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长春恒久工程技术集团发展战略研究 近来年国家经济进入增速换档和调整经济结构的阶段,经济增长从高速度 向高质量转变,高耗能、高污染、产能过剩的行业受到限制,各行业也都向着 绿色、节能、环保的方向转变。受此影响,以冶金设计、矿山设计、建筑设计 为主业的长春恒久工程技术集团陷入经营困境。在冶金行业方面,国家开启供 侧改革后,淘汰落后产能,发布政策严控新增产能上马,至2018年,我国钢铁 行业化解了1.5亿吨的过剩产能;在矿山行业方面,环保检查执行力度升级, 国家加大了矿山环保治理,大量矿山因环保不合格而被关停,新建矿山的审批 越来越严,而国家鼓励矿山向绿色矿山方向发展,鼓励矿山企业走向海外开发 矿产资源;在建筑行业方面,国家发布了大量支持发展绿色建筑、装配式建筑 的政策。 目前,我国经济发展已经进入到工业化后期,逐步告别过去粗放式的发展 方式,不断地提升经济发展质量,更加注重环保,使工业文明转向生态文明。 在这样的背景之下,像长春恒久工程技术集团这样从事传统产业的企业,如何 调整自己的战略,跟上时代的发展,对其生存发展极为重要。对我国大量的工 程设计中小企业也有一定的借鉴意义。 本文以长春恒久工程技术集团为研究对象,采用文献分析法、实证研究分 析法,试图阐释在国家经济转型的大环境下,集团如何变革抓住机会,使自己 摆脱困境,继续发展壮大,提出发展战略。 本文第一章为绪论,主要介绍了选题背景与意义、研究方法、理论基础等 内容,在当前环境下,长春恒久工程技术集团不是个例,对其进行研究,对其 他同样陷入困境的工程设计院有一定的参考价值。第二章主要研究了集团的现 状和问题分析,集团面临业务萎缩,人员流失,市场竞争力下降等问题,抓住 时机转型已经是刻不容缓的问题。第三章根据PEST分析和波特五力模型研究了 II 集团的外部环境,对内部环境进了资源分析和竞争力分析,又通过SWOT分析, 对集团的优势、劣势、机会、威胁进行了梳理,最后通过QSPM矩阵,确定了扭 转型战略(WO战略)的发展方向,借助国家大力提倡装配式建筑、绿色建筑的 新机遇,补充装配式建筑设计、施工的人才,深入开拓东北三省及内蒙的建筑 市场,积累设计经验,打造一支可以承接装配式建筑工程总承包的队伍,在装 配式建筑市场建立自己的品牌。第四章通过大战略矩阵,选出了集团未来要依 次实施的战略,并且建立和完善公司相关制度,从人力、财力、物力的角度制 定了确保战略能够顺利实施的保障措施。 关键词: 装配式建筑,SWOT分析,发展战略 III Abstract Study on the Strategic Development of Changchun Hengjiu Engineering Technology Group In recent years, the national economy has entered the stage of shifting gears and adjusting economic structure. Change of economic growth from high speed to high quality. Industries with high energy consumption, high pollution and excess capacity are limited. All trades and professions are also moving towards the direction of green, energy-saving and environmental protection. Affected by this, Changchun Hengjiu Engineering Technology Group, with metallurgical design, mine design and architectural design as its main business, is in a dilemma. In metallurgical industry, after the Opening of Supply-side Reform in China, eliminate backward production capacity, and publish policies to strictly control new production capacity. Up to 2018, China's iron and steel industry has eliminated 150 million tons of excess capacity. In the mining industry, upgrading the implementation of environmental protection inspection. The state has increased environmental protection in mines. A large number of mines were shut down because of environmental disqualification. The approval of new mines is getting stricter and stricter. The state encourages mines to develop in the direction of green mines and encouraging mining enterprises to exploit mineral resources overseas. In the construction industry, the state has issued a large number of policies to support the development of green buildings and assembly buildings. At present, China's economic development has entered the late stage of industrialization. gradually say goodbye to the extensive way of development in the IV past. Continuously improve the quality of economic development and pay more attention to environmental protection. Turning industrial civilization to ecological civilization. Against this background, enterprises engaged in traditional industries like Changchun Hengjiu Engineering Technology Group, how to adjust its strategy and keep up with the development of the times. It is very important for its survival and development. It can also be used for reference for a large number of small and medium-sized engineering design enterprises in China. This paper takes Changchun Hengjiu Engineering Technology Group as the research object. With document analysis and Empirical Study, trying to explain the environment of national economic transition, how to change the group and seize the opportunity. Get itself out of trouble, and continue to develop and grow, put forward the development strategy. The first chapter of this article is the introduction. This chapter mainly introduces the background and significance of the topic, research methods, theoretical basis and so on. In the current environment, Changchun Hengjiu Engineering Technology Group is not an example. Study on it, it has certain reference value for other engineering design institutes which are also in trouble. The second chapter mainly studies the current situation and problems of the group. Group is facing business contraction, loss of staff, and the decline of market competitiveness and other issues. Grasping the opportunity to transform is an urgent problem. The third chapter studies the external environment of the group based on PEST analysis and Porter's Five Forces Model. Resource analysis and competitiveness analysis of internal environment. Through SWOT analysis, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the group are sorted out. Finally, the QSPM matrix is used. The development direction of the twist strategy (WO strategy) is determined. V With new opportunities for assembled building and green building promoted by the state, supplementary talents of assembly architectural design and construction, deeply develop the construction market of the three northeast provinces and Inner Mongolia. Accumulate design experience, create a team that can undertake the general contracting of assembly-type construction projects. Establish its own brand in the assembled construction market. The fourth chapter through the Grand Strategic Matrix, the strategy that the group will implement in turn in the future is selected. And establish and improve the company's relevant system. From the perspectives of human, financial and material resources, we have formulated safeguard measures to ensure the smooth implementation of the strategy.