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I 摘要 乡村振兴战略是中国特色社会主义新时代的重大历史任务,其提出的“产业兴 旺、生态宜居、乡风文明、治理有效、生活富裕”的五大要求,对农业、农村、农 民(三农)的发展具有划时代的重要意义。随着乡村振兴战略的推进,三农面临的 政策条件、经济环境、社会结构都将会有很大改善,同时也给农村金融领域带来了 很多金融支持政策。这让金融机构服务三农有了更宽松的信贷环境和有利条件。同 时,随着多种政策资源不断往三农领域倾斜,更多的金融机构开始进入三农金融领 域,这也使农商银行面临的竞争更加激烈。 本文在乡村振兴的背景下,选取G农商银行为研究对象,以金融深化理论、 普惠金融理论、信息不对称理论为指引,分别从拓宽金融服务广度、提高金融服务 深度、缓解信息不对称的角度研究G农商银行发展对策,从而实现G农商银行在 新背景下更好地服务三农并取得自身发展的目标。 本文首先通过政策研究,针对乡村振兴战略对农业、农村、农民带来的变化, 为后续的金融机构服务三农找准方向目标。随后,文章介绍了与论文研究相关的金 融基础理论,综述了目前农村金融存在的弱点和难点,同时,也指出金融服务三农, 对农村经济增长和农民收入提高具有的正向效应。为了有效规避农村金融的弱点, 更好地解决农村金融市场上的供需矛盾,文章选取国内外农村金融实践中发达国 家美国、日本,发展中国家印度、墨西哥和国内的路桥农商行、乐清农商行的实践 经验为参考。通过分析G农商银行金融服务三农的现状,以及目前在服务三农过 程中的各项信贷措施和服务措施,指出G农商银行在服务三农所存在的问题以及 问题产生的原因。最后以SWOT分析模型为立足点,结合乡村振兴背景下G市三 农发展带来的机遇与挑战,综合G农商银行自身的优势、劣势,提出了G农商银 行应选择SO战略,并针对战略的实施,结合国内外农村金融发展经验,提出了G 农商银行服务三农的三大发展对策:一是紧抓乡村振兴金融政策,拓宽金融服务广 度;二是发展普惠金融,提高金融服务深度;三是降低信息不对称,着力农村信用 体系建设。 关键词:乡村振兴,农商银行,三农,发展对策 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT The Strategy of Rural Vitalization (SRV) is a major historical task in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Its five requirements of " thriving businesses, pleasant living environments, social etiquette and civility, effective governance, and prosperity"are of epoch-making significance to the development of " agriculture, rural areas and farmers". With SRV’s continuous advancement, policies and economic situations faced by “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” will be greatly improved, and financial institutions will also have better credit environment and more favorable conditions while serving “agriculture, rural areas and farmers”. Meanwhile, with the increase of supporting policies in rural financial field, Rural Commercial Banks will face more fierce competition in rural finance. In this study, G Rural Commercial Bank is taken as the main research body; Based on The change of policy environment under the background of Rural Revitalization,such as property system reform and the development of agricultural insurance system, guarantee system construction, and the rural financial infrastructure construction, and taken the rural financial theory, financial repression and financial deepening, financial exclusion and inclusive finance as the theoretical guidance,this paper studies the development countermeasures of G Rural commercial Bank. In this way, G Rural Commercial Bank can better serve“the agriculture, rural areas, and farmers” under the new background and realize its own development goals. First, through studying policies, this thesis points out the developing direction of rural vitalization, and the changes brought to the agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, so that the direction for the financial institutions to serve “the agriculture, rural areas, and farmers” is established. Second, the paper introduces the basic theories of finance related to the research, summarizes the weaknesses and difficulties of current rural finance, and points out that financial services for “the agriculture, rural areas and farmers have a positive effect on rural economic growth and farmers' income. In order to effectively avoid the weakness of rural finance and solve the contradiction between supply and demand of rural financial market, the article takes the advanced policies and effective practices of rural finance as