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原油市场 月报
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This report was prepared by the U.S. Energy Informa鮀 on Administra鮀 on (EIA), the sta鮀 s鮀 cal and analy鮀 cal agency within theU.S. Department of Energy. By law, EIA’s data, analyses, and forecasts are independent of approval by any other ocer oremployee of the United States Government. The views in this report therefore should not be construed as represen鮀 ng those ofthe Department of Energy or other Federal agencies. U.S. Energy Informa鮀 on Administra鮀 on|Petroleum Marke鮀 ng Monthlyii October 2018 Preface ThePetroleum Marke ng Monthly(PMM) provides informa on and sta s cal data on a variety of crude oils and re nedpetroleum products. The publica on presents sta s cs on crude oil costs and re ned petroleum products sales for use byindustry,government, private sector analysts, educa onal ins tu ons, and consumers. Data on crude oil include the domes c rst purchase price, the f.o.b. and landed cost of imported crude oil, and the re ners’ acquisi on cost of crude oil. Re nedpetroleum product sales data include motor gasoline, dis llates, residuals, avia on fuels, kerosene, and propane. The Oce ofPetroleum and Biofuels Sta s cs, U.S. Energy Informa on Administra on ensures the accuracy, quality, and con den ality ofthe published data in the Petroleum Marke ng Monthly. Scope of data The data within thePetroleum Marke ng Monthlyare compiled fromve Energy Informa on Administra on (EIA) surveyforms. The crude oil sta s cs are calculated from data collected on the following three survey forms: Form EIA-182, “Domes cCrude Oil First Purchase Report”; Form EIA-856, “Monthly Foreign Crude Oil Acquisi on Report”; and Form EIA-14, “Re ners’Monthly Cost Report.” The sta s cs on petroleum product sales prices and volumes are derived from Form EIA-782A, “Re ners’/Gas Plant Operators’Monthly Petroleum Product Sales Report.” The data presented in Tables 45 to 47 are derived from aggrega ons of data from Form EIA-782C, “Monthly Report of PrimeSupplier Sales of Petroleum Products Sold for Local Consump on.” Sec ons Monthly sta s cs on purchases of crude oil and sales of petroleum products are presented in the Petroleum Marke ngMonthly in six sec ons:HighlightsSummary Sta s csCrude Oil PricesPrices of Petroleum ProductsVolumes of Petroleum ProductsPrime Supplier Sales Volumes of Petroleum Products for Local Consump on. The publica on highlights salient sta s cs for the United States in the Summary Sta s cs sec on. More detailed geographiccoverage occurs in the other four sec ons. Geographic coverage for crude oil includes country of origin for foreign crude andPetroleum Administra on for Defense (PAD) Districts and individual States for domes c crude oil. Geographic coverage of thepetroleum products includes PAD Districts and individual States.Detailed sta s cs for crude oil, including the price of imported crude oil by country of origin, by gravity, and by crude stream,can be found in the Crude Oil Prices sec on. PAD District and/or State-level sta s cs for petroleum products are presented in the Prices, Volumes, and Prime Supplier Salesof Petroleum Products sec ons. To aid the reader in determining the market changes, the majority of the tables show data forthe report month and previous month for the current year, and the report month for the previous year. Notes on the tablesFor the crude oil sta s cs referencing Form EIA-182, United States includes the 50 States, the outer con nental shelf, andthe District of Columbia. For crude oil sta s cs referencing either Form EIA-14 or Form EIA-856, United States includesU.S. Energy Informa on Administra on|Petroleum Marke ng Monthlyiii October 2018 the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and all American territories and possessions. Forthe petroleum products data, United States includes the 50 States and the District of Columbia. Prices exclude taxes. Refer to the Explanatory Notes for a tax table on motor fuels.Some of the tables use state abbrevia嘨 ons. Refer to the Explanatory Notes for a table of U.S. Postal State abbrevia嘨 ons.Sales of leaded gasoline are a component of averages and totals prior to October 1993.References to “Re ners” include gas plant operators (see the Glossary for de ni嘨 on of “Gas plant operators”).“Prime supplier” refers to arm that produces, imports, or transports any of the selected petroleum products acrossState boundaries and local marke嘨 ng areas and sells the product to local distributors, local retailers, or end users.The category “Retail outlet” refers to any company-operated outlet selling gasoline, on-highway diesel fuel, or propanefor on-highway vehicle use (see Glossary).No. 2 dis嘨 llate volumes and prices are classi ed in accordance with what the product was sold as, regardless of the actualspeci ca嘨 ons of that product (see de ni嘨 ons of No. 2 dis嘨 llate in the Glossary).Beginning with the February 2007 data release, EIA revised the table formats and content for thePetroleum Marke嘨 ngMonthly(PMM) to eliminate oxygenated gasoline as a separate category and to revise the categories of diesel fuel (i.e.,ultra-low sulfur, low sulfur, and high sulfur). In conjunc嘨 on with these changes, the Total columns in certain PMM tableshave been eliminated to help ensure that sensi嘨 ve data reported to EIA by individual survey respondents may not beclosely es嘨 mated using the aggregates published by EIA. Refer to the Product Guide for new table numbers.As of January 2012, EIA changed the methodology used to calculate the ini嘨 al price es嘨 mates for re ner acquisi嘨 on costsof crude oil. The price es嘨 mate for domes嘨 c crude oil comes from a regression model based on West Texas Intermediate(WTI) crude oil spot market prices. The price es嘨 mate for imported crude oil comes from a regression model that uses abasket of world crude oil prices. The composite price es嘨 mate is a weighted average of the domes嘨 c and imported pricesbased on re nery receipts data found inthePetroleum Supply Annual .Final revisions to 2010 and 2011 monthly and annual values in Tables 1, 1A, and 18-27 were added to thePetroleumMarke嘨 ng Monthlyin the March 2013 issue.As of the March 2016 data release, January and February 2016 OPEC and Non-OPEC crude oil prices in Tables 21 and 22were revised to include Indonesia in OPEC and exclude it from Non-OPEC. Beginning with the November 2017 data release, due to the increase of crude oil ac嘨 vity in the North Dakota region,EIA replaced the North Dakota Sweet Crude Stream on the EIA-182, Domes嘨 c Crude Oil First Purchase Report with thepredominant North Dakota Bakken Crude Stream to provide an accurate price es嘨 mate for an important high volumecrude stream regularly traded in domes嘨 c crude oil markets. U.S. Energy Informa嘨 on Administra嘨 on|Petroleum Marke嘨 ng Monthlyiv October 2018 。。。。。。