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本文以肇庆市 GXHF 房地产发展有限公司位于肇庆鼎湖区的“鼎湖名轩”房地产 项目为研究对象。在相关理论的基础上,按照商业计划书的要求对项目的规划建设和社 会经济效益做出较为准确的评估,确定项目的可行性,使投资者对自己投资的项目有了 详细的了解,从而增强对项目成功的信心。其主要内容, “鼎湖名轩”房地产项目的开发是由肇庆市 GXHF 房地产发展有限公司负责实施, 开发商肇庆市 GXHF 房地产发展有限公司由三家合资股东公司组成,它们是广东广新外 贸置业发展有限公司、南宁市全诚辉煌房地产开发有限公司、广州禾利鼎置业有限公司。 根据合资公司的投资股本比例承担相应的权利和义务。 项目地块是 2009 年底通过市场竟拍购得,项目的成功开发对公司未来的发展至关 重要,对股东公司特别是初次进入房地产开发行业的广新置业公司更为重要,本文结合 国家对房地产市场调控政策的变化及肇庆市房地产市场发展的现状对项目的影响,通过 对国家政策和环境及实施方案的深入分析得出项目可行性分析。“鼎湖名轩”项目的开 发实施符合国家政策、符合肇庆市发展规划的需要、也符合项目各投资股东的利益。因 此项目将得到了政府的大力支持和股东的支持。 为了得出正确的结论,根据房地产市场定位的相关理论,利用波特的竞争战略理论、 SWOT 分析模型等分析工具,结合肇庆市房地产市场特点,在对市场深入调查分析的 基础上,对该项目进行了市场需求分析及市场定位,制定适应地区特色的项目营销策略 和推广方案。 通过相关的财务指标分析项目的经济效益。本项目按五年开发完成。售价以周边现 售的价格作参考,项目的总成本 150000 万元。项目的销售收入总额 258597.2 万元。项 目净利润 80023.3 万元。因此该项目的开发投资是可行的,且具有较高的经济效益,同 时由于项目起点较高,提高了项目所在地的居住条件和城市品位。 关键词,商业计划;项目定位;营销定位;财务分析II Abstract The dissertation studies the Dinghu Mingxuan real estate project. The real estate is located in Dinghu, Zhaoqing, belonging to GXHF Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. According to relative theories and the requirements of business proposals, the dissertation presents comparatively accurate assessments about the planning, construction and the social economic benefit of the project. It also evaluates the feasibility of the project and provides the investors detailed information on the project, which thus increases their confidence towards this project. The main contents are as followed: Zhaoqing GXHF Real Estate Development Co., Ltd is responsible for the implementation of the real estate project. GXHF Real Estate Development Co., Ltd consists of three shareholding companies- Guangdong Foreign Trade Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., Nanning Quancheng Huihuang Real Estate Development Co. Ltd., and Guangzhou He Li Ding Properties Limited. These three companies are supposed to bear corresponding rights and obligations based on their proportion of capital invested in the joint venture. The project lots are bought on the market by auction at the end of 2009. It is the key to the future development of the company, and has even greater meaning for the shareholding companies, especially for Guangdong Foreign Trade Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., which entered the real estate development industry for the first time. The dissertation shows the feasibility of the project by considering the influence of the adjustment of market regulation on real estate, the status quo of real estate market in Zhaoqing City , and making a deep analysis on the policy, the environment and the implementation plan. The implementation of Dinghu Mingxuan project is in line with national policy, meets the needs of development and planning of Zhaoqing City, and also serves the interests of the shareholders. Therefore, the project gets great support from the government and the shareholders. By referring to the relative theory on real estate market positioning and a deep investigation and analysis of the market in Zhaoqing, the dissertation analyzes the market demand and market positioning of the project, then presents marketing strategies and promotion programs that suits the characteristics of Zhaoqing City through using Porter's Competitive Strategy Theory, SWOT analysis. The dissertation analyzes the economic benefit of the project by referring to related financial index. It takes five years to accomplish this project. The sales price is in line with the current price of its surrounding real estate. Its total investment will be RMB 1.5 billion. ItsIII sales revenue is RMB 2,585,972,000, containing a net profit of 800,233,000RMB. In this case, the project is proved practicable in respect of comparatively high economic benefit. In addition, the project, to some extent, has also improved the local living condition, since that the project provides residence with junior condition for the local people. Key words,Business proposal; Project positioning; Marketing orientation; Financial analysisIV 目 录 摘要.I Abstract ..II 图表清单...VII 第一章 绪论1 1.1 研究背景和意义.. 2 1.1.1 研究背景. 2 1.1.2 研究意义. 3 1.2 研究内容与方法.. 4 1.2.1 研究内容.. 4 1.2.2 研究方法.. 4 1.3 结构 .. 5 第二章 建设单位及项目基本情况7 2.1 建设单位股东构成 .... 7 2.1.1 广东广新外贸置业发展有限公司.... 7 2.1.2 南宁市全诚辉煌房地产开发有限公司.. 7 2.1.3 广州禾利鼎置业有限公司.... 7 2.2 项目概况 .. 8 第三章 项目外部环境分析....10 3.1 项目所在地社会发展情况.. 10 3.2 项目建设内容和规模 .... 11 3.3 发展规划分析 .... 11 3.3.1 国民经济和社会发展符合性分析.. 11 3.3.2 区域和空间规划符合性分析.... 12 3.4 专项规划符合性分析 .... 14 第四章 项目定位与规划设计17 4.1 项目总体定位 .... 17 4.1.1 项目形象定位.... 17 4.1.2 项目产品定位.... 17V 4.2 项目规划与设计 18 4.2.1 项目规划 20 4.3 项目布局 22 4.3.1 功能布局 22 4.3.2 交通组织 23 4.4 场地设计 25 4.4.1 场地竖向设计.... 25 4.4.2 通风与绿化.. 26 4.4.3 节能规划 26 4.4.4 建筑风格 27 4.5 建筑单体设计 .... 28 4.5.1 综述.. 28 4.5.2 户型设计 28 4.6 户型特点 32 4.7 园林规划及景观设计 .... 34 4.7.1 园林规划 34 4.7.2 园林景观设计特色.. 35 第五章 项目营销策略37 5.1 项目投资 37 5.1.1 营销策略 37 5.2 项目价格定位 .... 38 5.3 项目进度安排 .... 40 第六章 经济和风险分析..42 6.1 经济效益分析 .... 42 6.1.1 项目总投资.. 42 6.1.2 资金筹措 45 6.2 风险分析 46 6.3 本章小结 47 结 论....48