references from developed countries such as the United States, Japan, developing countries such as India, Mexico and China's Luqiao rural commercial ABSTRACT III bank and Yueqing rural commercial bank. Then by analyzing the current situation of G rural commercial bank's financial services for “the agriculture, rural areas and farmers”, as well as the various credit measures and service measures in the process of serving “the agriculture, rural areas and farmers”, this paper points out the existing problems and the causes of the problems in G rural commercial bank's services for “the agriculture, rural areas and farmers”. Finally, based on the SWOT analysis model, combined with the opportunities and challenges brought by the development of G city's agriculture, rural areas and farmers under the background of rural revitalization, considering the advantages and disadvantages of G agricultural commercial bank, this paper puts forward that G agricultural commercial bank should choose the “SO” strategy, and three major development measures for G Rural Commercial Bank to serve the “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” are proposed: The first is to tighten the financial policy in rural areas and broaden the scope of financial services; The second is to develop Inclusive Finance and improve the depth of rural financial services; The third is to focus on the construction of rural credit system and effectively reduce the risk of information asymmetry. Keywords:Rural Vitalization; Rural Commercial Banks; Agriculture, Rural areas and Farmers; Development measures 目 录 IV 目 录 第一章 绪论 ........................ 1 1.1 研究背景与研究意义 ........................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 .... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 .... 3 1.2 研究思路与主要内容 ........................... 4 1.2.1 研究思路与方法 ....................... 4 1.2.2 研究的主要内容 ....................... 4 1.3 本文的创新之处 .... 5 第二章 相关理论与文献综述 ........................... 6 2.1 相关理论基础 ........ 6 2.1.1 农村金融理论 ........................... 6 2.1.2 金融抑制与金融深化 ............... 8 2.1.3 金融排斥与普惠金融 ............... 9 2.1.4 信息不对称理论 ..................... 10 2.2 农村金融文献综述 ............................. 11 2.2.1农村金融促进农村经济发展 .. 11 2.2.2农村金融促进农民收入提高 .. 12 2.2.3农村金融供给不平衡 .............. 12 2.2.4农村金融产品创新不足 .......... 13 2.2.5农村金融评价体系 .................. 13 2.3 SWOT分析法 ...... 14 第三章 国内外农村金融实践经验总结 ......... 15 3.1 发达国家农村金融实践发展经验 ..... 15 3.1.1 美国发达信用体系支持下的土地金融 ................ 15 3.1.2 日本强制保险下的合作金融 . 16 3.2 发展中国家农村金融实践发展经验 . 17 3.2.1 印度互联网金融下的“代理人”制度 ..................... 17 3.2.2 墨西哥低交易成本下的代理银行体系 ................ 18 3.3 国内发达地区农村金融实践经验借鉴 ............................ 19 3.3.1 路桥农商银行打造“网格化管理”样本 ................. 19 目 录 V 3.3.2 乐清农商银行“小而美”风控体系之路 ................. 20 3.4 国内外农村金融实践经验总结 ......... 20 第四章 G农商银行服务三农现状分析 ......... 23 4.1 G农商银行基本情况介绍 ................. 23 4.1.1 历史沿革 .. 23 4.1.2 目前定位 .. 23 4.1.3 网点分布及人员结构 ............. 24 4.2 G农商银行金融服务三农总体情况 . 25 4.2.1 G市农商银行总体存贷款规模 ............................. 25 4.2.2 G市农商银行服务三农信贷规模 ......................... 29 4.3 G农商银行金融服务三农举措 ......... 30 4.3.1 打造金融基础设施建设 ......... 30 4.3.2 提供存款储蓄及结算服务 ..... 30 4.3.3 开拓中间业务服务平台 ......... 32 4.3.4 支持三农特色化信贷产品 ..... 32 4.4 G农商银行金融服务三农存在问题及原因分析 ............ 37 4.4.1 市场广度问题 ......................... 37 4.4.2 市场深度问题 ......................... 39 4.4.3 信贷资产质量下降 ................. 39 第五章 乡村振兴背景下G农商银行服务三农SWOT分析 ...