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交通技术的不断革新和高速铁路的建设引发了“第二次铁路大时代”。目前, 中国的高速铁路里程已居于世界首位,且在未来一段时间内持续增加。由于高速、 便捷、舒适的特点,高速铁路已成为旅游者出行的新选择,更为高铁沿线城市区 域旅游发展带来新的经济增长点。高铁旅游已经成为当下我国旅游研究的热门选 题之一。既有文献研究了高速铁路对交通可达性、旅游目的地选择、其它旅游交 通系统、旅游空间结构以及旅游经济发展水平的影响,这些文献充实了高铁旅游 的研究内容,也为进一步的深入研究奠定基础并提供有益启发。但仍存在以下不 足:一是当前研究对象多为某条线路、某个城市或某个城市群,从全国范围内使 用大样本数据进行分析的研究仍然缺乏;二是研究方法集中在社会网络分析、灰 色关联度模型、引力模型等,这些方法虽能比较高铁开通前后区域旅游业变化, 但并不足以证明高速铁路对区域旅游业的重要程度;三是少有学者实证分析高速 铁路开通条件下旅游经济增长的异质性与空间溢出效应。 基于现有研究的不足,文章以2002-2017年260个地级及以上城市数据为支 撑,从以下三个方面进行了分析:第一,采用双重差分法,在全国范围内实证检 验高速铁路开通是否对区域旅游增长产生显著影响,同时考虑内生性问题,引入 工具变量进一步分析高铁开通的影响。第二,探讨不同公路网络发达程度、旅游 经济依赖程度以及独特性旅游资源禀赋下,高速铁路对区域旅游经济增长的异质 性影响。第三,检验高速铁路对区域旅游经济增长的影响是否存在空间溢出效应。 文章研究结论如下:第一,高速铁路开通对城市旅游经济总量以及国内旅游经济 的影响显著为正,在剔除经济发展水平、旅游资源发展水平、第三产业占比等影 响后,上述结论仍然成立;第二,高速铁路开通对城市旅游经济的影响存在异质 性,旅游经济依赖程度越高的城市,高速铁路开通对其旅游经济的促进作用越强, 具有独特性旅游资源的城市,高速铁路开通对其旅游经济的促进作用也越强。第 三,高速铁路的开通能够给周边城市带来积极的外溢效应,即高速铁路的开通不 仅能够提高本城市旅游经济总量和国内旅游经济,还能够促进周边未开通高铁地 区的旅游经济增长。 关键词:高速铁路,旅游经济,双重差分,内生性,空间溢出 II THE IMPACT OF HIGH-SPEED RAILWAY ON URBAN TOURISM ECONOMIC GROWTH Abstract The continuous innovation of transportation technology and the construction of high-speed railway led to the "second great railway era".At present, China's high-speed railway mileage in operation has become the longest in the world, and the mileage will continue to increase in the future. Because of its outstanding efficiency in shortening travel time and enhancing traffic accessibility, high-speed railway has not only brought a new mode of traffic choice for tourists, but also brought a positive impact on the economic growth of regional tourism along the route. High-speed railway tourism has become one of the hot topics in China's tourism research. Existing literatures have studied the influence of high-speed railway on traffic accessibility, tourism destination selection, other tourism transportation systems, tourism spatial structure and tourism economic development level. These literatures have enriched the research content of high-speed railway tourism, laid the foundation for further in-depth research and provided inspiration. However, there are still the following deficiencies in the above literature: first, the existing research objects were mostly a certain line, a certain city or a certain city group, and there is still a lack of research on using large sample data for analysis nationwide. Second, the research methods focused on social network analysis, grey relational degree model, gravity model, etc. Although these methods can compare the changes of regional tourism after the opening of high-speed railway, they are not enough to prove the importance of high-speed railway to regional tourism.Third, few scholars empirically analyzed the heterogeneity and spatial spillover effect of tourism economic growth under the condition of high-speed railway. Based on the deficiencies of existing studies, this paper, using data of 260 prefecture-level cities from 2002 to 2017, analyzed the following three aspects. First, the double-difference method was adopted to empirically test whether the opening of high-speed railway has a significant impact on the growth of regional tourism in the whole country, meanwhile, considering the endogenous problem, and instrumental variables wre introduced to further analyze the impact of the opening of high-speed III railway. Second, the paper discussed the heterogeneous influence of high speed railway on regional tourism economic growth under different developed degree of road network, dependence degree of tourism economy and endowment of tourism resources. Thirdly, this paper tested whether there is spatial spillover effect of high-speed railway on regional tourism economic growth. The results showed that the effect of the opening of high-speed railway on the total urban tourism economy and domestic tourism economy were significantly positive. And there was heterogeneity in the impact of high-speed railway on urban tourism economy. The more dependent the tourism economy is, the stronger the promotion effect of high-speed railway on its tourism economy will be. For cities with unique tourism resources, the stronger the promotion effect of high-speed railway on their tourism economy will be. Lastly, the opening of high-speed railway can bring positive spillover effect to the surrounding cities. In other words, the opening of high-speed railway can not only promote the development of the city's tourism economy and domestic tourism economy, but also promote the development of the surrounding region's tourism economy. Keywords: high-speed railway, tourism economy, difference in difference, endogenous, space overflow Ⅳ 目 录 中文摘要..................................................................................................... Ⅰ Abstract ...................................................................................................... II 第一章 绪论 ............................................................................................ 1 1.1 选题背景与研究意义 ................................................................................... 1 1.1.1 选题背景 ................................................................................................ 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ................................................................................................ 2 1.2 国内外研究综述 ........................................................................................... 3 1.2.1 交通对旅游业影响研究综述 ................................................................ 3 1.2.2 高速铁路对旅游业影响研究综述 ........................................................ 6 1.2.3 文献述评 ................................................................................................ 9 1.3 研究思路与方法 ......................................................................................... 10 1.3.1 研究思路 .............................................................................................. 10 1.3.2 研究方法 .............................................................................................. 10 1.4 论文创新点 ................................................................................................. 11 第二章 理论基础与研究假设 .............................................................. 12 2.1 基本概念 ..................................................................................................... 12 2.1.1 高速铁路 .............................................................................................. 12 2.1.2 可达性 .................................................................................................. 12 2.1.3 旅游吸引力 .......................................................................................... 13 2.2 理论基础 ..................................................................................................... 13 2.2.1 增长极理论 .......................................................................................... 13 2.2.2 核心—边缘理论 .................................................................................. 15 2.2.3 旅游距离