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April 13, 2018 BEIJING INDIGO PHASE-II URBAN COMPLEX MASTERPLAN 颐堤港二期城市综合体项目 总图设计 2 April 13, 2018 Sino Ocean Beijing Indigo Phase-II Urban Complex Master Plan 远洋地产商业地产事业部 颐堤港二期城市综合体项目 INDEX MARKET POSITION B. CONCEPT & URBAN ENVIRONMENT C. MASTERPLAN D. ANNEX 市场定位 A. 城市环境 设计补充 A MARKET POSITION SHARING 共享 HEALTH 健康 CULTURE 文化 TECHNOLOGY 科技 “差异化是我们能够创造的街区零售 体验。 它不再是我们空间的四面墙内 有什么东西......当你走出前门时,你 是否处在一个有能量,可走路和通行 的环境中? 当你看到大街上有人,拥 有全套的设施时,你甚至可以在郊区 拥有都市生活方式。“ “在我们这个时代,零售复兴是由经 济,竞争和消费者获得方式的巨大转 变推动的,所有这些都是由高科技的 指数式发展推动的。” “消费者正从购买奢侈品转向偏爱奢 侈品,而传统的实体零售店则通过改 变产品来应对。 定期购物疯狂的日子 已经不再是零售疗法的一种形式。 体 验式零售产品正在取代传统格式,随 着消费者需求变化而发展的零售商最 有可能取得成功。“ “无论是在线还是在实体店,零售的 未来都在于与购物者建立真正的联 系,并在个人层面与他们互动。” MARKET POSITION “The differentiator is that street-level retail experience that we were able to create. It’s no longer about what’s inside the four walls of our space… when you step outside your front door are you in an environment that has energy, walkability and access to transit? When you see people on the street and have a full set of amenities you can have an urban lifestyle even in suburbia.” 远洋地产商业地产事业部 颐堤港二期城市综合体项目 Sino Ocean Beijing Indigo Phase-II Urban Complex Master Plan April 13, 2018 4 “In our times, the retail renaissance is being driven by huge shifts in economics, competition, and consumer access to options, all fueled by exponential advancement in technology.” Mark Toro, North American Properties Deloitte, 2018 “Consumers are shifting away from purchasing luxury goods in favor of splurging on wellness as a luxury, and traditional brick-and-mortar retail stores are responding by changing their offerings. Gone are the days of regular shopping sprees as a form of retail therapy. Experiential retail offerings are replacing traditional formats, and those retailers that evolve with consumers’ changing demands are the most likely to be successful.” Forbes, 2017 “Whether online or in physical stores, the future of retail lies in making authentic connections with shoppers and engaging with them on a personal level.” Bridget Johns, Head of Customer Success, RetailNext 海洋土地商业地产部 设计简介主要定位概念 SINO OCEAN DESIGN BRIEF KEY POSITIONING CONCEPTS 。。。以下略