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吉林省中润石化产品经销有限公司,始建于1996年,位于吉林省长春市。公司主 营业务为加油站的柴油、汽油的销售。二十几年来公司快速发展,如今已成为经营三十 余家加油站,拥有两座现代化多功能油库,500余名员工,上亿元资产的石化产品连锁 经营实体。 加油站是中润石化产品经销有限公司对外经营单元。加油站承担了进、销油的一切 事务:油品的储存,柴、汽油的销售,客户的管理等等。随着市场的不断饱和,国内巨 头企业的不断挤压,作为民营企业的加油站面临着巨大的生存压力。面对着巨大的行业 竞争,企业必须以人为核心资源,不断发掘人的无限潜能,提升服务意识。将企业发展 与个人发展目标相结合,不断更新思想,提升服务质量,实现企业的可持续发展。同时 现有的人资体系不足以支持公司的快速发展,只有不断完善,通过制度、培训等一系列 的措施保证公司人才培训、职级晋升的通道畅通,公司才能稳步向前发展。 本文运用了胜任素质模型、马斯洛需求层次等理论,将加油站基层员工培训作为研 究对象,研究加油站员工培训现状,深入分析其成因,重新设计培训方案,制定保障措 施进行落地,对于加油站基层员工的培训具有一定意义。本文一共有4章:第1章是绪 论,主要写了论文的研究背景、意义、内容及研究方法。第2章对加油站基层员工培训 现状进行分析,包括人员现状、员工培训现状。介绍了公司的基本情况并对加油站基层 员工培训状况进行了分析说明,得出了领导层对于培训的不重视、制度不健全、没有专 门的培训师队伍、评估形式化等问题。第3章依据第2章的分析,提出了加油站基层员 工培训体系设计的详细内容以及流程。首先提出培训的思路与原则,坚持企业与员工共 同成长,用发展的角度来审视培训工作,在注重培养员工技能的同时加强思想建设,将 员工成长与企业发展联系在一起。其次通过调查问卷,了解员工的培训需求。再次是员 工培训计划的制定,通过制定组织计划、培训讲师培训计划、与培训流程计划使员工培 训计划更完整。第4章提出培训体系顺利实施的各种保障,包括组织保障、制度保障、 经费保障。以保证培训工作的持续性、长期性以及随着公司业务发展及员工成长所需的 持续改进的原则。 加油站作为公司重要组成单元,在公司发展中起到了至关重要的作为,作为国计民 生的重要保障,为社会发展也贡献了自己的力量。本文的研究尽可能涵盖加油站基层员 工培训工作的所有内容,以期实现培训模式的完善,帮助基层员工较快地提高综合素质, 0 投身到公司的发展建设当中去,提升公司的综合实力、为社会发展尽一份力量。 关健词:培训体系,培训现状,实施保障 N Abstract Jilin Zhongrun Petrochemical Product Distribution Co., Ltd. was founded in 1996 and is located in Changchun City, Jilin Province. The company's main business is the sale of diesel and gasoline at gas stations. Over the past 20 years, the company has developed rapidly. Now it has become a petrochemical product chain operating entity with more than 30 gas stations, two modern multifunctional oil depots, more than 500 employees, and assets of over 100 million yuan. The gas station is the external operating unit of Zhongrun Petrochemical Product Distribution Co., Ltd. The gas station is responsible for everything from the purchase and sale of oil: storage of oil products, sales of diesel and gasoline, management of customers, and so on. As the market continues to saturate and domestic giant companies continue to squeeze, gas stations as private enterprises are facing tremendous pressure for survival. In the face of huge industry competition, companies must take people as the core resource, constantly explore the unlimited potential of people, and improve service awareness. Combining corporate development with personal development goals, constantly updating ideas, improving service quality, and achieving sustainable corporate development. At the same time, the existing human resources system is not sufficient to support the rapid development of the company. Only through continuous improvement and a series of measures such as systems and training to ensure that the company's personnel training and promotion of ranks are unblocked, can the company develop steadily. This paper uses the competency model, Maslow's hierarchy of needs and other theories. It takes the training of basic staff in gas stations as research objects, studies the current situation of staff training in gas stations, analyzes their causes in depth, redesigns training programs, formulates safeguard measures for implementation The training of the grassroots staff of the station is of some significance. This article consists of 4 chapters: Chapter 1 is the introduction, which mainly writes the research background, meaning, content and research methods of the thesis. The second chapter analyzes the current situation of the basic staff training in gas stations, including the current status of staff and the current status of staff training. The basic situation of the company was introduced, and the training situation of the basic staff in the gas station was analyzed and explained. It was concluded that the leadership did not attach importance to training, the system was not complete, there was no dedicated trainer team, and the evaluation was formalized. Chapter 3 proposes the detailed content and process of the design of the training system for the basic staff of the gas station based on the analysis in Chapter 2. First put forward training ideas and principles, adhere to the common growth of enterprises and employees, review the training work from the perspective of O development, strengthen the ideological construction while focusing on the development of employee skills, and link employee growth with enterprise development. Followed by a questionnaire to understand the training needs of employees. The third is the formulation of the employee training plan. The organization of the employee training plan is completed by formulating an organizational plan, a training instructor training plan, and a training process plan. Chapter 4 proposes various guarantees for the smooth implementation of the training system, including organizational guarantees, institutional guarantees, and financial guarantees. In order to ensure the continuity, long-term nature of the training work, and the principles of continuous improvement required by the company's business development and employee growth. As an important component of the company, the gas station has played a vital role in the development of the company. As an important guarantee for national economy and people's livelihood, it has also contributed its own strength to social development. The research in this article covers as much as possible the training of basic staff in gas stations, with a view to improving the training model, helping basic staff to improve their overall quality relatively quickly, and devoting themselves to the company's development and construction, improving the company's comprehensive strength, Make a contribution to development. Key words: Training System, Training Status ,Implementation Guarantee P 目录 第1章 绪论 .............................................................. 5 1.1研究背景与意义 ...................................................... 5 1.2研究方法与内容 ...................................................... 6 1.3理论基础与文献综述 .................................................. 7 第2章 中润石化加油站基层员工培训现状及问题分析 ......................... 10 2.1中润石化公司简介 ................................................... 10 2.2中润石化加油站培训现状 ............................................. 11 2.3基层员工培训存在的主要问题 ......................................... 14 2.4基层员工培训问题的成因分析 ......................................... 16 第3章 中润石化加油站基层员工培训方案设计 ............................... 18 3.1员工培训需求分析 ................................................... 18 3.2员工培训计划制定 ................................................... 20 3.3员工培训计划实施 ................................................... 24 3.4员工培训方案效果评估及反馈 ......................................... 27 第4章 中润石化加油站基层员工培训的保障 ................................. 30 4.1员工培训的组织保障 ................................................. 30 4.2员工培训的制度保障 ................................................. 30 4.3员工培训的经费保障 ..................................