外研究现状及相关基础理论 ................................. 3 1.2.1 国内外研究现状 ......................................... 3 1.2.2 相关基础理论 ........................................... 6 1.3 研究思路与方法 ............................................... 9 1.4 主要研究内容 ................................................ 10 第二章 中国建设银行 R 支行发展现状评述 ............................. 12 2.1 中国建设银行呼和浩特分行总体发展现状 ........................ 12 2.2 中国建设银行 R 支行发展历程 .................................. 13 2.2.1 低速发展期(1994 年-2001 年) .......................... 13 2.2.2 高速发展期(2002 年-2008 年) .......................... 14 2.2.3 兴盛期(2009 年-2013 年) .............................. 14 2.2.4 衰落期(2014 年至今) .................................. 14 2.3 中国建设银行 R 支行发展现状 .................................. 14 2.3.1 中国建设银行 R 支行概况 ................................ 14 2.3.2 中国建设银行 R 支行发展现状 ............................ 15 2.4 中国建设银行 R 支行发展中存在的问题 .......................... 18 第三章 中国建设银行 R 支行发展环境分析 ............................. 21 3.1 宏观环境分析 ................................................ 21 3.1.1 政策环境分析 .......................................... 21 3.1.2 经济环境分析 .......................................... 21 3.1.3 社会文化环境分析 ...................................... 22 3.1.4 技术环境分析 .......................................... 22 3.2 行业环境分析 ................................................ 23 3.2.1 行业特征分析 .......................................... 23 3.2.2 行业竞争结构分析 ...................................... 24IV 3.2.3 行业发展趋势分析 ...................................... 26 3.3 发展机遇与威胁分析 .......................................... 27 3.3.1 发展机遇分析 .......................................... 27 3.3.2 发展威胁分析 .......................................... 29 第四章 中国建设银行 R 支行内部环境分析 ............................. 30 4.1 资源条件分析 ................................................ 30 4.1.1 产品资源 .............................................. 30 4.1.2 人力资源 .............................................. 30 4.1.3 客户资源 .............................................. 31 4.1.4 资金资源 .............................................. 32 4.2 能力条件分析 ................................................ 33 4.2.1 营销能力分析 .......................................... 33 4.2.2 渠道创新能力分析 ...................................... 33 4.2.3 运营管理能力分析 ...................................... 34 4.3 优势与劣势分析 .............................................. 35 4.3.1 优势分析 .............................................. 35 4.3.2 劣势分析 .............................................. 36 第五章 中国建设银行 R 支行发展战略选择 ............................. 38 5.1 SWOT 分析 ................................................... 38 5.2 发展战略定位 ................................................ 40 5.3 发展战略重点 ................................................ 42 第六章 中国建设银行 R 支行发展战略实施保障 ......................... 44 6.1 思想观念转变 ................................................ 44 6.1.1 向“以客户为中心”的服务意识转变 ...................... 44 6.1.2 由“销售”思维转向“营销”思维 ........................ 44 6.1.3 提升“金融生态”的大局意识 ............................ 45 6.2 营销渠道建设 ................................................ 45 6.2.1 行外营销渠道 .......................................... 45 6.2.2 行内营销渠道 .......................................... 46 6.3 人才体系建设 ................................................ 47 6.4 运营管理能力提升 ............................................ 47 6.4.1 提升业务办理效率 ...................................... 48 6.4.2 划分功能区域 .......................................... 48V 6.4.3 充实大堂力量 .......................................... 49 6.5 绩效制度优化 ................................................ 50 6.5.1 绩效分配方案 .......................................... 50 6.5.2 绩效谈话表 ............................................ 50 第七章 研究结论与展望 ............................................. 51 7.1 研究结论 .................................................... 51 7.2 研究不足及展望 .............................................. 51